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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Programme (HELP)'
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:herschelhelp_main, year=2020, title={Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Programme ({HELP})}, author={Shirley, R.; Roehlly, Y.; et al}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the The Virtual Observatory at susseX ({VOX})} }
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
field | Field | Name of the field in HELP survey | N/A |;obs.field |
help_id | HELP_Id | HELP identifier, based on J2000 position | N/A |;meta.main |
ra | RA | Right Ascension (J2000) | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
dec | Dec | Declination (J2000) | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
hp_idx | HP_Idx | HEALPix index of the source position at order 13 using the nested scheme. | N/A | pos.healpix |
ebv | EBV | Galactic extinction (Schlegel et al. 1998) at the object position | N/A | phot.color.excess |
redshift | Redshift | Photometric redshift obtained with EAZY. | N/A | src.redshift.phot |
zspec | zSpec | Spectroscopic redshift collated from the literature. | N/A | src.redsfhit |
zspec_qual | zSpec_qual | Spectroscopic redshift quality flag. FIXME code meaning. | N/A | meta.code.qual;src.redshift |
zspec_association_flag | zSpec_Association_Flag | Boolean flag set to true when the association of a source to it's redshift may be problematic (possible mis-cross-association). | N/A | meta.code;src.redshift |
stellarity | stellarity | Index evaluation is the source is point-source: for 0 (not point source) to 1 (point source). Generally name stellarity index. | N/A | src.class.starGalaxy |
stellarity_origin | stellarity_origin | Name of Survey from which stellarity is calculated. | N/A | meta.code;src.class.starGalaxy |
f_90prime_g | f_90prime_g | Total flux density in the B band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_90prime_g | ferr_90prime_g | Uncertainty on f_90prime_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_90prime_g | f_ap_90prime_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_90prime_g | ferr_ap_90prime_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_90prime_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_90prime_g | m_90prime_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_90prime_g | merr_90prime_g | Uncertainty on m_90prime_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_90prime_g | m_ap_90prime_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_90prime_g | merr_ap_90prime_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_90prime_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_90prime_g | flag_90prime_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the 90prime_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_90prime_r | f_90prime_r | Total flux density in the R band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_90prime_r | ferr_90prime_r | Uncertainty on f_90prime_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_90prime_r | f_ap_90prime_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_90prime_r | ferr_ap_90prime_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_90prime_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_90prime_r | m_90prime_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_90prime_r | merr_90prime_r | Uncertainty on m_90prime_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_90prime_r | m_ap_90prime_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_90prime_r | merr_ap_90prime_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_90prime_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_90prime_r | flag_90prime_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the 90prime_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_90prime_z | f_90prime_z | Total flux density in the I band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_90prime_z | ferr_90prime_z | Uncertainty on f_90prime_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_90prime_z | f_ap_90prime_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_90prime_z | ferr_ap_90prime_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_90prime_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_90prime_z | m_90prime_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_90prime_z | merr_90prime_z | Uncertainty on m_90prime_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_90prime_z | m_ap_90prime_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The 90-inch prime focus camera (90prime) on The Bok Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_90prime_z | merr_ap_90prime_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_90prime_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_90prime_z | flag_90prime_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the 90prime_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_acs_f435w | f_acs_f435w | Total flux density in the B band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_acs_f435w | ferr_acs_f435w | Uncertainty on f_acs_f435w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_acs_f435w | f_ap_acs_f435w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_acs_f435w | ferr_ap_acs_f435w | Uncertainty on f_ap_acs_f435w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_acs_f435w | m_acs_f435w | Total AB magnitude in the B band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_acs_f435w | merr_acs_f435w | Uncertainty on m_acs_f435w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_acs_f435w | m_ap_acs_f435w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_acs_f435w | merr_ap_acs_f435w | Uncertainty on m_ap_acs_f435w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_acs_f435w | flag_acs_f435w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the acs_f435w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_acs_f606w | f_acs_f606w | Total flux density in the R band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_acs_f606w | ferr_acs_f606w | Uncertainty on f_acs_f606w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_acs_f606w | f_ap_acs_f606w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_acs_f606w | ferr_ap_acs_f606w | Uncertainty on f_ap_acs_f606w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_acs_f606w | m_acs_f606w | Total AB magnitude in the R band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_acs_f606w | merr_acs_f606w | Uncertainty on m_acs_f606w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_acs_f606w | m_ap_acs_f606w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_acs_f606w | merr_ap_acs_f606w | Uncertainty on m_ap_acs_f606w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_acs_f606w | flag_acs_f606w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the acs_f606w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_acs_f775w | f_acs_f775w | Total flux density in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_acs_f775w | ferr_acs_f775w | Uncertainty on f_acs_f775w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_acs_f775w | f_ap_acs_f775w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_acs_f775w | ferr_ap_acs_f775w | Uncertainty on f_ap_acs_f775w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_acs_f775w | m_acs_f775w | Total AB magnitude in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_acs_f775w | merr_acs_f775w | Uncertainty on m_acs_f775w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_acs_f775w | m_ap_acs_f775w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_acs_f775w | merr_ap_acs_f775w | Uncertainty on m_ap_acs_f775w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_acs_f775w | flag_acs_f775w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the acs_f775w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_acs_f814w | f_acs_f814w | Total flux density in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_acs_f814w | ferr_acs_f814w | Uncertainty on f_acs_f814w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_acs_f814w | f_ap_acs_f814w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_acs_f814w | ferr_ap_acs_f814w | Uncertainty on f_ap_acs_f814w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_acs_f814w | m_acs_f814w | Total AB magnitude in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_acs_f814w | merr_acs_f814w | Uncertainty on m_acs_f814w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_acs_f814w | m_ap_acs_f814w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_acs_f814w | merr_ap_acs_f814w | Uncertainty on m_ap_acs_f814w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_acs_f814w | flag_acs_f814w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the acs_f814w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_acs_f850lp | f_acs_f850lp | Total flux density in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_acs_f850lp | ferr_acs_f850lp | Uncertainty on f_acs_f850lp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_acs_f850lp | f_ap_acs_f850lp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_acs_f850lp | ferr_ap_acs_f850lp | Uncertainty on f_ap_acs_f850lp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_acs_f850lp | m_acs_f850lp | Total AB magnitude in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_acs_f850lp | merr_acs_f850lp | Uncertainty on m_acs_f850lp. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_acs_f850lp | m_ap_acs_f850lp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_acs_f850lp | merr_ap_acs_f850lp | Uncertainty on m_ap_acs_f850lp | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_acs_f850lp | flag_acs_f850lp | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the acs_f850lp aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_bessell_b | f_bessell_b | Total flux density in the B band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_bessell_b | ferr_bessell_b | Uncertainty on f_bessell_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_bessell_b | f_ap_bessell_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_bessell_b | ferr_ap_bessell_b | Uncertainty on f_ap_bessell_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_bessell_b | m_bessell_b | Total AB magnitude in the B band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_bessell_b | merr_bessell_b | Uncertainty on m_bessell_b. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_bessell_b | m_ap_bessell_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_bessell_b | merr_ap_bessell_b | Uncertainty on m_ap_bessell_b | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_bessell_b | flag_bessell_b | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the bessell_b aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_bessell_i | f_bessell_i | Total flux density in the I band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_bessell_i | ferr_bessell_i | Uncertainty on f_bessell_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_bessell_i | f_ap_bessell_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_bessell_i | ferr_ap_bessell_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_bessell_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_bessell_i | m_bessell_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_bessell_i | merr_bessell_i | Uncertainty on m_bessell_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_bessell_i | m_ap_bessell_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_bessell_i | merr_ap_bessell_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_bessell_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_bessell_i | flag_bessell_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the bessell_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_bessell_r | f_bessell_r | Total flux density in the R band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_bessell_r | ferr_bessell_r | Uncertainty on f_bessell_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_bessell_r | f_ap_bessell_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_bessell_r | ferr_ap_bessell_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_bessell_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_bessell_r | m_bessell_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_bessell_r | merr_bessell_r | Uncertainty on m_bessell_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_bessell_r | m_ap_bessell_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_bessell_r | merr_ap_bessell_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_bessell_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_bessell_r | flag_bessell_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the bessell_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_bessell_u | f_bessell_u | Total flux density in the U band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_bessell_u | ferr_bessell_u | Uncertainty on f_bessell_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_bessell_u | f_ap_bessell_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_bessell_u | ferr_ap_bessell_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_bessell_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_bessell_u | m_bessell_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_bessell_u | merr_bessell_u | Uncertainty on m_bessell_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_bessell_u | m_ap_bessell_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_bessell_u | merr_ap_bessell_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_bessell_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_bessell_u | flag_bessell_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the bessell_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_bessell_v | f_bessell_v | Total flux density in the V band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_bessell_v | ferr_bessell_v | Uncertainty on f_bessell_v. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_bessell_v | f_ap_bessell_v | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_bessell_v | ferr_ap_bessell_v | Uncertainty on f_ap_bessell_v. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_bessell_v | m_bessell_v | Total AB magnitude in the V band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_bessell_v | merr_bessell_v | Uncertainty on m_bessell_v. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_bessell_v | m_ap_bessell_v | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of Standard camera response (camera unknown) on Standardised telescope response (telescope uknown). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_bessell_v | merr_ap_bessell_v | Uncertainty on m_ap_bessell_v | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_bessell_v | flag_bessell_v | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the bessell_v aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_cfht12k_b | f_cfht12k_b | Total flux density in the B band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_cfht12k_b | ferr_cfht12k_b | Uncertainty on f_cfht12k_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_cfht12k_b | f_ap_cfht12k_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_cfht12k_b | ferr_ap_cfht12k_b | Uncertainty on f_ap_cfht12k_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_cfht12k_b | m_cfht12k_b | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_cfht12k_b | merr_cfht12k_b | Uncertainty on m_cfht12k_b. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_cfht12k_b | m_ap_cfht12k_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_cfht12k_b | merr_ap_cfht12k_b | Uncertainty on m_ap_cfht12k_b | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_cfht12k_b | flag_cfht12k_b | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the cfht12k_b aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_cfht12k_i | f_cfht12k_i | Total flux density in the I band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_cfht12k_i | ferr_cfht12k_i | Uncertainty on f_cfht12k_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_cfht12k_i | f_ap_cfht12k_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_cfht12k_i | ferr_ap_cfht12k_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_cfht12k_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_cfht12k_i | m_cfht12k_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_cfht12k_i | merr_cfht12k_i | Uncertainty on m_cfht12k_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_cfht12k_i | m_ap_cfht12k_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_cfht12k_i | merr_ap_cfht12k_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_cfht12k_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_cfht12k_i | flag_cfht12k_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the cfht12k_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_cfht12k_r | f_cfht12k_r | Total flux density in the R band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_cfht12k_r | ferr_cfht12k_r | Uncertainty on f_cfht12k_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_cfht12k_r | f_ap_cfht12k_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_cfht12k_r | ferr_ap_cfht12k_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_cfht12k_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_cfht12k_r | m_cfht12k_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_cfht12k_r | merr_cfht12k_r | Uncertainty on m_cfht12k_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_cfht12k_r | m_ap_cfht12k_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The CFH12K prime focus 12K camera on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_cfht12k_r | merr_ap_cfht12k_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_cfht12k_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_cfht12k_r | flag_cfht12k_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the cfht12k_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_decam_g | f_decam_g | Total flux density in the B band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_decam_g | ferr_decam_g | Uncertainty on f_decam_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_decam_g | f_ap_decam_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_decam_g | ferr_ap_decam_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_decam_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_decam_g | m_decam_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_decam_g | merr_decam_g | Uncertainty on m_decam_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_decam_g | m_ap_decam_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_decam_g | merr_ap_decam_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_decam_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_decam_g | flag_decam_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the decam_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_decam_i | f_decam_i | Total flux density in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_decam_i | ferr_decam_i | Uncertainty on f_decam_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_decam_i | f_ap_decam_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_decam_i | ferr_ap_decam_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_decam_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_decam_i | m_decam_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_decam_i | merr_decam_i | Uncertainty on m_decam_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_decam_i | m_ap_decam_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_decam_i | merr_ap_decam_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_decam_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_decam_i | flag_decam_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the decam_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_decam_r | f_decam_r | Total flux density in the R band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_decam_r | ferr_decam_r | Uncertainty on f_decam_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_decam_r | f_ap_decam_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_decam_r | ferr_ap_decam_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_decam_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_decam_r | m_decam_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_decam_r | merr_decam_r | Uncertainty on m_decam_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_decam_r | m_ap_decam_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_decam_r | merr_ap_decam_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_decam_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_decam_r | flag_decam_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the decam_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_decam_y | f_decam_y | Total flux density in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_decam_y | ferr_decam_y | Uncertainty on f_decam_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_decam_y | f_ap_decam_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_decam_y | ferr_ap_decam_y | Uncertainty on f_ap_decam_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_decam_y | m_decam_y | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_decam_y | merr_decam_y | Uncertainty on m_decam_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_decam_y | m_ap_decam_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_decam_y | merr_ap_decam_y | Uncertainty on m_ap_decam_y | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_decam_y | flag_decam_y | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the decam_y aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_decam_z | f_decam_z | Total flux density in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_decam_z | ferr_decam_z | Uncertainty on f_decam_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_decam_z | f_ap_decam_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_decam_z | ferr_ap_decam_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_decam_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_decam_z | m_decam_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_decam_z | merr_decam_z | Uncertainty on m_decam_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_decam_z | m_ap_decam_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on Blanco. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_decam_z | merr_ap_decam_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_decam_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_decam_z | flag_decam_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the decam_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_galex_fuv | f_galex_fuv | Total flux density in the 100-200nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | uJy | phot.flux;em.UV.100-200nm |
ferr_galex_fuv | ferr_galex_fuv | Uncertainty on f_galex_fuv. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.UV.100-200nm |
f_ap_galex_fuv | f_ap_galex_fuv | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 100-200nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | uJy | phot.flux;em.UV.100-200nm |
ferr_ap_galex_fuv | ferr_ap_galex_fuv | Uncertainty on f_ap_galex_fuv. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.UV.100-200nm |
m_galex_fuv | m_galex_fuv | Total AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | mag | phot.mag;em.UV.100-200nm |
merr_galex_fuv | merr_galex_fuv | Uncertainty on m_galex_fuv. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV.100-200nm |
m_ap_galex_fuv | m_ap_galex_fuv | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | mag | phot.mag;em.UV.100-200nm |
merr_ap_galex_fuv | merr_ap_galex_fuv | Uncertainty on m_ap_galex_fuv | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV.100-200nm |
flag_galex_fuv | flag_galex_fuv | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the galex_fuv aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.UV.100-200nm |
f_galex_nuv | f_galex_nuv | Total flux density in the 200-300nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | uJy | phot.flux;em.UV.200-300nm |
ferr_galex_nuv | ferr_galex_nuv | Uncertainty on f_galex_nuv. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.UV.200-300nm |
f_ap_galex_nuv | f_ap_galex_nuv | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 200-300nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | uJy | phot.flux;em.UV.200-300nm |
ferr_ap_galex_nuv | ferr_ap_galex_nuv | Uncertainty on f_ap_galex_nuv. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.UV.200-300nm |
m_galex_nuv | m_galex_nuv | Total AB magnitude in the 200-300nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | mag | phot.mag;em.UV.200-300nm |
merr_galex_nuv | merr_galex_nuv | Uncertainty on m_galex_nuv. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV.200-300nm |
m_ap_galex_nuv | m_ap_galex_nuv | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 200-300nm band of GALEX on The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX). | mag | phot.mag;em.UV.200-300nm |
merr_ap_galex_nuv | merr_ap_galex_nuv | Uncertainty on m_ap_galex_nuv | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV.200-300nm |
flag_galex_nuv | flag_galex_nuv | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the galex_nuv aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.UV.200-300nm |
f_gpc1_g | f_gpc1_g | Total flux density in the B band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_gpc1_g | ferr_gpc1_g | Uncertainty on f_gpc1_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_gpc1_g | f_ap_gpc1_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_gpc1_g | ferr_ap_gpc1_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_gpc1_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_gpc1_g | m_gpc1_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_gpc1_g | merr_gpc1_g | Uncertainty on m_gpc1_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_gpc1_g | m_ap_gpc1_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_gpc1_g | merr_ap_gpc1_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_gpc1_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_gpc1_g | flag_gpc1_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the gpc1_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_gpc1_i | f_gpc1_i | Total flux density in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_gpc1_i | ferr_gpc1_i | Uncertainty on f_gpc1_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_gpc1_i | f_ap_gpc1_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_gpc1_i | ferr_ap_gpc1_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_gpc1_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_gpc1_i | m_gpc1_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_gpc1_i | merr_gpc1_i | Uncertainty on m_gpc1_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_gpc1_i | m_ap_gpc1_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_gpc1_i | merr_ap_gpc1_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_gpc1_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_gpc1_i | flag_gpc1_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the gpc1_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_gpc1_r | f_gpc1_r | Total flux density in the R band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_gpc1_r | ferr_gpc1_r | Uncertainty on f_gpc1_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_gpc1_r | f_ap_gpc1_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_gpc1_r | ferr_ap_gpc1_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_gpc1_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_gpc1_r | m_gpc1_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_gpc1_r | merr_gpc1_r | Uncertainty on m_gpc1_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_gpc1_r | m_ap_gpc1_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_gpc1_r | merr_ap_gpc1_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_gpc1_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_gpc1_r | flag_gpc1_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the