import numpy as np from import fits import os from matplotlib import path from astropy.wcs import WCS from scipy import fftpack from scipy import signal np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': lambda x: "{0:0.3f}".format(x)}) def find_peak(hdulist, dmin, negmap = 'FALSE'): map = hdulist["MFILT"].data mask = hdulist["MASK"].data #map = hdulist["NEBFILT"].data emap = hdulist["MFILT_ERROR"].data if negmap == 'TRUE': map = -1.0*map map = map-np.nanmedian(map) map[np.isnan(map)] = 0. #map[map < dmin] = 0. #to speed up the sort, ignore pixels which are smaller than the d limit w = WCS(hdulist["MFILT"].header) y, x = np.indices(map.shape) y_max,x_max = np.max(y), np.max(x) #flatten 2d arrays dflat = map.ravel() eflat = emap.ravel() yflat = y.ravel() xflat = x.ravel() #sort all the values in descending order: wmax = np.argsort(dflat)[::-1] sortedval = dflat[wmax] sorteeval = eflat[wmax] sortedx = xflat[wmax] sortedy = yflat[wmax] xp = [] yp = [] dp = [] ep = [] rap = [] decp = [] i=0 while (sortedval[i] > dmin): minimap = map[sortedy[i]-1:sortedy[i]+2, sortedx[i]-1:sortedx[i]+2] mask_map = mask[sortedy[i]-1:sortedy[i]+2, sortedx[i]-1:sortedx[i]+2] good = minimap != 0 if (sortedy[i] <= 7) or (sortedx[i] <= 7) or (sortedy[i] >= y_max-7) or (sortedx[i] >= x_max-7) : minimap = 0 if (sortedval[i] == np.max(minimap)) and (np.size(minimap[good]) >=8) and (np.sum(mask_map) <=2) : dp.append(sortedval[i]) ep.append(sorteeval[i]) yp.append(sortedy[i]) xp.append(sortedx[i]) ra, dec = w.wcs_pix2world(sortedx[i],sortedy[i],0) rap.append(ra) decp.append(dec) i = i+1 hdulist.close() return (dp, ep, rap, decp, xp, yp) def generate_pixelized_psf(fwhm,pixsize,xc=0,yc=0): ''' psf = generate_pixelized_psf(fwhm,pixsize,xc=0,yc=0) ''' sig = fwhm / (8.*np.log(2))**0.5 sig = sig / pixsize npix = int(5.*(fwhm/pixsize)) npix += (npix + 1 ) % 2 npix = 11 ####### oversamp = 9 gen_xc = xc * oversamp gen_yc = yc * oversamp gen_npix = npix * oversamp gen_pixsize = float(pixsize)/oversamp gen_sig = (fwhm / (8.*np.log(2))**0.5)/gen_pixsize r = int(gen_npix/2) x = np.linspace(-r, r, gen_npix) y = np.linspace(-r, r, gen_npix) x,y = np.meshgrid(x, y) psf = (1./(2*np.pi*gen_sig**2))*np.exp( - ((x-gen_xc)**2.+(y-gen_yc)**2.) / (2*gen_sig**2)) psf=psf/psf.max() psf_px = psf.reshape((npix, gen_npix/npix, npix, gen_npix/npix)).mean(3).mean(1) return psf_px def generate_pixelized_matched_filter(fwhm, pixsize, nconf, ninstr, xc=0,yc=0, mf_only = False): #ny, nx = (15,15) ny, nx = (11,11) oversamp = 9 gen_nx = nx * oversamp gen_ny = ny * oversamp gen_pixsize = pixsize/oversamp gen_xc = xc * oversamp gen_yc = yc * oversamp ry = int(gen_ny/2) rx = int(gen_nx/2) x = np.linspace(-rx, rx, gen_nx) y = np.linspace(-ry, ry, gen_ny) x,y = np.meshgrid(x, y) gen_sig = (fwhm / (8.*np.log(2))**0.5)/gen_pixsize psf = (1./(2*np.pi*gen_sig**2))*np.exp( - ((x-gen_xc)**2.+(y-gen_yc)**2.) / (2*gen_sig**2)) psf = psf/psf.max() gen_ninstr = oversamp * ninstr #create the matched filter: #instrument noise level in Fourier space ps_ninstr = gen_nx*gen_ny*gen_ninstr**2. #confusion noise power spectrum fft_psf = fftpack.fft2(psf) ps_psf = np.abs(fft_psf)**2. scale_confusion = nconf/np.std(psf) ps_nconf = scale_confusion**2.