# LOFAR Bootes cross-matched catalogue ## This product contains the LOFAR Bootes cross-matched catalog in various optical and infrared bands. The catalogue has been created by picking out the best optical matches to LOFAR sources in the Bootes field. Only sources with a very high likelihood have been included in this catalogue. The data can be found HEDAM at the following url http://hedam.lam.fr/HELP/dataproducts/dmu12/dmu12-lofar-bootes-150-mhz-cat-ids-2017/ The following text describes the various columns in the catalogue: 1. `Source_id` - Radio source ID 2. `Isl_id` - Island ID assigned by the source extraction software PyBDSM 3. `RA` - Radio RA (J2000) 4. `E_RA` - Error on radio RA 5. `DEC` - Radio declination (J2000) 6. `E_DEC` - Error on radio declination 7. `Total_flux` - Total flux in Jy 8. `E_Total_flux` 9. `Peak_flux` - Peak flux in Jy 10. `E_Peak_flux` 11. `Maj` - Major axis of the source in degrees 12. `E_Maj` 13. `Min` - Minor axis of the source in degrees 14. `E_Min` 15. `PA` - Position angle of the source 16. `E_PA` 17. `Isl_Total_flux` - Total flux inside the island fitted by PyBDSM in Jy 18. `E_Isl_Total_flux` 19. `Isl_rms` - RMS value within the fitted island in Jy 20. `Isl_mean` - Mean flux within the island (values have been defaulted to 0) 21. `S_code` - Source morphology; S: single component, M: multiple components 22. `P` - Probability of match being true; 1: better, 0: worse 23. `Prank` - Rank of optical match; 0: best match 24. `optical_ID` 25. `optical_RA` 26. `optical_DEC` 27. `GroupID` - ID for match group 28. `GroupSize` - Number of rows in match group