Herschel Stripe 82 master catalogue¶

Checks and diagnostics¶

In [1]:
from herschelhelp_internal import git_version
print("This notebook was run with herschelhelp_internal version: \n{}".format(git_version()))
This notebook was run with herschelhelp_internal version: 
33f5ec7 (Wed Dec 6 16:56:17 2017 +0000)
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(10, 6))

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_GB')

import os
import time
import itertools

from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
from matplotlib_venn import venn3

from herschelhelp_internal.masterlist import nb_compare_mags, nb_ccplots, find_last_ml_suffix, quick_checks
In [3]:
OUT_DIR = os.environ.get('OUT_DIR', "./data")
SUFFIX = find_last_ml_suffix()
#SUFFIX = "20170627"

master_catalogue_filename = "master_catalogue_herschel-stripe-82_{}_{}.fits".format('RANDOM10PCSAMPLE', SUFFIX)
master_catalogue = Table.read("{}/{}".format(OUT_DIR, master_catalogue_filename))

print("Diagnostics done using: {}".format(master_catalogue_filename))
Diagnostics done using: master_catalogue_herschel-stripe-82_RANDOM10PCSAMPLE_20180113.fits

0 - Quick checks¶

In [4]:
/opt/anaconda3/envs/herschelhelp_internal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/numeric.py:301: FutureWarning: in the future, full(296, False) will return an array of dtype('bool')
  format(shape, fill_value, array(fill_value).dtype), FutureWarning)
/opt/anaconda3/envs/herschelhelp_internal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/numeric.py:301: FutureWarning: in the future, full(296, 0) will return an array of dtype('int64')
  format(shape, fill_value, array(fill_value).dtype), FutureWarning)
Table shows only problematic columns.
<Table length=78>
idxColumnAll nan#Measurements#Zeros#NegativeMinimum value

I - Summary of wavelength domains¶

In [5]:
flag_obs = master_catalogue['flag_optnir_obs']
flag_det = master_catalogue['flag_optnir_det']
In [6]:
        np.sum(flag_obs == 4),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 2),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 6),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 1),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 5),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 3),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 7)
    set_labels=('mid-IR', 'near-IR', 'Optical'),
    subset_label_formatter=lambda x: "{}%".format(int(100*x/len(flag_obs)))
plt.title("Wavelength domain observations");
In [7]:
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 4),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 2),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 6),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 1),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 5),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 3),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 7)
    set_labels=('mid-IR', 'near-IR', 'Optical'),
    subset_label_formatter=lambda x: "{}%".format(int(100*x/np.sum(flag_det != 0)))
plt.title("Detection of the {} sources detected\n in any wavelength domains "
          "(among {} sources)".format(
              locale.format('%d', np.sum(flag_det != 0), grouping=True),
              locale.format('%d', len(flag_det), grouping=True)));
/opt/anaconda3/envs/herschelhelp_internal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib_venn/_venn3.py:53: UserWarning: Circle A has zero area
  warnings.warn("Circle A has zero area")
/opt/anaconda3/envs/herschelhelp_internal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib_venn/_venn3.py:57: UserWarning: Circle B has zero area
  warnings.warn("Circle B has zero area")

II - Comparing magnitudes in similar filters¶

The master list if composed of several catalogues containing magnitudes in similar filters on different instruments. We are comparing the magnitudes in these corresponding filters.