*ps_psf ps_noise = ps_ninstr+ps_nconf fft_mfilt = fft_psf/ps_noise matchedfilt = fftpack.ifft2(fft_mfilt) matchedfilt = matchedfilt.real matchedfilt = matchedfilt.reshape((ny, gen_ny/ny, nx, gen_nx/nx)).mean(3).mean(1) psf = psf.reshape((ny, gen_ny/ny, nx, gen_nx/nx)).mean(3).mean(1) #norm = np.sum(psf*matchedfilter)/np.sum(matchedfilter**2.) #matchedfilter = norm * matchedfilter if mf_only == True: return (matchedfilt) return (matchedfilt, psf) #return matchedfilt def corr_psf_max_MF(hdulist1,hdulist2,hdulist3, ra, dec): ''' max_correlation, ra_maxcorr, dec_maxcorr = corr_psf_max(imagename, fwhm, pixsize, ra, dec) ''' nanvalues = np.isnan(hdulist1["MFILT"].data) | np.isnan(hdulist1["MFILT_ERROR"].data) | np.isnan(hdulist1["ERROR"].data) hdulist1["MFILT"].data[nanvalues] = 0. hdulist1["MFILT_ERROR"].data[nanvalues]= 100.*np.max(hdulist1["MFILT_ERROR"].data[np.isfinite(hdulist1["MFILT_ERROR"].data)]) hdulist1["ERROR"].data[nanvalues]= 100.*np.max(hdulist1["ERROR"].data[np.isfinite(hdulist1["ERROR"].data)]) f_n1 = 1./hdulist1["MFILT_ERROR"].data**2 weightmap1 = 1./hdulist1["ERROR"].data**2 nanvalues = np.isnan(hdulist2["MFILT"].data) | np.isnan(hdulist2["MFILT_ERROR"].data) | np.isnan(hdulist2["ERROR"].data) hdulist2["MFILT"].data[nanvalues] = 0. hdulist2["MFILT_ERROR"].data[nanvalues]= 100.*np.max(hdulist2["MFILT_ERROR"].data[np.isfinite(hdulist2["MFILT_ERROR"].data)]) hdulist2["ERROR"].data[nanvalues]= 100.*np.max(hdulist2["ERROR"].data[np.isfinite(hdulist2["ERROR"].data)]) f_n2 = 1./hdulist2["MFILT_ERROR"].data**2 weightmap2 = 1./hdulist2["ERROR"].data**2 nanvalues = np.isnan(hdulist3["MFILT"].data) | np.isnan(hdulist3["MFILT_ERROR"].data) | np.isnan(hdulist3["ERROR"].data) hdulist3["MFILT"].data[nanvalues] = 0. hdulist3["MFILT_ERROR"].data[nanvalues]= 100.*np.max(hdulist3["MFILT_ERROR"].data[np.isfinite(hdulist3["MFILT_ERROR"].data)]) hdulist3["ERROR"].data[nanvalues]= 100.*np.max(hdulist3["ERROR"].data[np.isfinite(hdulist3["ERROR"].data)]) f_n3 = 1./hdulist3["MFILT_ERROR"].data**2 weightmap3 = 1./hdulist3["ERROR"].data**2 w1 = WCS(hdulist1["MFILT"].header) w2 = WCS(hdulist2["MFILT"].header) w3 = WCS(hdulist3["MFILT"].header) fwhm1 = hdulist1["Matchedfilter"].header["FWHM"] conf = hdulist1["Matchedfilter"].header["nconf"] ninstr = hdulist1["Matchedfilter"].header["nins"] pixsize1 = hdulist1["Matchedfilter"].header["PIXSIZE"] mf, psf = generate_pixelized_matched_filter(fwhm1, pixsize1,conf, ninstr, 0, 0) norm = np.sum(psf*mf)/np.sum(mf**2.) matchedfilter1 = norm * mf x, y = w1.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) x_edge2, y_edge2 = w2.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) x_edge3, y_edge3 = w3.