Script to flag GAIA stars ========================= This product is a Python script to add a `gaia_flag` column to a catalogue base of Seb's prescriptions: - 1 (possibly a Gaia object) if the nearest Gaia source is between 1.5” and 2”; - 2 (probably a Gaia object) if the nearest Gaia source is between 0.6” and 1.5”; - 3 (definitely a Gaia object) if the nearest Gaia source is closer that 0.6”; - 0 otherwise. The script needs these Python modules: astropy, click, numpy, and pyvo. It is executed like this: ` ` where: - `` is the catalogue to flag. The positions must be in the `ra` and `dec` columns, in decimal degrees, and in the J2000 reference. - `gaia_cat_or_field` is either a Gaia catalogue extracted from the HELP database or the name on an HELP field; in that case the Gaia catalogue will be downloaded from the HELP VO server. The script produces a `_flagged.fits` catalogue.