gpc1_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_gpc1_y | f_gpc1_y | Total flux density in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_gpc1_y | ferr_gpc1_y | Uncertainty on f_gpc1_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_gpc1_y | f_ap_gpc1_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_gpc1_y | ferr_ap_gpc1_y | Uncertainty on f_ap_gpc1_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_gpc1_y | m_gpc1_y | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_gpc1_y | merr_gpc1_y | Uncertainty on m_gpc1_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_gpc1_y | m_ap_gpc1_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_gpc1_y | merr_ap_gpc1_y | Uncertainty on m_ap_gpc1_y | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_gpc1_y | flag_gpc1_y | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the gpc1_y aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_gpc1_z | f_gpc1_z | Total flux density in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_gpc1_z | ferr_gpc1_z | Uncertainty on f_gpc1_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_gpc1_z | f_ap_gpc1_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_gpc1_z | ferr_ap_gpc1_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_gpc1_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_gpc1_z | m_gpc1_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_gpc1_z | merr_gpc1_z | Uncertainty on m_gpc1_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_gpc1_z | m_ap_gpc1_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera on The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_gpc1_z | merr_ap_gpc1_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_gpc1_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_gpc1_z | flag_gpc1_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the gpc1_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_hawki_k | f_hawki_k | Total flux density in the K band of The High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager (HAWK-I) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_hawki_k | ferr_hawki_k | Uncertainty on f_hawki_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_hawki_k | f_ap_hawki_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager (HAWK-I) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_hawki_k | ferr_ap_hawki_k | Uncertainty on f_ap_hawki_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_hawki_k | m_hawki_k | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager (HAWK-I) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_hawki_k | merr_hawki_k | Uncertainty on m_hawki_k. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_hawki_k | m_ap_hawki_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager (HAWK-I) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_hawki_k | merr_ap_hawki_k | Uncertainty on m_ap_hawki_k | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_hawki_k | flag_hawki_k | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the hawki_k aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_irac_i1 | f_irac_i1 | Total flux density in the 3-4um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.3-4um |
ferr_irac_i1 | ferr_irac_i1 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i1. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.3-4um |
f_ap_irac_i1 | f_ap_irac_i1 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 3-4um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.3-4um |
ferr_ap_irac_i1 | ferr_ap_irac_i1 | Uncertainty on f_ap_irac_i1. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.3-4um |
m_irac_i1 | m_irac_i1 | Total AB magnitude in the 3-4um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um |
merr_irac_i1 | merr_irac_i1 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i1. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um |
m_ap_irac_i1 | m_ap_irac_i1 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 3-4um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um |
merr_ap_irac_i1 | merr_ap_irac_i1 | Uncertainty on m_ap_irac_i1 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um |
flag_irac_i1 | flag_irac_i1 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i1 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.3-4um |
f_irac_i2 | f_irac_i2 | Total flux density in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
ferr_irac_i2 | ferr_irac_i2 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i2. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
f_ap_irac_i2 | f_ap_irac_i2 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
ferr_ap_irac_i2 | ferr_ap_irac_i2 | Uncertainty on f_ap_irac_i2. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
m_irac_i2 | m_irac_i2 | Total AB magnitude in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
merr_irac_i2 | merr_irac_i2 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i2. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
m_ap_irac_i2 | m_ap_irac_i2 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
merr_ap_irac_i2 | merr_ap_irac_i2 | Uncertainty on m_ap_irac_i2 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
flag_irac_i2 | flag_irac_i2 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i2 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.4-8um |
f_irac_i3 | f_irac_i3 | Total flux density in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
ferr_irac_i3 | ferr_irac_i3 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i3. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
f_ap_irac_i3 | f_ap_irac_i3 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
ferr_ap_irac_i3 | ferr_ap_irac_i3 | Uncertainty on f_ap_irac_i3. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
m_irac_i3 | m_irac_i3 | Total AB magnitude in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
merr_irac_i3 | merr_irac_i3 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i3. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
m_ap_irac_i3 | m_ap_irac_i3 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
merr_ap_irac_i3 | merr_ap_irac_i3 | Uncertainty on m_ap_irac_i3 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
flag_irac_i3 | flag_irac_i3 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i3 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.4-8um |
f_irac_i4 | f_irac_i4 | Total flux density in the 8-15um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.8-15um |
ferr_irac_i4 | ferr_irac_i4 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i4. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.8-15um |
f_ap_irac_i4 | f_ap_irac_i4 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 8-15um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.8-15um |
ferr_ap_irac_i4 | ferr_ap_irac_i4 | Uncertainty on f_ap_irac_i4. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.8-15um |
m_irac_i4 | m_irac_i4 | Total AB magnitude in the 8-15um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um |
merr_irac_i4 | merr_irac_i4 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i4. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um |
m_ap_irac_i4 | m_ap_irac_i4 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 8-15um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um |
merr_ap_irac_i4 | merr_ap_irac_i4 | Uncertainty on m_ap_irac_i4 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um |
flag_irac_i4 | flag_irac_i4 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i4 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.8-15um |
f_isaac_k | f_isaac_k | Total flux density in the K band of The Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (ISAAC) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_isaac_k | ferr_isaac_k | Uncertainty on f_isaac_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_isaac_k | f_ap_isaac_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (ISAAC) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_isaac_k | ferr_ap_isaac_k | Uncertainty on f_ap_isaac_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_isaac_k | m_isaac_k | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (ISAAC) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_isaac_k | merr_isaac_k | Uncertainty on m_isaac_k. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_isaac_k | m_ap_isaac_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (ISAAC) on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_isaac_k | merr_ap_isaac_k | Uncertainty on m_ap_isaac_k | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_isaac_k | flag_isaac_k | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the isaac_k aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_megacam_g | f_megacam_g | Total flux density in the B band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_megacam_g | ferr_megacam_g | Uncertainty on f_megacam_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_megacam_g | f_ap_megacam_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_megacam_g | ferr_ap_megacam_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_megacam_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_megacam_g | m_megacam_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_megacam_g | merr_megacam_g | Uncertainty on m_megacam_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_megacam_g | m_ap_megacam_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_megacam_g | merr_ap_megacam_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_megacam_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_megacam_g | flag_megacam_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the megacam_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_megacam_i | f_megacam_i | Total flux density in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_megacam_i | ferr_megacam_i | Uncertainty on f_megacam_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_megacam_i | f_ap_megacam_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_megacam_i | ferr_ap_megacam_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_megacam_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_megacam_i | m_megacam_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_megacam_i | merr_megacam_i | Uncertainty on m_megacam_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_megacam_i | m_ap_megacam_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_megacam_i | merr_ap_megacam_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_megacam_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_megacam_i | flag_megacam_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the megacam_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_megacam_r | f_megacam_r | Total flux density in the R band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_megacam_r | ferr_megacam_r | Uncertainty on f_megacam_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_megacam_r | f_ap_megacam_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_megacam_r | ferr_ap_megacam_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_megacam_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_megacam_r | m_megacam_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_megacam_r | merr_megacam_r | Uncertainty on m_megacam_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_megacam_r | m_ap_megacam_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_megacam_r | merr_ap_megacam_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_megacam_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_megacam_r | flag_megacam_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the megacam_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_megacam_u | f_megacam_u | Total flux density in the U band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_megacam_u | ferr_megacam_u | Uncertainty on f_megacam_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_megacam_u | f_ap_megacam_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_megacam_u | ferr_ap_megacam_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_megacam_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_megacam_u | m_megacam_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_megacam_u | merr_megacam_u | Uncertainty on m_megacam_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_megacam_u | m_ap_megacam_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_megacam_u | merr_ap_megacam_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_megacam_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_megacam_u | flag_megacam_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the megacam_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_megacam_y | f_megacam_y | Total flux density in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_megacam_y | ferr_megacam_y | Uncertainty on f_megacam_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_megacam_y | f_ap_megacam_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_megacam_y | ferr_ap_megacam_y | Uncertainty on f_ap_megacam_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_megacam_y | m_megacam_y | Total AB magnitude in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_megacam_y | merr_megacam_y | Uncertainty on m_megacam_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_megacam_y | m_ap_megacam_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_megacam_y | merr_ap_megacam_y | Uncertainty on m_ap_megacam_y | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_megacam_y | flag_megacam_y | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the megacam_y aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_megacam_z | f_megacam_z | Total flux density in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_megacam_z | ferr_megacam_z | Uncertainty on f_megacam_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_megacam_z | f_ap_megacam_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_megacam_z | ferr_ap_megacam_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_megacam_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_megacam_z | m_megacam_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_megacam_z | merr_megacam_z | Uncertainty on m_megacam_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_megacam_z | m_ap_megacam_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of MegaPrime/MegaCam on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_megacam_z | merr_ap_megacam_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_megacam_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_megacam_z | flag_megacam_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the megacam_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_mips_24 | f_mips_24 | Total flux density in the 15-30um band of The Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.15-30um |