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) y_max2, x_max2 = np.shape(hdulist2["MFILT"].data) y_max3, x_max3 = np.shape(hdulist3["MFILT"].data) edge_problem = (x_edge2 <= 8) | (x_edge3 <= 8) | \ (y_edge2 <= 8) | (y_edge3 <= 8) | \ (y_edge2 >= y_max2-8) | (x_edge2 >= x_max2-8) | \ (y_edge3 >= y_max3-8) | (x_edge3 >= x_max3-8) x0, y0 = np.round(x),np.round(y) dx0, dy0 = np.round(x-x0, 1), np.round(y-y0, 1) #dx0step = [step for stepy in range(-5,5) for step in range(-5,5)] #dy0step = [step for step in range(-5,5) for stepx in range(-5,5)] dx0step = [step for stepy in range(-3,3) for step in range(-3,3)] dy0step = [step for stepy in range(-3,3) for step in range(-3,3)] #psf1 = [generate_pixelized_psf(fwhm1, pixsize1, xc = dx0step[_]/10., yc = dy0step[_]/10.) for _ in range(len(dx0step))] psf1 = [generate_pixelized_psf(fwhm1, pixsize1, xc = dx0step[_]/30.*5, yc = dy0step[_]/30.*5) for _ in range(len(dx0step))] fwhm2 = hdulist2["Matchedfilter"].header["FWHM"] conf = hdulist2["Matchedfilter"].header["nconf"] ninstr = hdulist2["Matchedfilter"].header["nins"] pixsize2 = hdulist2["Matchedfilter"].header["PIXSIZE"] mf, psf = generate_pixelized_matched_filter(fwhm2, pixsize2,conf, ninstr, 0, 0) norm = np.sum(psf*mf)/np.sum(mf**2.) matchedfilter2 = norm * mf fwhm3 = hdulist3["Matchedfilter"].header["FWHM"] conf = hdulist3["Matchedfilter"].header["nconf"] ninstr = hdulist3["Matchedfilter"].header["nins"] pixsize3 = hdulist3["Matchedfilter"].header["PIXSIZE"] mf, psf = generate_pixelized_matched_filter(fwhm3, pixsize3,conf, ninstr, 0, 0) norm = np.sum(psf*mf)/np.sum(mf**2.) matchedfilter3 = norm * mf max_correlation = [] ra_maxcorr = [] dec_maxcorr = [] S1_map = [] E1_map = [] S2_map = [] E2_map = [] S3_map = [] E3_map = [] stampsize = 5 weightsize = 11 #15 for i in range(len(ra)): print(100.*(float(i)/len(ra)), '%') newcorr = [] newra = [] newdec = [] newS1,newS2,newS3 = [], [], [] newE1,newE2,newE3 = [], [], [] for y0step in range(-1,2): for x0step in range(-1,2): tmpy0 = y0[i] + y0step tmpx0 = x0[i] + x0step cutout1 = hdulist1["MFILT"].data[int(tmpy0-stampsize/2):int(tmpy0+stampsize/2+1),int(tmpx0-stampsize/2):int(tmpx0+stampsize/2+1)] cut_f_n1 = f_n1[int(tmpy0-stampsize/2):int(tmpy0+stampsize/2+1),int(tmpx0-stampsize/2):int(tmpx0+stampsize/2+1)] wm_cut1 = weightmap1[int(tmpy0-weightsize/2):int(tmpy0+weightsize/2+1),int(tmpx0-weightsize/2):int(tmpx0+weightsize/2+1)] p = cutout1 - np.mean(cutout1) for dstep in range(len(dx0step)): #ra_tmp, dec_tmp = w1.wcs_pix2world(tmpx0+dx0step[dstep]/10., tmpy0+dy0step[dstep]/10.,0) ra_tmp, dec_tmp = w1.wcs_pix2world(tmpx0+dx0step[dstep]/30.*5, tmpy0+dy0step[dstep]/30.*5,0) psf_use = psf1[dstep] f_b = signal.fftconvolve(psf_use*wm_cut1,matchedfilter1,mode='same') f_noise = signal.fftconvolve(wm_cut1,matchedfilter1**2,mode='same') f_b = f_b[3:8,3:8]/f_noise[3:8,3:8] #/cut_f_n1 t = f_b - np.mean(f_b) e_tmp1 = 1./np.sqrt(f_noise[5,5]) #second filter if edge_problem[i] == False: x2, y2 = w2.wcs_world2pix(ra_tmp, dec_tmp, 0) x0_2, y0_2 = np.round(x2),np.round(y2) dx0, dy0 = np.round(x2-x0_2, 1), np.round(y2-y0_2, 1) cutout2 = hdulist2["MFILT"].data[int(y0_2-stampsize/2):int(y0_2+stampsize/2+1),int(x0_2-stampsize/2):int(x0_2+stampsize/2+1)] cut_f_n2 = f_n2[int(y0_2-stampsize/2):int(y0_2+stampsize/2+1),int(x0_2-stampsize/2):int(x0_2+stampsize/2+1)] wm_cut2 = weightmap2[int(y0_2-weightsize/2):int(y0_2+weightsize/2+1),int(x0_2-weightsize/2):int(x0_2+weightsize/2+1)] p2 = cutout2 - np.mean(cutout2) psf2 = generate_pixelized_psf(fwhm2, pixsize2, xc = dx0, yc = dy0) f_b2 = signal.fftconvolve(psf2*wm_cut2,matchedfilter2,mode='same') f2_noise = signal.fftconvolve(wm_cut2,matchedfilter2**2,mode='same') e_tmp2 = 1./np.sqrt(f2_noise[5,5]) f_b2 = f_b2[3:8,3:8]/f2_noise[3:8,3:8] #/cut_f_n2 t2 = f_b2 - np.mean(f_b2) #third filter x3, y3 = w3.wcs_world2pix(ra_tmp, dec_tmp, 0) x0_3, y0_3 = np.round(x3),np.round(y3) dx0, dy0 = np.round(x3-x0_3, 1), np.round(y3-y0_3, 1) cutout3 = hdulist3["MFILT"].data[int(y0_3-stampsize/2):int(y0_3+stampsize/2+1),int(x0_3-stampsize/2):int(x0_3+stampsize/2+1)] cut_f_n3 = f_n3[int(y0_3-stampsize/2):int(y0_3+stampsize/2+1),int(x0_3-stampsize/2):int(x0_3+stampsize/2+1)] wm_cut3 = weightmap3[int(y0_3-weightsize/2):int(y0_3+weightsize/2+1),int(x0_3-weightsize/2):int(x0_3+weightsize/2+1)] p3 = cutout3 - np.mean(cutout3) psf3 = generate_pixelized_psf(fwhm3, pixsize3, xc = dx0, yc = dy0) f_b3 = signal.fftconvolve(psf3*wm_cut3,matchedfilter3,mode='same') f3_noise = signal.fftconvolve(wm_cut3,matchedfilter3**2,mode='same') e_tmp3 = 1./np.sqrt(f3_noise[5,5]) f_b3 = f_b3[3:8,3:8]/f3_noise[3:8,3:8] # cut_f_n3 # 5:10 t3 = f_b3 - np.mean(f_b3) p_tot = np.array([p,p2,p3]) t_tot = np.array([t,t2,t3]) else: p_tot = p t_tot = t corr = np.sum(p_tot*t_tot) / (np.sum(p_tot**2.)*np.sum(t_tot**2.))**0.5 S_tmp1 = np.sum(cutout1*f_b*cut_f_n1)/np.sum(f_b**2*cut_f_n1) #e_tmp1 = 1./(np.sum(f_b**2.*cut_f_n1**2))**0.5 if edge_problem[i] == False: S_tmp2 = np.sum(cutout2*f_b2*cut_f_n2)/np.sum(f_b2**2*cut_f_n2) #e_tmp2 = 1./(np.sum(f_b2**2.*cut_f_n2**2))**0.5 S_tmp3 = np.sum(cutout3*f_b3*cut_f_n3)/np.sum(f_b3**2*cut_f_n3) #e_tmp3 = 1./(np.sum(f_b3**2.*cut_f_n3**2))**0.5 else: x2, y2 = w2.wcs_world2pix(ra_tmp, dec_tmp, 0) x0_2, y0_2 = np.round(x2),np.round(y2) x3, y3 = w3.wcs_world2pix(ra_tmp, dec_tmp, 0) x0_3, y0_3 = np.round(x3),np.round(y3) S_tmp2 = hdulist2["MFILT"].data[int(y0_2),int(x0_2)] e_tmp2 = hdulist2["MFILT_ERROR"].data[int(y0_2),int(x0_2)] S_tmp3 = hdulist3["MFILT"].data[int(y0_3),int(x0_3)] e_tmp3 = hdulist3["MFILT_ERROR"].data[int(y0_3),int(x0_3)] newcorr = np.append(newcorr, corr) newra = np.append(newra,ra_tmp) newdec = np.append(newdec,dec_tmp) newS1 = np.append(newS1,S_tmp1) newE1 = np.append(newE1,e_tmp1) newS2 = np.append(newS2,S_tmp2) newE2 = np.append(newE2,e_tmp2) newS3 = np.append(newS3,S_tmp3) newE3 = np.append(newE3,e_tmp3) wmax = np.argmax(newcorr) max_correlation = np.append(max_correlation, newcorr[wmax]) ra_maxcorr = np.append(ra_maxcorr, newra[wmax]) dec_maxcorr = np.append(dec_maxcorr, newdec[wmax]) S1_map = np.append(S1_map, newS1[wmax]) E1_map = np.append(E1_map, newE1[wmax]) S2_map = np.append(S2_map, newS2[wmax]) E2_map = np.append(E2_map, newE2[wmax]) S3_map = np.append(S3_map, newS3[wmax]) E3_map = np.append(E3_map, newE3[wmax]) return (max_correlation, ra_maxcorr, dec_maxcorr,S1_map, E1_map,S2_map, E2_map, S3_map, E3_map) def matched_filter_full(fwhm, pixsize, nconf, noise, whitenoise=False, image=False, psf_only=False, normalize=False): ny, nx = (101,101) #first create an oversampled psf, we want: pixsize/oversamp~1arcsec oversamp = int(round(pixsize)) #oversamp factor needs to be an odd integer, for the psf to remain centered oversamp += (oversamp+1) %2 ###oversamp = 9 gen_nx = nx * oversamp gen_ny = ny * oversamp gen_pixsize = pixsize/oversamp ry = int(gen_ny/2) rx = int(gen_nx/2) x = np.linspace(-rx, rx, gen_nx) y = np.linspace(-ry, ry, gen_ny) x,y = np.meshgrid(x, y) gen_sig = (fwhm / (8.