In [8]:
u_bands = [ "SDSS u"]
g_bands = [ "SDSS g", "DECam g" ,"GPC1 g", "Suprime g", "RCS g"]
r_bands = [ "SDSS r", "DECam r" ,"GPC1 r", "Suprime r", "RCS r"]
i_bands = [ "SDSS i"            ,"GPC1 i", "Suprime i", "RCS i"]
z_bands = [ "SDSS z", "DECam z" ,"GPC1 z", "Suprime z", "RCS z"]
y_bands = [                      "GPC1 y", "Suprime y", "RCS y", "VHS Y", "UKIDSS Y"] #This will compare lower case y to upper case Y
J_bands = [                                                      "VHS J", "UKIDSS J", "VICS82 J"]
H_bands = [                                                      "VHS H", "UKIDSS H"]
K_bands = [                                                      "VHS K", "UKIDSS K", "VICS82 K"]
In [9]:
for band_of_a_kind in [u_bands, g_bands, r_bands, i_bands, z_bands, y_bands, J_bands, H_bands, K_bands]:
    for band1, band2 in itertools.combinations(band_of_a_kind, 2):
        basecol1, basecol2 = band1.replace(" ", "_").lower(), band2.replace(" ", "_").lower()
        col1, col2 = "m_ap_{}".format(basecol1), "m_ap_{}".format(basecol2)
        nb_compare_mags(master_catalogue[col1], master_catalogue[col2], 
                        labels=("{} (aperture)".format(band1), "{} (aperture)".format(band2)))
        col1, col2 = "m_{}".format(basecol1), "m_{}".format(basecol2)
        nb_compare_mags(master_catalogue[col1], master_catalogue[col2], 
                        labels=("{} (total)".format(band1), "{} (total)".format(band2)))
DECam g (aperture) - SDSS g (aperture):
- Median: -0.65
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -1.369743415771485
- 99% percentile: 1.1470082854003918
DECam g (total) - SDSS g (total):
- Median: 0.03
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -0.8870277509765617
- 99% percentile: 1.6710442353515624
GPC1 g (aperture) - SDSS g (aperture):
- Median: -0.91
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.37
- 1% percentile: -3.206002183227539
- 99% percentile: 1.5728337866821276
GPC1 g (total) - SDSS g (total):
- Median: -0.07
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.26
- 1% percentile: -2.8801525574951183
- 99% percentile: 1.6551279635009788
No sources have both SDSS g (aperture) and Suprime g (aperture) values.
No sources have both SDSS g (total) and Suprime g (total) values.
No sources have both SDSS g (aperture) and RCS g (aperture) values.
RCS g (total) - SDSS g (total):
- Median: -0.15
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.20
- 1% percentile: -1.1508145864868167
- 99% percentile: 1.2041443676757795
GPC1 g (aperture) - DECam g (aperture):
- Median: -0.12
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.28
- 1% percentile: -3.1324508666992186
- 99% percentile: 2.209981250762938
GPC1 g (total) - DECam g (total):
- Median: -0.02
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.28
- 1% percentile: -3.503301296234131
- 99% percentile: 1.7441903114318813
Suprime g (aperture) - DECam g (aperture):
- Median: 0.02
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.23
- 1% percentile: -2.4182591247558594
- 99% percentile: 1.8705764389038144
Suprime g (total) - DECam g (total):
- Median: -0.15
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.24
- 1% percentile: -2.5489704895019534
- 99% percentile: 1.5885691070556645
No sources have both DECam g (aperture) and RCS g (aperture) values.
RCS g (total) - DECam g (total):
- Median: -0.22
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -2.1725115966796875
- 99% percentile: 0.9619197845458984
Suprime g (aperture) - GPC1 g (aperture):
- Median: 0.25
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.30
- 1% percentile: -1.9736169052124022
- 99% percentile: 2.9869889640808087
Suprime g (total) - GPC1 g (total):
- Median: 0.12
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.29
- 1% percentile: -1.4026131439208984
- 99% percentile: 3.274006023406982
No sources have both GPC1 g (aperture) and RCS g (aperture) values.
RCS g (total) - GPC1 g (total):
- Median: -0.13
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.32
- 1% percentile: -1.882863235473633
- 99% percentile: 2.9682432556152345
No sources have both Suprime g (aperture) and RCS g (aperture) values.
RCS g (total) - Suprime g (total):
- Median: -0.15
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -2.40746826171875
- 99% percentile: 1.0876546478271485
DECam r (aperture) - SDSS r (aperture):
- Median: -0.68
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -1.3852449727783214
- 99% percentile: 1.1101013143310563
DECam r (total) - SDSS r (total):
- Median: -0.13
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.0457528029785144
- 99% percentile: 0.9778500347900343
GPC1 r (aperture) - SDSS r (aperture):
- Median: -0.65
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.24
- 1% percentile: -1.6492644418945306
- 99% percentile: 0.7977198767089918
GPC1 r (total) - SDSS r (total):
- Median: 0.09
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -1.150610781066894
- 99% percentile: 1.0046281422119154
No sources have both SDSS r (aperture) and Suprime r (aperture) values.
No sources have both SDSS r (total) and Suprime r (total) values.
No sources have both SDSS r (aperture) and RCS r (aperture) values.
RCS r (total) - SDSS r (total):
- Median: -0.12
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.019848545166015
- 99% percentile: 1.0965001182861318
GPC1 r (aperture) - DECam r (aperture):
- Median: 0.12
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.838051061630249
- 99% percentile: 1.5183926773071295