ferr_mips_24 | ferr_mips_24 | Uncertainty on f_mips_24. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.15-30um |
flag_mips_24 | flag_mips_24 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mips_24 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.15-30um |
f_mmt_g | f_mmt_g | Total flux density in the B band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_mmt_g | ferr_mmt_g | Uncertainty on f_mmt_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_mmt_g | f_ap_mmt_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_mmt_g | ferr_ap_mmt_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_mmt_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_mmt_g | m_mmt_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_mmt_g | merr_mmt_g | Uncertainty on m_mmt_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_mmt_g | m_ap_mmt_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_mmt_g | merr_ap_mmt_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_mmt_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_mmt_g | flag_mmt_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mmt_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_mmt_i | f_mmt_i | Total flux density in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_mmt_i | ferr_mmt_i | Uncertainty on f_mmt_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_mmt_i | f_ap_mmt_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_mmt_i | ferr_ap_mmt_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_mmt_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_mmt_i | m_mmt_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_mmt_i | merr_mmt_i | Uncertainty on m_mmt_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_mmt_i | m_ap_mmt_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_mmt_i | merr_ap_mmt_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_mmt_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_mmt_i | flag_mmt_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mmt_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_mmt_r | f_mmt_r | Total flux density in the R band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_mmt_r | ferr_mmt_r | Uncertainty on f_mmt_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_mmt_r | f_ap_mmt_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_mmt_r | ferr_ap_mmt_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_mmt_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_mmt_r | m_mmt_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_mmt_r | merr_mmt_r | Uncertainty on m_mmt_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_mmt_r | m_ap_mmt_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_mmt_r | merr_ap_mmt_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_mmt_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_mmt_r | flag_mmt_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mmt_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_mmt_u | f_mmt_u | Total flux density in the U band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_mmt_u | ferr_mmt_u | Uncertainty on f_mmt_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_mmt_u | f_ap_mmt_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_mmt_u | ferr_ap_mmt_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_mmt_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_mmt_u | m_mmt_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_mmt_u | merr_mmt_u | Uncertainty on m_mmt_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_mmt_u | m_ap_mmt_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_mmt_u | merr_ap_mmt_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_mmt_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_mmt_u | flag_mmt_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mmt_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_mmt_z | f_mmt_z | Total flux density in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_mmt_z | ferr_mmt_z | Uncertainty on f_mmt_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_mmt_z | f_ap_mmt_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_mmt_z | ferr_ap_mmt_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_mmt_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_mmt_z | m_mmt_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_mmt_z | merr_mmt_z | Uncertainty on m_mmt_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_mmt_z | m_ap_mmt_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of MegaCam on The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_mmt_z | merr_ap_mmt_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_mmt_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_mmt_z | flag_mmt_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mmt_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_moircs_k | f_moircs_k | Total flux density in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_moircs_k | ferr_moircs_k | Uncertainty on f_moircs_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_moircs_k | f_ap_moircs_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_moircs_k | ferr_ap_moircs_k | Uncertainty on f_ap_moircs_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_moircs_k | m_moircs_k | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_moircs_k | merr_moircs_k | Uncertainty on m_moircs_k. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_moircs_k | m_ap_moircs_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_moircs_k | merr_ap_moircs_k | Uncertainty on m_ap_moircs_k | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_moircs_k | flag_moircs_k | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the moircs_k aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_moircs_ks | f_moircs_ks | Total flux density in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_moircs_ks | ferr_moircs_ks | Uncertainty on f_moircs_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_moircs_ks | f_ap_moircs_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_moircs_ks | ferr_ap_moircs_ks | Uncertainty on f_ap_moircs_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_moircs_ks | m_moircs_ks | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_moircs_ks | merr_moircs_ks | Uncertainty on m_moircs_ks. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_moircs_ks | m_ap_moircs_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The Multi Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_moircs_ks | merr_ap_moircs_ks | Uncertainty on m_ap_moircs_ks | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_moircs_ks | flag_moircs_ks | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the moircs_ks aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_mosaic_b | f_mosaic_b | Total flux density in the B band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_mosaic_b | ferr_mosaic_b | Uncertainty on f_mosaic_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_mosaic_b | f_ap_mosaic_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_mosaic_b | ferr_ap_mosaic_b | Uncertainty on f_ap_mosaic_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_mosaic_b | m_mosaic_b | Total AB magnitude in the B band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_mosaic_b | merr_mosaic_b | Uncertainty on m_mosaic_b. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_mosaic_b | m_ap_mosaic_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_mosaic_b | merr_ap_mosaic_b | Uncertainty on m_ap_mosaic_b | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_mosaic_b | flag_mosaic_b | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mosaic_b aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_mosaic_i | f_mosaic_i | Total flux density in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_mosaic_i | ferr_mosaic_i | Uncertainty on f_mosaic_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_mosaic_i | f_ap_mosaic_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_mosaic_i | ferr_ap_mosaic_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_mosaic_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_mosaic_i | m_mosaic_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_mosaic_i | merr_mosaic_i | Uncertainty on m_mosaic_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_mosaic_i | m_ap_mosaic_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_mosaic_i | merr_ap_mosaic_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_mosaic_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_mosaic_i | flag_mosaic_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mosaic_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_mosaic_r | f_mosaic_r | Total flux density in the R band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_mosaic_r | ferr_mosaic_r | Uncertainty on f_mosaic_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_mosaic_r | f_ap_mosaic_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_mosaic_r | ferr_ap_mosaic_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_mosaic_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_mosaic_r | m_mosaic_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_mosaic_r | merr_mosaic_r | Uncertainty on m_mosaic_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_mosaic_r | m_ap_mosaic_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_mosaic_r | merr_ap_mosaic_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_mosaic_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_mosaic_r | flag_mosaic_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mosaic_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_mosaic_u | f_mosaic_u | Total flux density in the U band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_mosaic_u | ferr_mosaic_u | Uncertainty on f_mosaic_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_mosaic_u | f_ap_mosaic_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_mosaic_u | ferr_ap_mosaic_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_mosaic_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_mosaic_u | m_mosaic_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_mosaic_u | merr_mosaic_u | Uncertainty on m_mosaic_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_mosaic_u | m_ap_mosaic_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_mosaic_u | merr_ap_mosaic_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_mosaic_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_mosaic_u | flag_mosaic_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mosaic_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_mosaic_z | f_mosaic_z | Total flux density in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_mosaic_z | ferr_mosaic_z | Uncertainty on f_mosaic_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_mosaic_z | f_ap_mosaic_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_mosaic_z | ferr_ap_mosaic_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_mosaic_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_mosaic_z | m_mosaic_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_mosaic_z | merr_mosaic_z | Uncertainty on m_mosaic_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_mosaic_z | m_ap_mosaic_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of Mosaic-3 Wide Field Imager on The Kitt Peak National Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_mosaic_z | merr_ap_mosaic_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_mosaic_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_mosaic_z | flag_mosaic_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mosaic_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_newfirm_h | f_newfirm_h | Total flux density in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_newfirm_h | ferr_newfirm_h | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
f_ap_newfirm_h | f_ap_newfirm_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ap_newfirm_h | ferr_ap_newfirm_h | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_newfirm_h | m_newfirm_h | Total AB magnitude in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_newfirm_h | merr_newfirm_h | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_h. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
m_ap_newfirm_h | m_ap_newfirm_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ap_newfirm_h | merr_ap_newfirm_h | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_h | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_newfirm_h | flag_newfirm_h | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_h aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_newfirm_h1 | f_newfirm_h1 | Total flux density in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_newfirm_h1 | ferr_newfirm_h1 | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_h1. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
f_ap_newfirm_h1 | f_ap_newfirm_h1 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ap_newfirm_h1 | ferr_ap_newfirm_h1 | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_h1. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_newfirm_h1 | m_newfirm_h1 | Total AB magnitude in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_newfirm_h1 | merr_newfirm_h1 | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_h1. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
