Hawaii Hubble Deep Field North Catalogues ========================================= This product contains the catalogues from the Hawaii Hubble Deep Field North. These are two multi-band catalogues extracted at R and Z band detections, and contains fluxes in these bands: - U from the MOSAIC instrument on the KPNO telescope; - B, V, R, I, and z’ from the Suprime-Cam instrument on the Subaru telescope; - HK’ from the QUIRC instrument on the University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope. We downloaded the 8 tables from the [web page of the project](http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~capak/hdf/index.html) and joined them in two catalogues using the provided identifiers. The data folder contains the orginial tables as well as the joined `R.fits` and `Z.fits` catalogues (the name correspond to the detection band). It allso contains the reference article and a longuer version of it that can be found on the project web site. All the sources of theses catalogues fall in the HELP HDF-N field.