GPC1 r (total) - DECam r (total):
- Median: 0.23
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.316351318359375
- 99% percentile: 1.4407266616821286
Suprime r (aperture) - DECam r (aperture):
- Median: 0.11
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -2.228728008270264
- 99% percentile: 1.4809819793701173
Suprime r (total) - DECam r (total):
- Median: 0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.1619326782226564
- 99% percentile: 1.5908895874023425
No sources have both DECam r (aperture) and RCS r (aperture) values.
RCS r (total) - DECam r (total):
- Median: -0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.17
- 1% percentile: -1.0698253631591799
- 99% percentile: 1.1014166641235348
Suprime r (aperture) - GPC1 r (aperture):
- Median: 0.07
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.3094873237609863
- 99% percentile: 1.4882897758483766
Suprime r (total) - GPC1 r (total):
- Median: -0.11
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -0.9736609268188476
- 99% percentile: 1.6416873550415039
No sources have both GPC1 r (aperture) and RCS r (aperture) values.
RCS r (total) - GPC1 r (total):
- Median: -0.23
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -1.1326136779785156
- 99% percentile: 1.4416136932373051
No sources have both Suprime r (aperture) and RCS r (aperture) values.
RCS r (total) - Suprime r (total):
- Median: -0.07
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -2.3652862548828124
- 99% percentile: 1.0521179199218729
GPC1 i (aperture) - SDSS i (aperture):
- Median: -0.57
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.290400276611329
- 99% percentile: 0.20386654101562612
GPC1 i (total) - SDSS i (total):
- Median: 0.11
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.09
- 1% percentile: -0.5160627268371595
- 99% percentile: 0.7460765848388664
No sources have both SDSS i (aperture) and Suprime i (aperture) values.
No sources have both SDSS i (total) and Suprime i (total) values.
No sources have both SDSS i (aperture) and RCS i (aperture) values.
RCS i (total) - SDSS i (total):
- Median: -0.09
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -0.9390832550659163
- 99% percentile: 1.4268233815002451
Suprime i (aperture) - GPC1 i (aperture):
- Median: 0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.7142147827148437
- 99% percentile: 1.2686882781982451
Suprime i (total) - GPC1 i (total):
- Median: -0.19
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.11
- 1% percentile: -0.7223954772949219
- 99% percentile: 1.327408523559564
No sources have both GPC1 i (aperture) and RCS i (aperture) values.
RCS i (total) - GPC1 i (total):
- Median: -0.26
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.10
- 1% percentile: -0.825885009765625
- 99% percentile: 0.6832805633544881
No sources have both Suprime i (aperture) and RCS i (aperture) values.
RCS i (total) - Suprime i (total):
- Median: 0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -2.2906301116943357
- 99% percentile: 1.1509046173095727
DECam z (aperture) - SDSS z (aperture):
- Median: -0.59
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.26
- 1% percentile: -2.4457099262695317
- 99% percentile: 2.0554444185790963
DECam z (total) - SDSS z (total):
- Median: -0.09
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.24
- 1% percentile: -2.6325343649902337
- 99% percentile: 1.8004996293945332
GPC1 z (aperture) - SDSS z (aperture):
- Median: -0.54
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.22
- 1% percentile: -1.564947363952636
- 99% percentile: 0.9453999288330075
GPC1 z (total) - SDSS z (total):
- Median: 0.17
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -1.1928884832763664
- 99% percentile: 1.1529006408691411
No sources have both SDSS z (aperture) and Suprime z (aperture) values.
No sources have both SDSS z (total) and Suprime z (total) values.
No sources have both SDSS z (aperture) and RCS z (aperture) values.
RCS z (total) - SDSS z (total):
- Median: -0.05
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.27
- 1% percentile: -2.5915972451171867
- 99% percentile: 1.4944283287963875
GPC1 z (aperture) - DECam z (aperture):
- Median: 0.09
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -2.1351356887817383
- 99% percentile: 1.4540224456787108
GPC1 z (total) - DECam z (total):
- Median: 0.27
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.1103314208984376
- 99% percentile: 1.454379558563233
Suprime z (aperture) - DECam z (aperture):
- Median: 0.10
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.24
- 1% percentile: -2.8512701416015624
- 99% percentile: 1.6853060150146484
Suprime z (total) - DECam z (total):
- Median: 0.02
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -1.7147566223144532
- 99% percentile: 1.6015958404540975
No sources have both DECam z (aperture) and RCS z (aperture) values.
RCS z (total) - DECam z (total):
- Median: 0.03
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.23
- 1% percentile: -1.6561821365356446
- 99% percentile: 1.3318465232849168
Suprime z (aperture) - GPC1 z (aperture):
- Median: -0.00
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.2945173072814942
- 99% percentile: 1.120867881774903
Suprime z (total) - GPC1 z (total):
- Median: -0.17
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -1.0127337074279785
- 99% percentile: 1.1070509338378889
No sources have both GPC1 z (aperture) and RCS z (aperture) values.
RCS z (total) - GPC1 z (total):
- Median: -0.24
