# TGSS-ADR1 All-sky 7-sigma catalogue This catalogue contains all sources detected in the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey Alternative Data Release 1 (Intema et al. 2017; Homepage: http://tgssadr.strw.leidenuniv.nl/doku.php). The data release covers all of the radio sky at 150 MHz above a declination of -53 DEC (3.6π sr, or 90 percent of the full sky) at a resolution of 25“ x 25” north of 19° DEC and 25“ x 25” / cos(DEC-19°) south of 19°, and a median noise of 3.5 mJy/beam. The catalogue has been generated using standard PyBDSF parameters. The following text describes the various columns in the catalogue: 1. `Source_id` - Radio source ID 2. `RA` - Radio RA (J2000) 3. `E_RA` - Error on radio RA 4. `DEC` - Radio declination (J2000) 5. `E_DEC` - Error on radio declination 6. `Total_flux` - Total flux in Jy 7. `E_Total_flux` 8. `Peak_flux` - Peak flux in Jy 9. `E_Peak_flux` 10. `Maj` - Major axis of the source in degrees 11. `E_Maj` 12. `Min` - Minor axis of the source in degrees 13. `E_Min` 14. `PA` - Position angle of the source 15. `E_PA` 16. `Source_code` - Source morphology; S: single component, M: multiple components 17. `Mosaic_name` - Relevant image mosaic where the source was detected