Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) ==================================== This product contains the Subaru B, V, r, i, and z catalogues from the Subaru/XMM-Newtin Deep Survey (SXDS). There are 5 kinds of catalogues (one per band of detection), each kind composed of 5 catalogues forming a cross with a small overlapping area. The catalogues are those of the DR1 ((web page)[]). They are provided in Sextractor ASCII format. They were converted to FITS files for easy handling. To convert them, the column names where slightly changed, the `cat_headers.txt` file contains the headers for the ASCII catalogues. We added `ra` and `dec` columns in decimal degrees. The catalogue were not merged and should be merged in the processing of the master list. During the merge, a special care should be taken about the `FLAGS` column that is 0 for clean sources, 1 for strong halo, and 2 for weak halo. All the sources in the various catalogues fall in the HELP XMM-LSS field.