pro plotsym, psym, psize, FILL=fill,thick=thick,Color = color ;+ ; NAME: ; PLOTSYM ; PURPOSE: ; Define useful plotting symbols not in the standard !PSYM definitions. ; EXPLANATION: ; After a symbol has been defined with PLOTSYM, a plotting command should ; follow with either PSYM = 8 or !P.PSYM = 8 (see USERSYM) ; ; For additional rotationally symmetric plotting symbols, see VSYM.PRO ; or ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; PLOTSYM, PSYM,[ PSIZE, /FILL, THICK=, COLOR=] ; ; INPUTS: ; PSYM - The following integer values of PSYM will create the ; corresponding plot symbols ; 0 - circle ; 1 - downward arrow (upper limit), base of arrow begins at plot value value ; 2 - upward arrow (lower limt) ; 3 - 5 pointed star ; 4 - triangle ; 5 - upside down triangle ; 6 - left pointing arrow ; 7 - right pointing arrow ; 8 - square ; ; Arrows are defined such that their base begins at their origin. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; PSIZE - Size of the plotting symbol in multiples of the default size ; (default PSIZE=1). Does not need to be an integer ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; FILL - Parameter indicating whether to fill the symbol (see USERSYM) ; The default is 0, unfilled symbol. Does not affect arrows ; or character symbols. ; THICK - Thickness of unfilled symbols. Default is 1. ; COLOR - Color of the symbols, Default is !P.color ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; EXAMPLES: ; Plot Y vs. X with filled stars as the symbol, twice the default size ; IDL> PLOTSYM, 3 ,2, /FILL ;Plotting symbol is a filled star, ; ;twice default size ; IDL> PLOT,X,Y,PSYM=8 ;Set PSYM = 8 to get star symbol ; ; Now plot Y vs. X with an open circle as the symbol ; ; IDL> PLOTSYM, 0 ;Plotting symbol is a circle ; IDL> PLOT,X,Y,PSYM=8 ; ; METHOD: ; Appropriate X,Y vectors are used to define the symbol and passed to the ; USERSYM command. ; ; REVISION HISTORY ; Written W. Landsman June 1992 ; 18-JAN-1996 Added a square symbol, HCW. ; 98Aug20 Added keyword thick parameter - RCB. ; April 2001 Added COLOR keyword WBL ;- On_error,2 if N_elements(psym) LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - PLOTSYM, psym, [ size, /FILL, THICK= ]' print,' PSYM values 0 - circle, 1 - down arrow, 2 - up arrow, 3 - star' print,' 4 - triangle, 5 - upside down triangle, 6 - left arrow' print,' 7 - right arrow, 8 - square' return endif if ( N_elements(psize) LT 1 ) then psize = 1 else psize = psize > 0.1 if not keyword_set(FILL) then fill = 0 if not keyword_set(thick) then thick=1 case psym of 0: begin ;Circle ang = 2*!PI*findgen(49)/48. ;Get position every 5 deg xarr = psize*cos(ang) & yarr = psize*sin(ang) end 1: begin ;Down arrow xarr = [0,0,.5,0,-.5]*psize yarr = [0,-2,-1.4,-2,-1.4]*psize fill = 0 end 2: begin ;Up arrow xarr = [0,0,.5,0,-.5]*psize yarr = [0,2,1.4,2,1.4]*psize fill = 0 end 3: begin ;Star ang = (360. / 10 * findgen(11) + 90) / !RADEG ;star angles every 36 deg r = ang*0 r[2*indgen(6)] = 1. cp5 = cos(!pi/5.) r1 = 2. * cp5 - 1. / cp5 r[2*indgen(5)+1] = r1 r = r * psize / sqrt(!pi/4.) * 2. / (1.+r1) xarr = r * cos(ang) & yarr = r * sin(ang) end 4: begin ;Triangle xarr = [-1,0,1,-1]*psize yarr = [-1,1,-1,-1]*psize end 5: begin ;Upside down triangle xarr = [-1, 0, 1, -1]*psize yarr = [ 1,-1, 1, 1]*psize end 6: begin ;Left pointing arrow yarr = [0, 0, 0.5, 0, -.5]*psize xarr = [0,-2,-1.4,-2,-1.4]*psize fill = 0 end 7: begin ;Left pointing arrow yarr = [ 0, 0, 0.5, 0, -.5] * psize xarr = [ 0, 2, 1.4, 2, 1.4] * psize fill = 0 end 8: begin ;Square xarr = [-1,-1,1, 1,-1] * psize yarr = [-1, 1,1,-1,-1] * psize end else: message,'Unknown plotting symbol value of '+strtrim(psym,2) endcase if N_elements(color) GT 0 then $ usersym, xarr, yarr, FILL = fill,thick=thick, color = color else $ usersym, xarr, yarr, FILL = fill,thick=thick return end