Infrared Bootes Imaging Survey catalogue ======================================== The Infrared Bootes Imaging Survey (IBIS) is a near-infrared imaging survey covering the entire Spitzer Deep Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS) region, which corresponds to the Boötes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey region. The full documentation is available at The IBIS provide J, H, and Ks catalogues for J selected sources over 52 overlapping subfields. The typical field reaches a 5σ depth of roughly J=22 within a 3 arc-second diameter aperture. Magnitudes are Vega and not aperture corrected. To obtain true Vega magnitudes with m=0 for Vega in all bands requires subtraction of 0.056 mag in J and 0.007 mag in H (Ks is unchanged). # Catalogue concatenation We concatenated the 3x52 catalogues in the single table. On each subfield, the three per-band catalogues are made of the same (J selected) sources. We concatenated them prefixing the columns with j_, h_, and k_; with these exceptions: - The position (alpha_j2000 and delta_j2000) comes from the J band, thus there is only two columns not prefixed. - Some other columns are the same for each band and must come from the J processing. We kept the j_ prefix but we did not include the columns from the H and Ks catalogues: j_x_image, j_y_image, j_imaflags_iso, j_nimaflags_iso, j_threshold, j_x2_image, j_y2_image, j_xy_image, j_x2_world, j_y2_world, j_xy_world, j_cxx_image, j_cyy_image, j_cxy_image, j_cxx_world, j_cyy_world, j_cxy_world, j_errcxx_image, j_errcyy_image, j_errcxy_image, j_errcxx_world, j_errcyy_world, j_errcxy_world, j_a_world, j_b_world, j_erra_world, j_errb_world, j_theta_world, j_theta_j2000, j_errtheta_world, j_errtheta_j2000, j_elongation, j_ellipticity. As we concatenated vertically the catalogues, there are duplicated sources in the overlapping areas between field. We added a subfield column containing the name of the subfield associated to each source. As we kept the number column (a sequential identifier in each subfield) it's easy to go back to the original catalogue. To uniquely identify each source, we added an internal_id column (made concatenating subfield and number). # Files There are two versions of the catalogue: - `IBIS_20160720.fits` is the main catalogue. - `IBIS_MLselected_20160801.fits` is the masterlist selected version of the catalogue. It has been cleaned from duplicates and limited to the HELP field. The help_id column makes the link with the HELP masterlist. Please use this identifier while crossmatching.