from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from import fits import numpy as np from scipy import signal import os from scipy import fftpack def matched_filter(fwhm, pixsize, nconf, noise, whitenoise=False, image=False, psf_only=False, normalize=False): ny, nx = (101,101) #first create an oversampled psf, we want: pixsize/oversamp~1arcsec oversamp = int(round(pixsize)) #oversamp factor needs to be an odd integer, for the psf to remain centered oversamp += (oversamp+1) %2 ###oversamp = 9 gen_nx = nx * oversamp gen_ny = ny * oversamp gen_pixsize = pixsize/oversamp ry = int(gen_ny/2) rx = int(gen_nx/2) x = np.linspace(-rx, rx, gen_nx) y = np.linspace(-ry, ry, gen_ny) x,y = np.meshgrid(x, y) gen_sig = (fwhm / (8.*np.log(2))**0.5)/gen_pixsize psf = (1./(2*np.pi*gen_sig**2))*np.exp( - (x**2.+y**2.) / (2*gen_sig**2)) psf = psf/psf.max() #resbin the psf to the actual pixel size: psf = psf.reshape((ny, int(gen_ny/ny), nx, int(gen_nx/nx))).mean(3).mean(1) #psf = psf/psf.max() # wrong #if psf_only keyword is given, break and return the psf: if psf_only: return psf if whitenoise: ninstr = noise else: #calculate ninstr: ny_map,nx_map = noise.shape weightmap = 1./noise**2. centralx = int(np.round(nx_map*0.1)) centraly = int(np.round(ny_map*0.1)) meanweight = np.nanmean(weightmap[ny_map/2-centraly:ny_map/2+centraly, nx_map/2-centralx:nx_map/2+centralx]) ninstr = (1. / meanweight)**0.5 #create the matched filter: #instrument noise level in Fourier space ps_ninstr = nx*ny*ninstr**2. #confusion noise power spectrum fft_psf = fftpack.fft2(psf) ps_psf = np.abs(fft_psf)**2. scale_confusion = nconf/np.std(psf) ps_nconf = scale_confusion**2.*ps_psf ps_noise = ps_ninstr+ps_nconf fft_mfilt = fft_psf/ps_noise matchedfilt = fftpack.ifft2(fft_mfilt) matchedfilt = matchedfilt.real matchedfilt_norm = (matchedfilt/np.sum(psf*matchedfilt)) if normalize: return matchedfilt_norm return (matchedfilt, psf) def do_filtering(image, noisemap, matchedfilter , psf): nanvalues = np.isnan(noisemap) | np.isnan(image) image[nanvalues] = 0. max_e = np.nanmax(noisemap) noisemap[nanvalues]=100.*max_e weightmap = 1./noisemap**2. norm = np.sum(psf*matchedfilter)/np.sum(matchedfilter**2.) matchedfilter = norm * matchedfilter print( 'max filt', np.max(matchedfilter), np.max(psf)) conv_image = signal.fftconvolve(image*weightmap,matchedfilter,mode='same') conv_noise = signal.fftconvolve(weightmap,matchedfilter**2.,mode='same') conv_image = conv_image/conv_noise conv_noise = (1./(conv_noise**0.5)) conv_image[nanvalues] = np.nan conv_noise[nanvalues] = np.nan conv_image -= np.nanmean(conv_image) #meansubtraction, ignore, NaN pixels: return (conv_image, conv_noise, matchedfilter )