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.1760531616210939
- 99% percentile: 1.1817067146301268
No sources have both Suprime z (aperture) and RCS z (aperture) values.
RCS z (total) - Suprime z (total):
- Median: -0.04
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -1.9193576049804686
- 99% percentile: 1.0926615142822262
Suprime y (aperture) - GPC1 y (aperture):
- Median: 0.11
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.23
- 1% percentile: -1.7991735839843748
- 99% percentile: 1.8983014678955072
Suprime y (total) - GPC1 y (total):
- Median: -0.15
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.25
- 1% percentile: -1.6497690963745117
- 99% percentile: 2.1316806030273425
No sources have both GPC1 y (aperture) and RCS y (aperture) values.
RCS y (total) - GPC1 y (total):
- Median: 0.47
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.39
- 1% percentile: -1.4632400512695314
- 99% percentile: 2.727959060668946
VHS Y (aperture) - GPC1 y (aperture):
- Median: 0.05
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.20
- 1% percentile: -1.4580602073669433
- 99% percentile: 1.079011898040772
VHS Y (total) - GPC1 y (total):
- Median: -0.15
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.2063194274902345
- 99% percentile: 1.3054595184326165
UKIDSS Y (aperture) - GPC1 y (aperture):
- Median: 0.15
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.22
- 1% percentile: -1.1051537322998046
- 99% percentile: 1.1605104827880872
UKIDSS Y (total) - GPC1 y (total):
- Median: -0.08
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -1.1228889083862303
- 99% percentile: 1.4015650177001957
No sources have both Suprime y (aperture) and RCS y (aperture) values.
RCS y (total) - Suprime y (total):
- Median: 0.53
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.32
- 1% percentile: -1.3908543395996094
- 99% percentile: 2.1912711334228554
VHS Y (aperture) - Suprime y (aperture):
- Median: -0.04
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -5.783206024169922
- 99% percentile: 0.5436531829833986
VHS Y (total) - Suprime y (total):
- Median: -0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -4.1186545753479
- 99% percentile: 1.0063447952270506
UKIDSS Y (aperture) - Suprime y (aperture):
- Median: 0.08
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -1.0824210357666015
- 99% percentile: 0.6076422119140625
UKIDSS Y (total) - Suprime y (total):
- Median: 0.10
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.2867385101318358
- 99% percentile: 1.1423934173583983
No sources have both RCS y (aperture) and VHS Y (aperture) values.
VHS Y (total) - RCS y (total):
- Median: -0.47
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.31
- 1% percentile: -3.0394248962402344
- 99% percentile: 0.746319580078125
No sources have both RCS y (aperture) and UKIDSS Y (aperture) values.
UKIDSS Y (total) - RCS y (total):
- Median: -0.39
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.29
- 1% percentile: -2.155640106201172
- 99% percentile: 0.8123551559448239
No sources have both VHS Y (aperture) and UKIDSS Y (aperture) values.
No sources have both VHS Y (total) and UKIDSS Y (total) values.
UKIDSS J (aperture) - VHS J (aperture):
- Median: 0.03
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.07
- 1% percentile: -0.5630474090576172
- 99% percentile: 0.544174575805664
UKIDSS J (total) - VHS J (total):
- Median: 0.09
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -0.8497722434997559
- 99% percentile: 1.2258838081359853
VICS82 J (aperture) - VHS J (aperture):
- Median: 0.11
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -0.514088249206543
- 99% percentile: 1.2630663871765173
VICS82 J (total) - VHS J (total):
- Median: -0.07
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -1.1885685729980469
- 99% percentile: 1.122412071228025
VICS82 J (aperture) - UKIDSS J (aperture):
- Median: 0.10
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -0.5394633865356445
- 99% percentile: 1.7428174400329572
VICS82 J (total) - UKIDSS J (total):
- Median: -0.18
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.17
- 1% percentile: -1.2610341644287109
- 99% percentile: 1.0374440765380846
UKIDSS H (aperture) - VHS H (aperture):
- Median: -0.02
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.07
- 1% percentile: -0.7017165756225586
- 99% percentile: 0.3929036521911624
UKIDSS H (total) - VHS H (total):
- Median: 0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -1.1395844078063966
- 99% percentile: 1.1315725898742681
UKIDSS K (aperture) - VHS K (aperture):
- Median: 0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.09
- 1% percentile: -0.6475127029418946
- 99% percentile: 0.4219000053405762
UKIDSS K (total) - VHS K (total):
- Median: 0.06
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.1438078880310059
- 99% percentile: 1.1813421249389648
VICS82 K (aperture) - VHS K (aperture):
- Median: -0.00
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -0.6133130645751953
- 99% percentile: 0.9901255798339845
VICS82 K (total) - VHS K (total):
- Median: -0.12
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.1994578552246093
- 99% percentile: 1.008749771118168
VICS82 K (aperture) - UKIDSS K (aperture):
- Median: 0.02
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -0.5552535057067871
- 99% percentile: 1.2199306488037163
VICS82 K (total) - UKIDSS K (total):
- Median: -0.16
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -1.3577183532714843
- 99% percentile: 1.186549072265621

