# DESI legacy imaging surveys While we already include Legacy Survey and DECaLS photometry it is repeated here to provide the Tractor forced WISE fluxes and photometric redshifts presented in Zou et al (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4365/ab1847). These awere downloaded from: http://batc.bao.ac.cn/~zouhu/online-data/desi_photoz/ We have downloaded the following files: http://batc.bao.ac.cn/~zouhu/online-data/desi_photoz/dr6dr7_photoz_csp_totcat.fits and http://batc.bao.ac.cn/~zouhu/online-data/desi_photoz/readme The photometric redshifts will also be served on [VOX](https://herschel-vos.phys.sussex.ac.uk/) History: 20190708: First download.