# Lockman Hole Project 1.4GHz catalogue This product contains the 1.4-GHz Lockman Hole Project catalogue of Prandoni et al. 2017, which is fully described in the paper. The Lockman Hole Project is aimed at improving the extensive multi-band coverage available in the Lockman Hole region, through novel deep, wide-area, multi-frequency (60, 150, 350 MHz and 1.4 GHz) radio surveys. This multi-frequency, multi-band information will be exploited to get a comprehensive view of star formation and AGN activities in the high redshift Universe from a radio perspective. 1.4GHz observations are obtained with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope(WSRT). This is he largest microJy surveys available so far, covering an area of 6.6 sq deg, down to a rms noise of 11Jy/b. This catalogue contains(6000+ sources with flux densities >55Jy). This is available as: dmu13-lockman-hole-1.4-ghz-cat.fits Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/luhj06yu0vajjzy/dmu13-lockman-hole-1.4-ghz-cat.fits.gz?dl=0 ## Catalogue columns. The 16 columns of the catalogue are as follows: 1. `ID` - Source unique ID number 2. `CAT_FLAG` - Catalogue flag (S=Single-component source; A,B,C,..= indicate a specific component of a multi-component source; T=global parameters of multi-component source) 3. `NAME` - Source name 4. `RA` - Right ascension (J2000) of the radio source. 5. `DEC` - Declination (J2000) of the radio source. 6. `PEAK_FLUX` - Peak flux density of source (mJy) 7. `INT_FLUX` - Integrated flux density of source (mJy). 8. `FIT_MAJ`- Fitted source Major axis (arcsec). 9. `FIT_MIN` - Fitted source Minor axis (arcsec). 10. `FIT_PA` - Position Angle (degrees) 11. `DECON_MAJ` - Deconvolved source major axis (arcsec)(0s when deconvolution not possible, point source). 12. `DECON_MIN` - Deconvolved source minor axes (arcsec)(0s when deconvolution not possible, point source). 13. `DECON_PA` - Deconvolved PA (degrees) (0s when deconvolution not possible, point source). 14. `RMS` - local rms noise value (mJy). 15. `FIT_FLAG` - fitting flag (G=Gaussian fitting ok, E=non-Gaussian source; M=multiple-source global parameters). 16. `MOR_FLAG` - morphology flag (*= poor determination of integrated flux; c=complex source, morphology shows deviations from Gaussianity; m=multiple source, morphology shows indications this may be a multi-component source; n=most probably spurious source due to noise artefact).