## 2017-02-28 Validation Update - Will updated validation_report.ipynb: Added flux comparison with the COSMOS2015 MIPS24 data Expanded the Skewness plot to include the high flux density objects Added plots looking at the errors of the high flux objects Added background value histogram Generated the P-value histogram Plotted the high flux (>1e5 uJy) objects onto a MIPS24 COSMOS map Plotted the high background (>0 MJy/sr) objects onto a MIPS24 COSMOS map Plotted the high P-value (>0.5) objects onto a MIPS24 COSMOS map ## 2017-02-13 Initial submission - Pete submitted the DMU product. - The data was downloaded from Pete's link and saved as `dmu26_XID+MIPS_COSMOS_20170213.fits` and `dmu26_XID+MIPS_COSMOS_20170213_Bayes_pval.fits` in the data folder. ## 2017-02-13 DMU2 validation - See report.