III - Comparing magnitudes to reference bands¶

Cross-match the master list to SDSS and 2MASS to compare its magnitudes to SDSS and 2MASS ones.

In [10]:
master_catalogue_coords = SkyCoord(master_catalogue['ra'], master_catalogue['dec'])

III.a - Comparing u, g, r, i, and z bands to SDSS¶

The catalogue is cross-matched to SDSS-DR13 withing 0.2 arcsecond.

We compare the u, g, r, i, and z magnitudes to those from SDSS using fiberMag for the aperture magnitude and petroMag for the total magnitude.

In [11]:
sdss = Table.read("../../dmu0/dmu0_SDSS-DR13/data/SDSS-DR13_Herschel-Stripe-82.fits")
sdss_coords = SkyCoord(sdss['ra'] * u.deg, sdss['dec'] * u.deg)

idx, d2d, _ = sdss_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(master_catalogue_coords)
mask = (d2d < 0.2 * u.arcsec)

sdss = sdss[mask]
ml_sdss_idx = idx[mask]
In [12]:
for band_of_a_kind in [u_bands, g_bands, r_bands, i_bands, z_bands]:
    for band in band_of_a_kind:
        sdss_mag_ap_colname = "fiberMag_{}".format(band[-1])
        sdss_mag_tot_colname = "petroMag_{}".format(band[-1])
        master_cat_mag_ap_colname = "m_ap_{}".format(band.replace(" ", "_").lower())
        master_cat_mag_tot_colname = "m_{}".format(band.replace(" ", "_").lower())
        # Set SDSS magnitudes to NaN when the magnitude  is negative as SDSS uses large
        # negative numbers for missing magnitudes
        sdss[sdss_mag_ap_colname][sdss[sdss_mag_ap_colname] < 0.] = np.nan
        sdss[sdss_mag_tot_colname][sdss[sdss_mag_tot_colname] < 0.] = np.nan

