Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey (RCSLenS) catalogue ======================================================= These catalogues were queried on the [RCSLenS catalog query page]( As the survey is quite large (more that 70 million sources) we first queried only the position of all the sources to generate a MOC (`RCSLenS_MOC.fits`) for all the survey. The we compared it to HELP coverage: | Field |Coverage| |------------------|-------:| | COSMOS| 0.0| | GAMA-15| 0.0| | XMM-LSS| 0.0| | Bootes| 0.0| | CDFS-SWIRE| 0.0| | ELAIS-N1| 100.0| | GAMA-12| 0.0| | GAMA-09| 0.0| | Lockman-SWIRE| 95.2| | EGS| 0.0| | ELAIS-S1| 0.0| | AKARI-NEP| 0.0| | ELAIS-N2| 84.6| | xFLS| 0.0| |Herschel-Stripe-82| 37.0| | NGP| 0.0| | SGP| 0.0| | AKARI-SEP| 0.0| | SPIRE-NEP| 0.0| | SSDF| 0.0| | HDF-N| 0.0| | SA13| 0.0| | XMM-13hr| 0.0| | __ALL__| 13.9| We then queried the database for ELAIS-N1, Lockman-SWIRE, ELAIS-N2, and Herschel-Stripe-82 with these queries: ```sql # ELAIS-N1 SELECT * FROM cfht.rcslens WHERE ALPHA_J2000 BETWEEN 237.9 AND 247.9 AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN 52.37 AND 57.59 # Lockman-SWIRE SELECT * FROM cfht.rcslens WHERE ALPHA_J2000 BETWEEN 154.7 AND 167.8 AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN 54.95 AND 60.89 # ELAIS-N2 SELECT * FROM cfht.rcslens WHERE ALPHA_J2000 BETWEEN 246.1 AND 252.3 AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN 39.02 AND 43.02 # Herschel-Stripe-82 SELECT * FROM cfht.rcslens WHERE ( ((ALPHA_J2000 >= 348.3 OR ALPHA_J2000 <= 19.1) AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -9.5 AND 9.25) OR ALPHA_J2000 BETWEEN 13.4 AND 36.3 AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -2.32 AND 2.49 ) AND ALPHA_J2000 < 180 AND DELTA_J2000 >= 0 SELECT * FROM cfht.rcslens WHERE ( ((ALPHA_J2000 >= 348.3 OR ALPHA_J2000 <= 19.1) AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -9.5 AND 9.25) OR ALPHA_J2000 BETWEEN 13.4 AND 36.3 AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -2.32 AND 2.49 ) AND ALPHA_J2000 < 180 AND DELTA_J2000 < 0 SELECT * FROM cfht.rcslens WHERE ( ((ALPHA_J2000 >= 348.3 OR ALPHA_J2000 <= 19.1) AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -9.5 AND 9.25) OR ALPHA_J2000 BETWEEN 13.4 AND 36.3 AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -2.32 AND 2.49 ) AND ALPHA_J2000 >= 180 AND DELTA_J2000 >= 0 SELECT * FROM cfht.rcslens WHERE ( ((ALPHA_J2000 >= 348.3 OR ALPHA_J2000 <= 19.1) AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -9.5 AND 9.25) OR ALPHA_J2000 BETWEEN 13.4 AND 36.3 AND DELTA_J2000 BETWEEN -2.32 AND 2.49 ) AND ALPHA_J2000 >= 180 AND DELTA_J2000 < 0 ``` The resulting files were processed by `` to keep only the sources on HELP coverage. ## Description of the columns taken from the output VO-table | Name | Description | |------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | Unique identifier | | pos | PGsphere position | | SeqNr | Running object number | | KRON_RADIUS | Kron radius in units of A or B | | BackGr | Background at centroid position [counts] | | Level | Detection threshold above background [counts] | | MU_THRESHOLD | Detection threshold above background [mag x arcsec^-2] | | MaxVal | Peak flux above background [counts] | | MU_MAX | Peak surface brightness above background [mag x arcsec^-2] | | ISOAREA_WORLD | Isophotal area above Analysis threshold [deg^2] | | Xpos | Object position along x in the MegaCAM pointing (non unique) [pixel] | | Ypos | Object position along y in the MegaCAM pointing (non unique) [pixel] | | ALPHA_J2000 | Right ascension of barycenter (J2000) [deg] | | DELTA_J2000 | Declination of barycenter (J2000) [deg] | | A_WORLD | Profile RMS along major axis (world units) [deg] | | B_WORLD | Profile RMS along minor axis (world units) [deg] | | THETA_J2000 | Position angle (east of north) (J2000) [deg] | | ERRA_WORLD | error of A_WORLD [deg] | | ERRB_WORLD | error of B_WORLD [deg] | | ERRTHETA_J2000 | error of THETA_J2000 [deg] | | FWHM_IMAGE | FWHM assuming a Gaussian core [pixel] | | FWHM_WORLD | FWHM assuming a Gaussian core [pixel] | | Flag | Extraction flags | | FLUX_RADIUS | Half light radius [pixel] | | CLASS_STAR | SExtractor S/G classifier output | | E_B_V | E_(B-V) at the objects position from SFD98 maps [mag] | | IMAFLAGS_ISO_r | FLAG-image flags ORed over the iso. profile- r-band | | MAG_LIM_r | 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the r-band [mag] | | EXTINCTION_r | Galactic dust absorption in the r-band from SFD98 [mag] | | IMAFLAGS_ISO_y | FLAG-image flags ORed over the iso. profile- y-band | | MAG_LIM_y | 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the y-band [mag] | | EXTINCTION_y | Galactic dust absorption in the y-band from SFD98 [mag] | | IMAFLAGS_ISO_z | FLAG-image flags ORed over the