# Master list on ELAIS-N1 This folder contains the Jupyter notebooks used to create HELP mater list on ELAIS-N1. *Note: The [0_main.ipynb](0_main.ipynb) contains the same thing than this readme and is easier to read from within Jupyter.* | Survey | Telescope / Instrument | Filters (detection band in bold) | Location | |--------|-------------------------|:---------------------------------:|-----------------| | INT-WFC | INT/WFC | ugriz | dmu0_INT-WFC | | UKIDSS-DXS | | JHK | dmu0_UKIDSS-DXS | | HSC | Subaru/HyperSuprimeCam | grizy | dmu0_HSC | | PanSTARRS-3SS | PanSTARRS/GPC1 | ugriz | dmu0_PanSTARRS-322 | | SpARCS | CFHT/Megacam | ugrz | dmu-_SpARCS | | SERVS | Spitzer/IRAC | IRAC12 | dmu0_DataFusion-Spitzer | | SWIRE | Spitzer/IRAC | IRAC1234 | dmu0_DataFusion-Spitzer | ## Pristine catalogue preparations For each pristine catalogue, a specific notebook is used for its preparation: the selection of columns, the conversion of some magnitudes or fluxes when needed, the removal of duplicated sources, the correction of astrometry using Gaia as reference, and the flagging of possible Gaia objects. - [1.1_INT-WFC.ipynb](1.1_INT-WFC.ipynb) for Isaac Newton Telescope / Wide Field Camera (INT/WFC) data - [1.2_UKIDSS-DXS.ipynb](1.2_UKIDSS-DXS.ipynb) for UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey / Deep Extragalactic Survey (UKIDSS/DXS) data - - [1.3_HSC-SSP.ipynb](1.3_HSC-SSP.ipynb) for Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program Catalogues (HSC-SSP) data - - [1.4_PanSTARRS-3SS.ipynb](1.4_PanSTARRS-3SS.ipynb) for Pan-STARRS1 - 3pi Steradian Survey (3SS) data - [1.5_SpARCS.ipynb](1.5_SpARCS.ipynb) for Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS) data - [1.6_SERVS.ipynb](1.6_SERVS.ipynb) for Spitzer datafusion SERVS data - [1.7_SWIRE.ipynb](1.7_SWIRE.ipynb) for Spitzer datafusion SWIRE data ## Catalogue merging The [2_Merging.ipynb](2_Merging.ipynb) notebook performs the merging of the pristine catalogues into the master list. ## Diagnostics The notebook presents some checks and diagnostic plots on the final master list. - [3.1_Checks_and_diagnostics.ipynb](3.1_Checks_and_diagnostics.ipynb) - [3.2_Flagging.ipynb](3.2_Flagging.ipynb) ## Depths This computes means errors which can be used to calculated depths on order 10 HEALpix cells - [4_Selection_function.ipynb](4_Selection_function.ipynb) ## Used memory The following table presents an estimation of the memory that was used running the various notebooks, as well as of the time it took. | Notebook | Memory needed (GB) | Time (s) | |:------------------------------:|:------------------:|:--------:| | 1.1_INT-WFC.ipynb | 4.5 | 103 | | 1.2_UKIDSS-DXS.ipynb | 2.1 | 72 | | 1.3_HSC-SSP.ipynb | 11.1 | 414 | | 1.4_PanSTARRS-3SS.ipynb | 2.7 | 463 | | 1.5_SpARCS.ipynb | 16.9 | 497 | | 1.6_SERVS.ipynb | 0.8 | 24 | | 1.7_SWIRE.ipynb | 2.2 | 47 | | 2_Merging.ipynb | 43.8 | 2357 | | 3_Checks_and_diagnostics.ipynb | 16.6 | 461 |