        sdss_mag_ap = sdss[sdss_mag_ap_colname]
        master_cat_mag_ap = master_catalogue[master_cat_mag_ap_colname][ml_sdss_idx]
        nb_compare_mags(sdss_mag_ap, master_cat_mag_ap,
                            labels=("SDSS (Main survey DR13) {} (fiberMag)".format(band[-1]), "{} (aperture)".format(band)))
        sdss_mag_tot = sdss[sdss_mag_tot_colname]
        master_cat_mag_tot = master_catalogue[master_cat_mag_tot_colname][ml_sdss_idx]
        nb_compare_mags(sdss_mag_tot, master_cat_mag_tot,
                        labels=("SDSS (Main survey DR13) {} (petroMag)".format(band[-1]), "{} (total)".format(band)))
SDSS u (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) u (fiberMag):
- Median: 0.69
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.46
- 1% percentile: -0.9915702382812488
- 99% percentile: 4.199792940368658
SDSS u (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) u (petroMag):
- Median: 0.21
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.74
- 1% percentile: -3.8369227404785153
- 99% percentile: 4.479896454772954
SDSS g (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (fiberMag):
- Median: 0.31
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -0.47871348526000956
- 99% percentile: 1.2509398686218285
SDSS g (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (petroMag):
- Median: -0.04
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.22
- 1% percentile: -3.2007564193725573
- 99% percentile: 1.5934776985168446
/opt/anaconda3/envs/herschelhelp_internal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:12: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
/opt/anaconda3/envs/herschelhelp_internal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:13: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
DECam g (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.45
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -1.2813874244689942
- 99% percentile: 1.168358058929444
DECam g (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (petroMag):
- Median: -0.10
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.24
- 1% percentile: -3.305940704345703
- 99% percentile: 2.042019958496093
GPC1 g (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.56
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.26
- 1% percentile: -2.765476360321045
- 99% percentile: 1.6859664916992188
GPC1 g (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (petroMag):
- Median: -0.11
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.27
- 1% percentile: -4.2331067657470705
- 99% percentile: 1.6772725105285626
Suprime g (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.33
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.1898948669433593
- 99% percentile: 1.161732482910156
Suprime g (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (petroMag):
- Median: -0.03
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.27
- 1% percentile: -3.135676040649414
- 99% percentile: 1.8215815734863274
No sources have both SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (fiberMag) and RCS g (aperture) values.
RCS g (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) g (petroMag):
- Median: -0.29
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.28
- 1% percentile: -3.6734525299072267
- 99% percentile: 1.660163574218752
SDSS r (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (fiberMag):
- Median: 0.22
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.4703202220153814
- 99% percentile: 0.7856137927246094
SDSS r (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (petroMag):
- Median: -0.04
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -2.531239594879151
- 99% percentile: 1.0697426069641118
DECam r (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.55
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -1.2494139862060547
- 99% percentile: 0.7610930252075252
DECam r (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (petroMag):
- Median: -0.19
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.17
- 1% percentile: -2.980473175048828
- 99% percentile: 1.074421691894531
GPC1 r (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.40
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.664783935546875
- 99% percentile: 0.7864620971679673
GPC1 r (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (petroMag):
- Median: 0.05
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -2.5348509216308592
- 99% percentile: 1.213526039123535
Suprime r (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.34
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.10
- 1% percentile: -1.040871810913086
- 99% percentile: 0.6163643646240211
Suprime r (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (petroMag):
- Median: -0.06
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -2.7978500366210937
- 99% percentile: 1.2967376708984382
No sources have both SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (fiberMag) and RCS r (aperture) values.
RCS r (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) r (petroMag):
- Median: -0.18
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -2.9737467193603515
- 99% percentile: 1.1879370880126947
SDSS i (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (fiberMag):
- Median: 0.18
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.5666089828491205
- 99% percentile: 0.7385578533935562
SDSS i (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (petroMag):
- Median: -0.04
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.13
- 1% percentile: -2.995337109832765
- 99% percentile: 1.0213562768554678
GPC1 i (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.39
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.11
- 1% percentile: -1.1544958877563476
- 99% percentile: 0.2978730392456064
GPC1 i (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (petroMag):
- Median: 0.05
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -2.4359721183776855
- 99% percentile: 0.9707852172851563
Suprime i (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.38
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.10
- 1% percentile: -1.0213645935058593
- 99% percentile: 0.7098453521728619
Suprime i (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (petroMag):
- Median: -0.12
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -3.1270497322082518
- 99% percentile: 1.3416518783569336
No sources have both SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (fiberMag) and RCS i (aperture) values.
RCS i (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) i (petroMag):
- Median: -0.20
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.17
- 1% percentile: -3.412097816467285
- 99% percentile: 1.129906044006348
SDSS z (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (fiberMag):
- Median: 0.25
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -0.7316756486816389
- 99% percentile: 1.5328369016113332
SDSS z (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (petroMag):
- Median: -0.03
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.31
- 1% percentile: -3.515508124420166
- 99% percentile: 2.0787191370544447
DECam z (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.38
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -1.392816925048828
- 99% percentile: 1.9866805076599126
DECam z (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (petroMag):
- Median: -0.13
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.32
- 1% percentile: -3.8523220825195312
- 99% percentile: 1.8408506774902273
GPC1 z (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.30
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.4519528579711913
- 99% percentile: 1.1004284858703666
GPC1 z (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (petroMag):
- Median: 0.12
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.26
- 1% percentile: -3.6426555824279783
- 99% percentile: 1.6995499610900824
Suprime z (aperture) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.26
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.3362243652343748
- 99% percentile: 1.096382350921631
Suprime z (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (petroMag):
- Median: -0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.37
- 1% percentile: -3.7131628036499023
- 99% percentile: 1.8880386352539036
No sources have both SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (fiberMag) and RCS z (aperture) values.
RCS z (total) - SDSS (Main survey DR13) z (petroMag):
- Median: -0.10
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.37
- 1% percentile: -3.960337562561035
- 99% percentile: 2.035121383666991