iso. profile- z-band | | MAG_LIM_z | 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the z-band [mag] | | EXTINCTION_z | Galactic dust absorption in the z-band from SFD98 [mag] | | e1 | Lensfit galaxy e1 expectation value | | e2 | Lensfit galaxy e2 expectation value | | weight | Lensfit inverse variance shear weight | | fitclass | Lensfit fit class | | size | Lensfit galaxy model scalelength [pixel] | | bulge_fraction | Lensfit galaxy model bulge-fraction B/T | | model_flux | Lensfit galaxy model flux | | SNratio | Lensfit data S/N ratio | | fit_probability | Lensfit fit probability | | PSF_e1 | Lensfit PSF model mean ellipticity e1 | | PSF_e2 | Lensfit PSF model mean ellipticity e2 | | PSF_Strehl_ratio | Lensfit PSF model mean pseudo-Strehl ratio | | n_exposures_used | Number of exposures used in lensfit measurements | | MAG_r | Magnitude in the r-band [mag] | | MAG_y | Magnitude in the y-band [mag] | | MAG_z | Magnitude in the z-band [mag] | | MAGERR_r | Magnitude error in the r-band [mag] | | MAGERR_y | Magnitude error in the y-band [mag] | | MAGERR_z | Magnitude error in the z-band | | MASK | RCSLenS mask value at the objects position | | m | Multiplicative shear calibration | | SG_FLAG | RCSLenS S/G classifier | | c1_DP | Additive shear bias correction for e1- 2nd pass | | c2_DP | Additive shear bias correction for e2- 2nd pass | | PZ_full | Vector containing the posterior photo-z probability in steps of Delta_z=0.05 | | c1_NB | Additive shear bias correction for e1- 1st pass | | c2_NB | Additive shear bias correction for e2- 1st pass | | MAG_LIM_g | 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the g-band [mag] | | EXTINCTION_g | Galactic dust absorption in the g-band from SFD98 [mag] | | MAG_g | Magnitude in the g-band [mag] | | MAGERR_g | Magnitude error in the g-band | | IMAFLAGS_ISO_g | FLAG-image flags ORed over the iso. profile- g-band | | MAG_LIM_i | 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the i-band [mag] | | EXTINCTION_i | Galactic dust absorption in the i-band from SFD98 [mag] | | MAG_i | Magnitude in the i-band [mag] | | MAGERR_i | Magnitude error in the i-band [mag] | | IMAFLAGS_ISO_i | FLAG-image flags ORed over the iso. profile- i-band | | Z_B | BPZ redshift estimate; peak of the posterior redshift probability distribution | | Z_B_MIN | Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of Z_B | | Z_B_MAX | Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of Z_B | | T_B | Spectral type corresponding to Z_B | | ODDS | Empirical odds of Z_B | | Z_ML | BPZ maximum likelihood redshift | | T_ML | Spectral type corresponding to Z_B | | CHI_SQUARED_BPZ | Chi^2 value associated with Z_B | | BPZ_FILT | Filters with good photometry (BPZ); bit-coded mask | | NBPZ_FILT | Number of filters with good photometry (BPZ) | | BPZ_NONDETFILT | Filters with faint photometry (not used by BPZ); bit-coded mask | | NBPZ_NONDETFILT | Number of filters with faint photometry (not used by BPZ) | | BPZ_FLAGFILT | Filters with flagged photometry (not used by BPZ); bit-coded mask | | NBPZ_FLAGFILT | Number of filters with flagged photometry (not used by BPZ) | | LP_kcor_g | k-correction in the MegaCam g-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_kcor_r | k-correction in the MegaCam r-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_kcor_i | k-correction in the MegaCam i-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_kcor_y | k-correction in the MegaCam y-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_kcor_z | k-correction in the MegaCam z-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_Mg | Absolute rest-frame magnitude in the MegaCam g-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_Mr | Absolute rest-frame magnitude in the MegaCam r-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_Mi | Absolute rest-frame magnitude in the MegaCam i-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_My | Absolute rest-frame magnitude in the MegaCam y-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_Mz | Absolute rest-frame magnitude in the MegaCam z-band (estimated with LePhare) [mag] | | LP_log10_SM_MED | Logarithm of the stellar mass (estimated with LePhare) [log_10(M_sun)] | | LP_log10_SM_INF | Lower bound of the logarithm of the stellar mass (estimated with LePhare) [log_10(M_sun)] | | LP_log10_SM_SUP | Upper bound of the logarithm of the stellar mass (estimated with LePhare) [log_10(M_sun)] | | LP_log10_SFR_MED | Logarithm of the star formation rate (estimated with LePhare) [log_10(M_sun/year)] | | LP_log10_SFR_INF | Upper bound of the logarithm of the star formation rate (estimated with LePhare) [log_10(M_sun/year)] | | LP_log10_SFR_SUP | Lower bound of the logarithm of the star formation rate (estimated with LePhare) [log_10(M_sun/year)] |