pro star_artefacts_star, starcat, nstars, title, fit_params, prior_r_max=prior_r_max ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; star-source x-correlated catalogue structure ; title, string for labeling plot ; x_min, x_max - radial model fitting range (outputs) ; fit_params: parameters fitted to radial number density around stars ; limit - returned value estimating best limiting radius (derived from ; fit_params and reliability thresholds) ; ; TBD - needs to return some sort of quality metric on fit parameters ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; in this routine we are just modelling the detection of the star ; itself it should be close to a Gaussian with witdth determined by ; the errors in the star positions. We asume this is on a zero ; background as we are in the whole. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PART 0 calculating the binnned density profile ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; We are not going to do anything fancy here as the counts are ; expected to be high in region of interst ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; counting sources in bins of r^2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_plot_ps,'' dr=0.05 h=histogram(starcat.separation,bin=dr,min=0.,location=x) ; x is the radius of the bin x=x+dr/2 omega=2*!pi*x*dr ; y is counts scaled to sensible units y=h/float(nstars)/omega ; counts per star per square arc sec good=where(starcat.separation le prior_r_max) ; estimate the sigma of the Gaussian direct from all the pairs ; (i.e. not from the histogram). Really this should be corrected for ; the truncation, but this fitting is hugely important for the whole ; artefact masking question. sigma=sqrt(mean(starcat[good].separation^2)) ; set a range for the histogram peak_range=where(x le prior_r_max) ; estimate the profile from the scaling required of a Gaussian with ; given sigma (should only be required for plotting) profile=exp(-(x/sigma)^2) amp=mean(y[peak_range]/profile[peak_range]) fit_params=[amp,sigma] ; then fitting this with Gaussian ; then fitting this with Gaussian ;Result_hole = GAUSSFIT(x[peak_range], y[peak_range], hole_params, NTERMS=3) ;hole_x=hole_params[1] ;if hole_x le 0 then begin ; message,'error, negative hole radius',/inf ; hole_x=0 ;endif ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; grouping together all the plotting at the end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- plot,x[peak_range],y[peak_range],xtitle='!17Separation !7[!17arc sec!7]!17',$ ytitle='!17Master density !7[!17(arc sec)!u-2!n!7]!17',$ title=title,psym=10;,yrange=[0,back0*3] oplot,x[peak_range],amp*profile[peak_range],colo=2 ;stop endps return end