III.b - Comparing J and K bands to 2MASS¶

The catalogue is cross-matched to 2MASS-PSC withing 0.2 arcsecond.

We compare the UKIDSS total J and K magnitudes to those from 2MASS.

In [13]:
twomass = Table.read("../../dmu0/dmu0_2MASS-point-sources/data/2MASS-PSC_Herschel-Stripe-82.fits")
twomass_coords = SkyCoord(twomass['raj2000'], twomass['dej2000'])

idx, d2d, _ = twomass_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(master_catalogue_coords)
mask = (d2d < 0.2 * u.arcsec)

twomass = twomass[mask]
ml_twomass_idx = idx[mask]
In [14]:
nb_compare_mags(twomass['jmag'], master_catalogue['m_ukidss_j'][ml_twomass_idx],
                labels=("2MASS J", "UKIDSS LAS J (total)"))
UKIDSS LAS J (total) - 2MASS J:
- Median: 0.94
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.05
- 1% percentile: 0.11236026573181146
- 99% percentile: 1.4694202251434318
In [15]:
nb_compare_mags(twomass['kmag'], master_catalogue['m_ukidss_k'][ml_twomass_idx],
                labels=("2MASS K", "UKIDSS LAS K (total)"))
UKIDSS LAS K (total) - 2MASS K:
- Median: 1.95
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.08
- 1% percentile: 1.0191856248474123
- 99% percentile: 2.7435803141784705

IV - Comparing aperture magnitudes to total ones.¶

In [16]:
    master_catalogue['m_ap_rcs_r'] - master_catalogue['m_rcs_r'],
    "r total magnitude (CFHT)", "r aperture mag - total mag (CFHT)",
Number of source used: 0 / 4924329 (0.00%)
HELP warning: no sources with observations in both bands

V - Color-color and magnitude-color plots¶

In [17]:
    master_catalogue['m_gpc1_g'] - master_catalogue['m_gpc1_i'],
    master_catalogue['m_ukidss_j'] - master_catalogue['m_ukidss_k'],
    "g - i (PanSTARRS)", "J - K (UKIDSS LAS)",
Number of source used: 112069 / 4924329 (2.28%)
In [18]:
    master_catalogue['m_gpc1_i'] - master_catalogue['m_irac_i1'],
    master_catalogue['m_gpc1_g'] - master_catalogue['m_gpc1_i'],
    "PanSTARRS i - IRAC1", "g - i (PanSTARRS)",
Number of source used: 132885 / 4924329 (2.70%)
In [19]:
    master_catalogue['m_rcs_g'] - master_catalogue['m_rcs_i'],
    master_catalogue['m_rcs_r'] - master_catalogue['m_rcs_y'],
    "g - i (CFHT)", "r - y (CFHT)",
Number of source used: 0 / 4924329 (0.00%)
HELP warning: no sources with observations in both bands
In [20]:
    master_catalogue['m_ukidss_j'] - master_catalogue['m_ukidss_k'],
    master_catalogue['m_gpc1_g'] - master_catalogue['m_ukidss_j'],
    "J - K (UKIDSS LAS)", "g - J (PanSTARRS, UKIDSS)",
Number of source used: 112253 / 4924329 (2.28%)
In [21]:
    master_catalogue['m_gpc1_i'] - master_catalogue['m_gpc1_z'],
    master_catalogue['m_gpc1_z'] - master_catalogue['m_ukidss_j'],
    "i - z (PanSTARRS)", "z - J (PanSTARRS, UKIDSS LAS)",
Number of source used: 133599 / 4924329 (2.71%)
In [22]:
    master_catalogue['m_gpc1_i'] - master_catalogue['m_gpc1_z'],
    master_catalogue['m_irac_i1'] - master_catalogue['m_irac_i2'],
    "i - z (PanSTARRS)", "IRAC1 - IRAC2",
Number of source used: 138070 / 4924329 (2.80%)