*np.log(2))**0.5)/gen_pixsize psf = (1./(2*np.pi*gen_sig**2))*np.exp( - (x**2.+y**2.) / (2*gen_sig**2)) psf = psf/psf.max() #resbin the psf to the actual pixel size: psf = psf.reshape((ny, int(gen_ny/ny), nx, int(gen_nx/nx))).mean(3).mean(1) #psf = psf/psf.max() # wrong #if psf_only keyword is given, break and return the psf: if psf_only: return psf if whitenoise: ninstr = noise else: #calculate ninstr: ny_map,nx_map = noise.shape weightmap = 1./noise**2. centralx = int(np.round(nx_map*0.1)) centraly = int(np.round(ny_map*0.1)) meanweight = np.nanmean(weightmap[ny_map/2-centraly:ny_map/2+centraly, nx_map/2-centralx:nx_map/2+centralx]) ninstr = (1. / meanweight)**0.5 #create the matched filter: #instrument noise level in Fourier space ps_ninstr = nx*ny*ninstr**2. #confusion noise power spectrum fft_psf = fftpack.fft2(psf) ps_psf = np.abs(fft_psf)**2. scale_confusion = nconf/np.std(psf) ps_nconf = scale_confusion**2.*ps_psf ps_noise = ps_ninstr+ps_nconf fft_mfilt = fft_psf/ps_noise matchedfilt = fftpack.ifft2(fft_mfilt) matchedfilt = matchedfilt.real matchedfilt_norm = (matchedfilt/np.sum(psf*matchedfilt)) if normalize: return matchedfilt_norm return (matchedfilt, psf) def do_filtering(hdulist250,hdulist500,new500): conf_250 = hdulist250["Matchedfilter"].header["nconf"] ninstr_250 = hdulist250["Matchedfilter"].header["nins"] pixsize_250 = hdulist250["Matchedfilter"].header["PIXSIZE"] FWHM_250 = hdulist250["Matchedfilter"].header["FWHM"] conf_500 = hdulist500["Matchedfilter"].header["nconf"] ninstr_500 = hdulist500["Matchedfilter"].header["nins"] FWHM_500 = hdulist500["Matchedfilter"].header["FWHM"] nconf = [conf_250,conf_500] pixsize = [pixsize_250,pixsize_250] fwhm = [FWHM_250,FWHM_500] ninstr = [ninstr_250,ninstr_500] matchedfilter = [] psf = [] for i in range(2): #image = hdulist[1].data #noisemap = hdulist[2].data #nanvalues = np.isnan(noisemap) #image[nanvalues] = 0. #noisemap[nanvalues]=100.*np.nanmax(noisemap) #weightmap = 1./noisemap**2. m, p = matched_filter_full(fwhm[i], pixsize[i], nconf[i], ninstr[i], whitenoise=True, image=False, psf_only=False, normalize=False) #norm = np.sum(p*m)/np.sum(m**2.) #m = norm * m #print (m - hdulist250["Matchedfilter"].data)[50,30:60] matchedfilter.append(m) psf.append(p) #hdulist.close() #------------------------------------------------ #figure out the actual smoothing filters. For 500 micron it will be the matched filter, but for the other #two wavelengths we want to create the same shape as the 500 micron matched filtered pointsource profile kernel = [] target_profile =signal.fftconvolve(psf[1],matchedfilter[1], mode='same')/np.sum(psf[1]*matchedfilter[1]) final = target_profile initial = psf[0] f_final = fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.fft2(final)) f_initial = fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.fft2(initial)) filt = fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.ifftshift(f_final/f_initial))) filt = filt.real kernel.append(filt) kernel.append(matchedfilter[1]) #pyfits.writeto(basepath+basename+'effective_redmatched_psf.fits',target_profile, clobber=True) #pyfits.writeto(basepath+basename+'redmatched_kernel_PSW.fits',kernel[0], clobber=True) #pyfits.writeto(basepath+basename+'redmatched_kernel_PMW.fits',kernel[1], clobber=True) #pyfits.writeto(basepath+basename+'redmatched_kernel_PLW.fits',kernel[2], clobber=True) #pyfits.writeto(basepath+basename+'psf_PSW.fits',psf[0], clobber=True) #pyfits.writeto(basepath+basename+'psf_PMW.fits',psf[1], clobber=True) #pyfits.writeto(basepath+basename+'psf_PLW.fits',psf[2], clobber=True) #------------------------------------------------ #now do the actual noise weighted convolution: #bandmaps = [bandindex[_] for _ in doband] #for i in bandmaps: image = hdulist250["NEBFILT"].data noisemap = hdulist250["ERROR"].data nanvalues = np.isnan(noisemap) | np.isnan(image) | np.isnan(new500) image[nanvalues] = 0. noisemap[nanvalues]=100.*np.nanmax(noisemap) weightmap = 1./noisemap**2. norm = np.sum(psf[0]*kernel[0])/np.sum(kernel[0]**2.) kernel[0] = norm * kernel[0] #conv_image = convolve_fft(image*weightmap,kernel[i],fft_pad=False) #conv_noise = convolve_fft(weightmap,kernel[i]**2.,fft_pad=False) conv_image = signal.fftconvolve(image*weightmap,kernel[0], mode='same') conv_noise = signal.fftconvolve(weightmap,kernel[0]**2., mode='same') conv_image = conv_image/conv_noise conv_noise = (1./(conv_noise**0.5)) #set pixels with zero exposure to NaN: #conv_image[nanvalues] = np.nan #conv_noise[nanvalues] = np.nan conv_image -= np.nanmean(conv_image) #meansubtraction, ignore, NaN pixels: k = 0.392 D = np.sqrt(1.-k**2)*new500 - k*conv_image D[nanvalues] = np.nan #hdulist.writeto(basepath+basename+outtype+band[i]+'.fits', clobber=True) #hdulist.close() return D def find_peak_red(Dhdu, dmin): D = Dhdu[1].data D[np.isnan(D)] = 0. #D[D < dmin] = 0. #to speed up the sort, ignore pixels which are smaller than the d limit w = WCS(Dhdu[1].header) y, x = np.indices(D.shape) y_max,x_max = np.max(y), np.max(x) #flatten 2d arrays dflat = D.ravel() yflat = y.ravel() xflat = x.ravel() #sort all the values in descending order: wmax = np.argsort(dflat)[::-1] sortedval = dflat[wmax] sortedx = xflat[wmax] sortedy = yflat[wmax] xp = [] yp = [] dp = [] ep = [] rap = [] decp = [] i=0 while (sortedval[i] > dmin): minimap = D[sortedy[i]-1:sortedy[i]+2, sortedx[i]-1:sortedx[i]+2] maximap = D[sortedy[i]-3:sortedy[i]+4, sortedx[i]-3:sortedx[i]+4] good = maximap != 0 if (sortedy[i] <= 4) or (sortedx[i] <= 4) or (sortedy[i] >= y_max-4) or (sortedx[i] >= x_max-4) : minimap = 0 if (sortedval[i] == np.max(minimap)) and (np.size(maximap[good]) >=45): dp.append(sortedval[i]) yp.append(sortedy[i]) xp.append(sortedx[i]) ra, dec = w.wcs_pix2world(sortedx[i],sortedy[i],0) rap.append(ra) decp.append(dec) i = i+1 return (dp, rap, decp, xp, yp)