Master catalogue used: __master_catalogue_akari-nep_20180205.fits__<br>
Number of rows: 531,746
Surveys included:<br>
| Survey | Telescope / Instrument | Filters (detection band in bold) | Location |
| AKARI-NEP-OptNIR | CFHT/Megacam/WIRCAM | u*g'r'i'z'YJK | dmu0_AKARI-NEP-OptNIR |
| PanSTARRS-3SS | GPC1 | grizy | dmu0_PanSTARRS-3SS |
| NEP-Spitzer | Spitzer/IRAC | IRAC12 | dmu0_NEP-Spitzer |
__NB: Megacam and WIRCAM do not have aperture magnitudes for AKARI-NEP__
Master catalogue used: master_catalogue_akari-nep_20180205.fits
Number of rows: 531,746
Surveys included:
Survey | Telescope / Instrument | Filters (detection band in bold) | Location |
AKARI-NEP-OptNIR | CFHT/Megacam/WIRCAM | u*g'r'i'z'YJK | dmu0_AKARI-NEP-OptNIR |
PanSTARRS-3SS | GPC1 | grizy | dmu0_PanSTARRS-3SS |
NEP-Spitzer | Spitzer/IRAC | IRAC12 | dmu0_NEP-Spitzer |
NB: Megacam and WIRCAM do not have aperture magnitudes for AKARI-NEP
At faint magnitudes (mag > 24), some surveys have very large errors on the magnitude. These objects may be unreliable for science puposes.<br>
This includes __PAn-STARRS aperture and total__ (at mag > 23). <br>
<img src="help_plots/AKARI-NEP_magVSmagerr_GPC1_g_mag_total.png" />
faint magnitudes (mag > 24), some surveys have very large errors on
the magnitude. These objects may be unreliable for science puposes.
This includes PAn-STARRS aperture and total (at mag > 23).
### II.a. Pan-STARRS aperture and total magnitudes
Few Pan-STARRS sources have exactly the same error (of <font color='blue'>0.0010860000038519502</font>) on the __aperture and total__ magnitudes in all the grizy bands. The corresponding aperture magnitude should not be trusted for these objects.<br>
<img src="help_plots/AKARI-NEP_gpc1Issues_GPC1_i_mag_aperture.png" />
Few Pan-STARRS sources have exactly the same error (of 0.0010860000038519502) on the aperture and total magnitudes in all the grizy bands. The corresponding aperture magnitude should not be trusted for these objects.
### II.c IRAC aperture magnitude
IRAC1 and IRAC2 bands are available in this field, but there are __no__ sources with exactly the same magnitude (as it is the case in other fields with IRAC observations).
IRAC1 and IRAC2 bands are available in this field, but there are no sources with exactly the same magnitude (as it is the case in other fields with IRAC observations).
### II.b. Outliers
By comparing magnitude in the same band between different surveys, we can see that some magnitudes are significanlty different could not be trusted. <br>
The outliers are identified to have a large weighted magnitude difference (equivalent of the $chi^2$).
$$chi^2 = \frac{(mag_{1}-mag_{2})^2}{magerr_{1}^2 + magerr_{2}^2}$$
We used the 75th and 25th percentile to flagged the objects 5$\sigma$ away on the large values tail of the $chi^2$ ditribution. (__NB:__ bright sources tend to have their errors underestimated with values as low as $10^{-6}$, which is unrealistic. So to avoid high $chi^2$ due to unrealistic small errors, we clip the error to get a minimum value of 0.1% (i.e. all errors smaller then $10^{-3}$ are set to $10^{-3}$).)
$$outliers == [chi^2 > (75th \;percentile + 3.2\times (75th \;percentile - 25th \;percentile))]$$
<img src="help_plots/AKARI-NEP_outliers_Megacam_r_total_-_GPC1_r_total.png"/>
By comparing magnitude in the same band between different surveys, we
can see that some magnitudes are significanlty different could not be
The outliers are identified to have a large weighted magnitude difference (equivalent of the ).