# ![HELP LOGO](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/7880370?s=75&v=4) HELP DMU product repository This repository contains the products of the various HELP *Data Management Units* (DMU). The Github repository contains everything except the actual data, while [its mirror on HeDaM](http://hedam.lam.fr/HELP/dataproducts/) contains everything. The reason not to store the data files in Github is that git is not designed for storing large data files. The directory structures on HeDaM and GitHub are identical. If you plan to use HELP data extensively, we recommend cloning the GitHub repository and downloading data to the corresponding data folders on your computer so that relative links continue to work properly. As well as accessing the binary data files on HeDaM: - [http://hedam.lam.fr/HELP/dataproducts/](http://hedam.lam.fr/HELP/dataproducts/) it is also possible to query the data from the Virtual Observatory database: - [https://herschel-vos.phys.sussex.ac.uk/](https://herschel-vos.phys.sussex.ac.uk/) The data can be browsed online using the HELP image and catalogue viewer: - [http://hedam.lam.fr/HELP/dataproducts/dmu31/dmu31_HiPS/viewer/](http://hedam.lam.fr/HELP/dataproducts/dmu31/dmu31_HiPS/viewer/) These images and catalogues can also be loaded in to Aladin Desktop. The urls for each product are discussed in [dmu31/dmu31_HiPS](dmu31/dmu31_HiPS). The repository is organised as follows: - Each DMU (see [list below](#dmu-list)) has its own directory (e.g. DMU24/ contains photometric redshifts). - Each DMU product (e.g. photometric redshifts in the XMM-LSS field) lives in a separate sub-directory. These are typically organised by field. These contain a `readme.md` file describing the data product. If you want to keep your data in the clone of this repository on your computer, you can put it in a `data/` folder inside the DMU product directory. These folders are automatically ignored by git. DMU list -------- Here is the list of the DMU numbers with their associated responsibility. Some of these involve ongoing work and are not currently on GitHub. dmu32 contains the main HELP data product which joins together data from dmu0 (optical surveys), dmu1 (masterlist), dmu24 (photometric redshifts), dmu26 (XID+ fluxes), dmu28 (CIGALE SED fits). DMU | Contents -------------------|------------------------------------------ [DMU0](dmu0) | Pristine catalogues [DMU1](dmu1) | Masterlist data [DMU2](dmu2) | Field definitions DMU3 | Morphologies (under development) [DMU4](dmu4) | Bright Star Mask [DMU5](dmu5) | Known Star Flag [DMU6](dmu6) | Optical photometry validation DMU7 | Optical photometry (under development) [DMU8](dmu8) | Radio data - LOFAR & FIRST/NVSS/TGSS [DMU9](dmu9) | Radio data - JVLA-DEEP & GMRT-DEEP [DMU10](dmu10) | Data Fusion DMU11 | Cross matching MIPS/PACS/SPIRE (under development) [DMU12](dmu12) | Cross Matching LOFAR & FIRST/NVSS/TGSS [DMU13](dmu13) | Cross Matching JVLA-DEEP & GMRT-DEEP [DMU14](dmu14) | GALEX data DMU15 | X-Ray data (under development) [DMU16](dmu16) | WISE Photometry [DMU17](dmu17) | MIPS Maps [DMU18](dmu18) | PACS maps [DMU19](dmu19) | SPIRE maps DMU20 | MIPS blind photometry (under development) DMU21 | PACS blind photometry (under development) [DMU22](dmu22) | SPIRE blind photometry [DMU23](dmu23) | Spec-z data [DMU24](dmu24) | Photo-z [DMU25](dmu25) | Prior model [DMU26](dmu26) | XID+ DMU27 | Empirical models / templates (under development) [DMU28](dmu28) | SED fitting / CIGALE DMU29 | Radiative transfer models (under development) DMU30 | Missing (supplementary) Sources (under development) [DMU31](dmu31) | Tools [DMU32](dmu31) | Merged catalogue Running the code ---------------- Most of the code used to generate and manipulate data here is run through Jupyter notebooks and makes extensive use of the Python package `herschelhelp_internal` written for the purpose. Installation instructions are available on the GitHub download page: - [https://github.com/H-E-L-P/herschelhelp_internal](https://github.com/H-E-L-P/herschelhelp_internal) If you don't wish to rerun or adapt the code here but just to use the data, you may be interested in the Python package `herschelhelp_python`. We anticipate most users of HELP data using this package. - [https://github.com/H-E-L-P/herschelhelp_python](https://github.com/H-E-L-P/herschelhelp_python) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Authors**: [Raphael Shirley](http://raphaelshirley.co.uk/), Yannick Roehlly, Peter Hurley, Ken Duncan, Kasia Malek, Estelle Pons, [Seb Oliver](http://www.sussex.ac.uk/profiles/91548) ![HELP LOGO](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/7880370?s=75&v=4) The Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project, ([HELP](http://herschel.sussex.ac.uk/)), is a [European Commission Research Executive Agency](https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/research-executive-agency_en) funded project under the SP1-Cooperation, Collaborative project, Small or medium-scale focused research project, FP7-SPACE-2013-1 scheme, Grant Agreement Number 607254. [Acknowledgements](http://herschel.sussex.ac.uk/acknowledgements)