m_ap_newfirm_h1 | m_ap_newfirm_h1 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ap_newfirm_h1 | merr_ap_newfirm_h1 | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_h1 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_newfirm_h1 | flag_newfirm_h1 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_h1 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_newfirm_h2 | f_newfirm_h2 | Total flux density in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_newfirm_h2 | ferr_newfirm_h2 | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_h2. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
f_ap_newfirm_h2 | f_ap_newfirm_h2 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ap_newfirm_h2 | ferr_ap_newfirm_h2 | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_h2. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_newfirm_h2 | m_newfirm_h2 | Total AB magnitude in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_newfirm_h2 | merr_newfirm_h2 | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_h2. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
m_ap_newfirm_h2 | m_ap_newfirm_h2 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the H band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ap_newfirm_h2 | merr_ap_newfirm_h2 | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_h2 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_newfirm_h2 | flag_newfirm_h2 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_h2 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_newfirm_j | f_newfirm_j | Total flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_newfirm_j | ferr_newfirm_j | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_newfirm_j | f_ap_newfirm_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_newfirm_j | ferr_ap_newfirm_j | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_newfirm_j | m_newfirm_j | Total AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_newfirm_j | merr_newfirm_j | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_j. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_newfirm_j | m_ap_newfirm_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_newfirm_j | merr_ap_newfirm_j | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_j | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_newfirm_j | flag_newfirm_j | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_j aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_newfirm_j1 | f_newfirm_j1 | Total flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_newfirm_j1 | ferr_newfirm_j1 | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_j1. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_newfirm_j1 | f_ap_newfirm_j1 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_newfirm_j1 | ferr_ap_newfirm_j1 | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_j1. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_newfirm_j1 | m_newfirm_j1 | Total AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_newfirm_j1 | merr_newfirm_j1 | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_j1. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_newfirm_j1 | m_ap_newfirm_j1 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_newfirm_j1 | merr_ap_newfirm_j1 | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_j1 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_newfirm_j1 | flag_newfirm_j1 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_j1 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_newfirm_j2 | f_newfirm_j2 | Total flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_newfirm_j2 | ferr_newfirm_j2 | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_j2. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_newfirm_j2 | f_ap_newfirm_j2 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_newfirm_j2 | ferr_ap_newfirm_j2 | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_j2. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_newfirm_j2 | m_newfirm_j2 | Total AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_newfirm_j2 | merr_newfirm_j2 | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_j2. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_newfirm_j2 | m_ap_newfirm_j2 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_newfirm_j2 | merr_ap_newfirm_j2 | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_j2 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_newfirm_j2 | flag_newfirm_j2 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_j2 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_newfirm_j3 | f_newfirm_j3 | Total flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_newfirm_j3 | ferr_newfirm_j3 | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_j3. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_newfirm_j3 | f_ap_newfirm_j3 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_newfirm_j3 | ferr_ap_newfirm_j3 | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_j3. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_newfirm_j3 | m_newfirm_j3 | Total AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_newfirm_j3 | merr_newfirm_j3 | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_j3. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_newfirm_j3 | m_ap_newfirm_j3 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_newfirm_j3 | merr_ap_newfirm_j3 | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_j3 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_newfirm_j3 | flag_newfirm_j3 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_j3 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_newfirm_k | f_newfirm_k | Total flux density in the K band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_newfirm_k | ferr_newfirm_k | Uncertainty on f_newfirm_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_newfirm_k | f_ap_newfirm_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_newfirm_k | ferr_ap_newfirm_k | Uncertainty on f_ap_newfirm_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_newfirm_k | m_newfirm_k | Total AB magnitude in the K band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_newfirm_k | merr_newfirm_k | Uncertainty on m_newfirm_k. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_newfirm_k | m_ap_newfirm_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Extremely Wide-Field Imager (NEWFIRM) on National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Gemini Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_newfirm_k | merr_ap_newfirm_k | Uncertainty on m_ap_newfirm_k | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_newfirm_k | flag_newfirm_k | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the newfirm_k aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_nicmos_f110w | f_nicmos_f110w | Total flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_nicmos_f110w | ferr_nicmos_f110w | Uncertainty on f_nicmos_f110w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_ap_nicmos_f110w | f_ap_nicmos_f110w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_ap_nicmos_f110w | ferr_ap_nicmos_f110w | Uncertainty on f_ap_nicmos_f110w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_nicmos_f110w | m_nicmos_f110w | Total AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_nicmos_f110w | merr_nicmos_f110w | Uncertainty on m_nicmos_f110w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_ap_nicmos_f110w | m_ap_nicmos_f110w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_ap_nicmos_f110w | merr_ap_nicmos_f110w | Uncertainty on m_ap_nicmos_f110w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
flag_nicmos_f110w | flag_nicmos_f110w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the nicmos_f110w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_nicmos_f160w | f_nicmos_f160w | Total flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_nicmos_f160w | ferr_nicmos_f160w | Uncertainty on f_nicmos_f160w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_ap_nicmos_f160w | f_ap_nicmos_f160w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_ap_nicmos_f160w | ferr_ap_nicmos_f160w | Uncertainty on f_ap_nicmos_f160w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_nicmos_f160w | m_nicmos_f160w | Total AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_nicmos_f160w | merr_nicmos_f160w | Uncertainty on m_nicmos_f160w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_ap_nicmos_f160w | m_ap_nicmos_f160w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_ap_nicmos_f160w | merr_ap_nicmos_f160w | Uncertainty on m_ap_nicmos_f160w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
flag_nicmos_f160w | flag_nicmos_f160w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the nicmos_f160w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_omega2000_j | f_omega2000_j | Total flux density in the J band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.J |
ferr_omega2000_j | ferr_omega2000_j | Uncertainty on f_omega2000_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.J |
f_ap_omega2000_j | f_ap_omega2000_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.J |
ferr_ap_omega2000_j | ferr_ap_omega2000_j | Uncertainty on f_ap_omega2000_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.J |
m_omega2000_j | m_omega2000_j | Total AB magnitude in the J band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.J |
merr_omega2000_j | merr_omega2000_j | Uncertainty on m_omega2000_j. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.J |
m_ap_omega2000_j | m_ap_omega2000_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.J |
merr_ap_omega2000_j | merr_ap_omega2000_j | Uncertainty on m_ap_omega2000_j | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.J |
flag_omega2000_j | flag_omega2000_j | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the omega2000_j aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.J |
f_omega2000_ks | f_omega2000_ks | Total flux density in the K band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_omega2000_ks | ferr_omega2000_ks | Uncertainty on f_omega2000_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_omega2000_ks | f_ap_omega2000_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_omega2000_ks | ferr_ap_omega2000_ks | Uncertainty on f_ap_omega2000_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_omega2000_ks | m_omega2000_ks | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_omega2000_ks | merr_omega2000_ks | Uncertainty on m_omega2000_ks. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_omega2000_ks | m_ap_omega2000_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The Infrared Wide-Field Camera OMEGA2000 on The 3.5m telescope at Calar Alto. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_omega2000_ks | merr_ap_omega2000_ks | Uncertainty on m_ap_omega2000_ks | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_omega2000_ks | flag_omega2000_ks | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the omega2000_ks aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_omegacam_g | f_omegacam_g | Total flux density in the B band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_omegacam_g | ferr_omegacam_g | Uncertainty on f_omegacam_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_omegacam_g | f_ap_omegacam_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_omegacam_g | ferr_ap_omegacam_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_omegacam_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_omegacam_g | m_omegacam_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_omegacam_g | merr_omegacam_g | Uncertainty on m_omegacam_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_omegacam_g | m_ap_omegacam_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_omegacam_g | merr_ap_omegacam_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_omegacam_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_omegacam_g | flag_omegacam_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the omegacam_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_omegacam_i | f_omegacam_i | Total flux density in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_omegacam_i | ferr_omegacam_i | Uncertainty on f_omegacam_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_omegacam_i | f_ap_omegacam_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_omegacam_i | ferr_ap_omegacam_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_omegacam_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_omegacam_i | m_omegacam_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_omegacam_i | merr_omegacam_i | Uncertainty on m_omegacam_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_omegacam_i | m_ap_omegacam_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_omegacam_i | merr_ap_omegacam_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_omegacam_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_omegacam_i | flag_omegacam_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the omegacam_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_omegacam_r | f_omegacam_r | Total flux density in the R band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_omegacam_r | ferr_omegacam_r | Uncertainty on f_omegacam_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_omegacam_r | f_ap_omegacam_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_omegacam_r | ferr_ap_omegacam_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_omegacam_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_omegacam_r | m_omegacam_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_omegacam_r | merr_omegacam_r | Uncertainty on m_omegacam_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_omegacam_r | m_ap_omegacam_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_omegacam_r | merr_ap_omegacam_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_omegacam_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_omegacam_r | flag_omegacam_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the omegacam_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_omegacam_u | f_omegacam_u | Total flux density in the U band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_omegacam_u | ferr_omegacam_u | Uncertainty on f_omegacam_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_omegacam_u | f_ap_omegacam_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_omegacam_u | ferr_ap_omegacam_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_omegacam_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_omegacam_u | m_omegacam_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_omegacam_u | merr_omegacam_u | Uncertainty on m_omegacam_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_omegacam_u | m_ap_omegacam_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_omegacam_u | merr_ap_omegacam_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_omegacam_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_omegacam_u | flag_omegacam_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the omegacam_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_omegacam_z | f_omegacam_z | Total flux density in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_omegacam_z | ferr_omegacam_z | Uncertainty on f_omegacam_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_omegacam_z | f_ap_omegacam_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_omegacam_z | ferr_ap_omegacam_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_omegacam_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_omegacam_z | m_omegacam_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_omegacam_z | merr_omegacam_z | Uncertainty on m_omegacam_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_omegacam_z | m_ap_omegacam_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of OmegaCAM on The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_omegacam_z | merr_ap_omegacam_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_omegacam_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_omegacam_z | flag_omegacam_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the omegacam_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_pacs_green | f_pacs_green | Total flux density in the 60-100um band of Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.60-100um |
ferr_pacs_green | ferr_pacs_green | Uncertainty on f_pacs_green. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.60-100um |
flag_pacs_green | flag_pacs_green | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the pacs_green aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.60-100um |
f_pacs_red | f_pacs_red | Total flux density in the 1500-3000GHz band of Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.1500-3000GHz |
ferr_pacs_red | ferr_pacs_red | Uncertainty on f_pacs_red. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.1500-3000GHz |
flag_pacs_red | flag_pacs_red | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the pacs_red aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.1500-3000GHz |
f_quirc_hk | f_quirc_hk | Total flux density in the H band of The Quick Near-Infrared Camera on The University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_quirc_hk | ferr_quirc_hk | Uncertainty on f_quirc_hk. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
f_ap_quirc_hk | f_ap_quirc_hk | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the H band of The Quick Near-Infrared Camera on The University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ap_quirc_hk | ferr_ap_quirc_hk | Uncertainty on f_ap_quirc_hk. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_quirc_hk | m_quirc_hk | Total AB magnitude in the H band of The Quick Near-Infrared Camera on The University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_quirc_hk | merr_quirc_hk | Uncertainty on m_quirc_hk. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
m_ap_quirc_hk | m_ap_quirc_hk | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the H band of The Quick Near-Infrared Camera on The University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ap_quirc_hk | merr_ap_quirc_hk | Uncertainty on m_ap_quirc_hk | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_quirc_hk | flag_quirc_hk | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the quirc_hk aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_sdss_g | f_sdss_g | Total flux density in the B band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_sdss_g | ferr_sdss_g | Uncertainty on f_sdss_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_sdss_g | f_ap_sdss_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_sdss_g | ferr_ap_sdss_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_sdss_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_sdss_g | m_sdss_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_sdss_g | merr_sdss_g | Uncertainty on m_sdss_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_sdss_g | m_ap_sdss_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_sdss_g | merr_ap_sdss_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_sdss_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_sdss_g | flag_sdss_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the sdss_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_sdss_i | f_sdss_i | Total flux density in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_sdss_i | ferr_sdss_i | Uncertainty on f_sdss_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_sdss_i | f_ap_sdss_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_sdss_i | ferr_ap_sdss_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_sdss_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_sdss_i | m_sdss_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_sdss_i | merr_sdss_i | Uncertainty on m_sdss_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_sdss_i | m_ap_sdss_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_sdss_i | merr_ap_sdss_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_sdss_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_sdss_i | flag_sdss_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the sdss_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_sdss_r | f_sdss_r | Total flux density in the R band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_sdss_r | ferr_sdss_r | Uncertainty on f_sdss_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_sdss_r | f_ap_sdss_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_sdss_r | ferr_ap_sdss_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_sdss_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_sdss_r | m_sdss_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_sdss_r | merr_sdss_r | Uncertainty on m_sdss_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_sdss_r | m_ap_sdss_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_sdss_r | merr_ap_sdss_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_sdss_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_sdss_r | flag_sdss_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the sdss_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_sdss_u | f_sdss_u | Total flux density in the U band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_sdss_u | ferr_sdss_u | Uncertainty on f_sdss_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_sdss_u | f_ap_sdss_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_sdss_u | ferr_ap_sdss_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_sdss_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_sdss_u | m_sdss_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_sdss_u | merr_sdss_u | Uncertainty on m_sdss_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_sdss_u | m_ap_sdss_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_sdss_u | merr_ap_sdss_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_sdss_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_sdss_u | flag_sdss_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the sdss_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_sdss_z | f_sdss_z | Total flux density in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_sdss_z | ferr_sdss_z | Uncertainty on f_sdss_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_sdss_z | f_ap_sdss_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_sdss_z | ferr_ap_sdss_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_sdss_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_sdss_z | m_sdss_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_sdss_z | merr_sdss_z | Uncertainty on m_sdss_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_sdss_z | m_ap_sdss_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) standard camera on The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_sdss_z | merr_ap_sdss_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_sdss_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_sdss_z | flag_sdss_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the sdss_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_spire_250 | f_spire_250 | Total flux density in the 750-1500GHz band of The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Reciever (SPIRE) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
ferr_spire_250 | ferr_spire_250 | Uncertainty on f_spire_250. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
flag_spire_250 | flag_spire_250 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the spire_250 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
f_spire_350 | f_spire_350 | Total flux density in the 750-1500GHz band of The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Reciever (SPIRE) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
ferr_spire_350 | ferr_spire_350 | Uncertainty on f_spire_350. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
flag_spire_350 | flag_spire_350 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the spire_350 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
f_spire_500 | f_spire_500 | Total flux density in the 400-750GHz band of The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Reciever (SPIRE) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.400-750GHz |
ferr_spire_500 | ferr_spire_500 | Uncertainty on f_spire_500. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.400-750GHz |
flag_spire_500 | flag_spire_500 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the spire_500 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.400-750GHz |
f_suprime_b | f_suprime_b | Total flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_suprime_b | ferr_suprime_b | Uncertainty on f_suprime_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_suprime_b | f_ap_suprime_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_suprime_b | ferr_ap_suprime_b | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_suprime_b | m_suprime_b | Total AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_suprime_b | merr_suprime_b | Uncertainty on m_suprime_b. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_suprime_b | m_ap_suprime_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_suprime_b | merr_ap_suprime_b | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_b | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_suprime_b | flag_suprime_b | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_b aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_suprime_g | f_suprime_g | Total flux density in the B band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_suprime_g | ferr_suprime_g | Uncertainty on f_suprime_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_suprime_g | f_ap_suprime_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_suprime_g | ferr_ap_suprime_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_suprime_g | m_suprime_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_suprime_g | merr_suprime_g | Uncertainty on m_suprime_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_suprime_g | m_ap_suprime_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_suprime_g | merr_ap_suprime_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_suprime_g | flag_suprime_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_suprime_i | f_suprime_i | Total flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_i | ferr_suprime_i | Uncertainty on f_suprime_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_i | f_ap_suprime_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_i | ferr_ap_suprime_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_i | m_suprime_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_i | merr_suprime_i | Uncertainty on m_suprime_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_i | m_ap_suprime_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_i | merr_ap_suprime_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_i | flag_suprime_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_ia484 | f_suprime_ia484 | Total flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_suprime_ia484 | ferr_suprime_ia484 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ia484. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_suprime_ia484 | f_ap_suprime_ia484 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_suprime_ia484 | ferr_ap_suprime_ia484 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ia484. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_suprime_ia484 | m_suprime_ia484 | Total AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_suprime_ia484 | merr_suprime_ia484 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ia484. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_suprime_ia484 | m_ap_suprime_ia484 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_suprime_ia484 | merr_ap_suprime_ia484 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ia484 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_suprime_ia484 | flag_suprime_ia484 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ia484 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_suprime_ia527 | f_suprime_ia527 | Total flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_suprime_ia527 | ferr_suprime_ia527 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ia527. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_suprime_ia527 | f_ap_suprime_ia527 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_suprime_ia527 | ferr_ap_suprime_ia527 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ia527. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_suprime_ia527 | m_suprime_ia527 | Total AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_suprime_ia527 | merr_suprime_ia527 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ia527. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_suprime_ia527 | m_ap_suprime_ia527 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_suprime_ia527 | merr_ap_suprime_ia527 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ia527 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_suprime_ia527 | flag_suprime_ia527 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ia527 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_suprime_ia624 | f_suprime_ia624 | Total flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_ia624 | ferr_suprime_ia624 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ia624. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_ia624 | f_ap_suprime_ia624 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_ia624 | ferr_ap_suprime_ia624 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ia624. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_ia624 | m_suprime_ia624 | Total AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_ia624 | merr_suprime_ia624 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ia624. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_ia624 | m_ap_suprime_ia624 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_ia624 | merr_ap_suprime_ia624 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ia624 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_ia624 | flag_suprime_ia624 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ia624 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_ia679 | f_suprime_ia679 | Total flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_ia679 | ferr_suprime_ia679 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ia679. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_ia679 | f_ap_suprime_ia679 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_ia679 | ferr_ap_suprime_ia679 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ia679. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_ia679 | m_suprime_ia679 | Total AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_ia679 | merr_suprime_ia679 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ia679. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_ia679 | m_ap_suprime_ia679 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_ia679 | merr_ap_suprime_ia679 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ia679 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_ia679 | flag_suprime_ia679 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ia679 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_ia738 | f_suprime_ia738 | Total flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_ia738 | ferr_suprime_ia738 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ia738. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_ia738 | f_ap_suprime_ia738 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_ia738 | ferr_ap_suprime_ia738 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ia738. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_ia738 | m_suprime_ia738 | Total AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_ia738 | merr_suprime_ia738 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ia738. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_ia738 | m_ap_suprime_ia738 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_ia738 | merr_ap_suprime_ia738 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ia738 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_ia738 | flag_suprime_ia738 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ia738 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_ia767 | f_suprime_ia767 | Total flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_ia767 | ferr_suprime_ia767 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ia767. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_ia767 | f_ap_suprime_ia767 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_ia767 | ferr_ap_suprime_ia767 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ia767. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_ia767 | m_suprime_ia767 | Total AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_ia767 | merr_suprime_ia767 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ia767. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_ia767 | m_ap_suprime_ia767 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_ia767 | merr_ap_suprime_ia767 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ia767 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_ia767 | flag_suprime_ia767 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ia767 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_ib427 | f_suprime_ib427 | Total flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_suprime_ib427 | ferr_suprime_ib427 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ib427. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_suprime_ib427 | f_ap_suprime_ib427 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_suprime_ib427 | ferr_ap_suprime_ib427 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ib427. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_suprime_ib427 | m_suprime_ib427 | Total AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_suprime_ib427 | merr_suprime_ib427 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ib427. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_suprime_ib427 | m_ap_suprime_ib427 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_suprime_ib427 | merr_ap_suprime_ib427 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ib427 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_suprime_ib427 | flag_suprime_ib427 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ib427 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_suprime_ib464 | f_suprime_ib464 | Total flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_suprime_ib464 | ferr_suprime_ib464 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ib464. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_suprime_ib464 | f_ap_suprime_ib464 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_suprime_ib464 | ferr_ap_suprime_ib464 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ib464. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_suprime_ib464 | m_suprime_ib464 | Total AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_suprime_ib464 | merr_suprime_ib464 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ib464. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_suprime_ib464 | m_ap_suprime_ib464 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_suprime_ib464 | merr_ap_suprime_ib464 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ib464 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_suprime_ib464 | flag_suprime_ib464 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ib464 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_suprime_ib505 | f_suprime_ib505 | Total flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_suprime_ib505 | ferr_suprime_ib505 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ib505. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_suprime_ib505 | f_ap_suprime_ib505 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_suprime_ib505 | ferr_ap_suprime_ib505 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ib505. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_suprime_ib505 | m_suprime_ib505 | Total AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_suprime_ib505 | merr_suprime_ib505 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ib505. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_suprime_ib505 | m_ap_suprime_ib505 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_suprime_ib505 | merr_ap_suprime_ib505 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ib505 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_suprime_ib505 | flag_suprime_ib505 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ib505 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_suprime_ib574 | f_suprime_ib574 | Total flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_suprime_ib574 | ferr_suprime_ib574 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ib574. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_suprime_ib574 | f_ap_suprime_ib574 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_suprime_ib574 | ferr_ap_suprime_ib574 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ib574. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_suprime_ib574 | m_suprime_ib574 | Total AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_suprime_ib574 | merr_suprime_ib574 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ib574. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_suprime_ib574 | m_ap_suprime_ib574 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_suprime_ib574 | merr_ap_suprime_ib574 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ib574 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_suprime_ib574 | flag_suprime_ib574 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ib574 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_suprime_ib709 | f_suprime_ib709 | Total flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_ib709 | ferr_suprime_ib709 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ib709. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_ib709 | f_ap_suprime_ib709 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_ib709 | ferr_ap_suprime_ib709 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ib709. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_ib709 | m_suprime_ib709 | Total AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_ib709 | merr_suprime_ib709 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ib709. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_ib709 | m_ap_suprime_ib709 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_ib709 | merr_ap_suprime_ib709 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ib709 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_ib709 | flag_suprime_ib709 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ib709 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_ib827 | f_suprime_ib827 | Total flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_ib827 | ferr_suprime_ib827 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ib827. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_ib827 | f_ap_suprime_ib827 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_ib827 | ferr_ap_suprime_ib827 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ib827. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_ib827 | m_suprime_ib827 | Total AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_ib827 | merr_suprime_ib827 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ib827. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_ib827 | m_ap_suprime_ib827 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_ib827 | merr_ap_suprime_ib827 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ib827 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_ib827 | flag_suprime_ib827 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ib827 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_ip | f_suprime_ip | Total flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_ip | ferr_suprime_ip | Uncertainty on f_suprime_ip. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_ip | f_ap_suprime_ip | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_ip | ferr_ap_suprime_ip | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_ip. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_ip | m_suprime_ip | Total AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_ip | merr_suprime_ip | Uncertainty on m_suprime_ip. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_ip | m_ap_suprime_ip | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_ip | merr_ap_suprime_ip | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_ip | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_ip | flag_suprime_ip | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_ip aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_n816 | f_suprime_n816 | Total flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_n816 | ferr_suprime_n816 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_n816. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_n816 | f_ap_suprime_n816 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_n816 | ferr_ap_suprime_n816 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_n816. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_n816 | m_suprime_n816 | Total AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_n816 | merr_suprime_n816 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_n816. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_n816 | m_ap_suprime_n816 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_n816 | merr_ap_suprime_n816 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_n816 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_n816 | flag_suprime_n816 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_n816 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_n921 | f_suprime_n921 | Total flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_n921 | ferr_suprime_n921 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_n921. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_n921 | f_ap_suprime_n921 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_n921 | ferr_ap_suprime_n921 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_n921. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_n921 | m_suprime_n921 | Total AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_n921 | merr_suprime_n921 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_n921. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_n921 | m_ap_suprime_n921 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_n921 | merr_ap_suprime_n921 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_n921 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_n921 | flag_suprime_n921 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_n921 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_nb711 | f_suprime_nb711 | Total flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_nb711 | ferr_suprime_nb711 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_nb711. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_nb711 | f_ap_suprime_nb711 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_nb711 | ferr_ap_suprime_nb711 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_nb711. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_nb711 | m_suprime_nb711 | Total AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_nb711 | merr_suprime_nb711 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_nb711. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_nb711 | m_ap_suprime_nb711 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_nb711 | merr_ap_suprime_nb711 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_nb711 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_nb711 | flag_suprime_nb711 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_nb711 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_nb816 | f_suprime_nb816 | Total flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_nb816 | ferr_suprime_nb816 | Uncertainty on f_suprime_nb816. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_nb816 | f_ap_suprime_nb816 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_nb816 | ferr_ap_suprime_nb816 | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_nb816. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_nb816 | m_suprime_nb816 | Total AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_nb816 | merr_suprime_nb816 | Uncertainty on m_suprime_nb816. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_nb816 | m_ap_suprime_nb816 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_nb816 | merr_ap_suprime_nb816 | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_nb816 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_nb816 | flag_suprime_nb816 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_nb816 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_r | f_suprime_r | Total flux density in the R band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_r | ferr_suprime_r | Uncertainty on f_suprime_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_r | f_ap_suprime_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_r | ferr_ap_suprime_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_r | m_suprime_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_r | merr_suprime_r | Uncertainty on m_suprime_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_r | m_ap_suprime_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_r | merr_ap_suprime_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_r | flag_suprime_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_rc | f_suprime_rc | Total flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_rc | ferr_suprime_rc | Uncertainty on f_suprime_rc. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_rc | f_ap_suprime_rc | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_rc | ferr_ap_suprime_rc | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_rc. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_rc | m_suprime_rc | Total AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_rc | merr_suprime_rc | Uncertainty on m_suprime_rc. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_rc | m_ap_suprime_rc | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_rc | merr_ap_suprime_rc | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_rc | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_rc | flag_suprime_rc | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_rc aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_rp | f_suprime_rp | Total flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_suprime_rp | ferr_suprime_rp | Uncertainty on f_suprime_rp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_suprime_rp | f_ap_suprime_rp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_suprime_rp | ferr_ap_suprime_rp | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_rp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_suprime_rp | m_suprime_rp | Total AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_suprime_rp | merr_suprime_rp | Uncertainty on m_suprime_rp. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_suprime_rp | m_ap_suprime_rp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_suprime_rp | merr_ap_suprime_rp | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_rp | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_suprime_rp | flag_suprime_rp | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_rp aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_suprime_v | f_suprime_v | Total flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_suprime_v | ferr_suprime_v | Uncertainty on f_suprime_v. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_suprime_v | f_ap_suprime_v | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_suprime_v | ferr_ap_suprime_v | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_v. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_suprime_v | m_suprime_v | Total AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_suprime_v | merr_suprime_v | Uncertainty on m_suprime_v. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_suprime_v | m_ap_suprime_v | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_suprime_v | merr_ap_suprime_v | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_v | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_suprime_v | flag_suprime_v | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_v aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_suprime_y | f_suprime_y | Total flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_y | ferr_suprime_y | Uncertainty on f_suprime_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_y | f_ap_suprime_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_y | ferr_ap_suprime_y | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_y | m_suprime_y | Total AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_y | merr_suprime_y | Uncertainty on m_suprime_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_y | m_ap_suprime_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_y | merr_ap_suprime_y | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_y | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_y | flag_suprime_y | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_y aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_z | f_suprime_z | Total flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_z | ferr_suprime_z | Uncertainty on f_suprime_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_z | f_ap_suprime_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_z | ferr_ap_suprime_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_z | m_suprime_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_z | merr_suprime_z | Uncertainty on m_suprime_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_z | m_ap_suprime_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of HyperSuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_z | merr_ap_suprime_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_z | flag_suprime_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_zp | f_suprime_zp | Total flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_zp | ferr_suprime_zp | Uncertainty on f_suprime_zp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_zp | f_ap_suprime_zp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_zp | ferr_ap_suprime_zp | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_zp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_zp | m_suprime_zp | Total AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_zp | merr_suprime_zp | Uncertainty on m_suprime_zp. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_zp | m_ap_suprime_zp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_zp | merr_ap_suprime_zp | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_zp | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_zp | flag_suprime_zp | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_zp aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_suprime_zpp | f_suprime_zpp | Total flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_suprime_zpp | ferr_suprime_zpp | Uncertainty on f_suprime_zpp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_suprime_zpp | f_ap_suprime_zpp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_suprime_zpp | ferr_ap_suprime_zpp | Uncertainty on f_ap_suprime_zpp. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_suprime_zpp | m_suprime_zpp | Total AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_suprime_zpp | merr_suprime_zpp | Uncertainty on m_suprime_zpp. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_suprime_zpp | m_ap_suprime_zpp | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of SuprimeCam on The Subaru telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_suprime_zpp | merr_ap_suprime_zpp | Uncertainty on m_ap_suprime_zpp | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_suprime_zpp | flag_suprime_zpp | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the suprime_zpp aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_tifkam_ks | f_tifkam_ks | Total flux density in the K band of The Instrument Formerly Known as Mosaic (TIFKAM) on The Michigan Dartmouth MIT (MDM) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_tifkam_ks | ferr_tifkam_ks | Uncertainty on f_tifkam_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_tifkam_ks | f_ap_tifkam_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The Instrument Formerly Known as Mosaic (TIFKAM) on The Michigan Dartmouth MIT (MDM) Observatory. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_tifkam_ks | ferr_ap_tifkam_ks | Uncertainty on f_ap_tifkam_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_tifkam_ks | m_tifkam_ks | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The Instrument Formerly Known as Mosaic (TIFKAM) on The Michigan Dartmouth MIT (MDM) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_tifkam_ks | merr_tifkam_ks | Uncertainty on m_tifkam_ks. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_tifkam_ks | m_ap_tifkam_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The Instrument Formerly Known as Mosaic (TIFKAM) on The Michigan Dartmouth MIT (MDM) Observatory. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_tifkam_ks | merr_ap_tifkam_ks | Uncertainty on m_ap_tifkam_ks | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_tifkam_ks | flag_tifkam_ks | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the tifkam_ks aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_ukidss_h | f_ukidss_h | Total flux density in the H band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ukidss_h | ferr_ukidss_h | Uncertainty on f_ukidss_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
f_ap_ukidss_h | f_ap_ukidss_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the H band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ap_ukidss_h | ferr_ap_ukidss_h | Uncertainty on f_ap_ukidss_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_ukidss_h | m_ukidss_h | Total AB magnitude in the H band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ukidss_h | merr_ukidss_h | Uncertainty on m_ukidss_h. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
m_ap_ukidss_h | m_ap_ukidss_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the H band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ap_ukidss_h | merr_ap_ukidss_h | Uncertainty on m_ap_ukidss_h | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_ukidss_h | flag_ukidss_h | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the ukidss_h aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_ukidss_j | f_ukidss_j | Total flux density in the J band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ukidss_j | ferr_ukidss_j | Uncertainty on f_ukidss_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_ukidss_j | f_ap_ukidss_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_ukidss_j | ferr_ap_ukidss_j | Uncertainty on f_ap_ukidss_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_ukidss_j | m_ukidss_j | Total AB magnitude in the J band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ukidss_j | merr_ukidss_j | Uncertainty on m_ukidss_j. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_ukidss_j | m_ap_ukidss_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_ukidss_j | merr_ap_ukidss_j | Uncertainty on m_ap_ukidss_j | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_ukidss_j | flag_ukidss_j | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the ukidss_j aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_ukidss_k | f_ukidss_k | Total flux density in the K band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ukidss_k | ferr_ukidss_k | Uncertainty on f_ukidss_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_ukidss_k | f_ap_ukidss_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_ukidss_k | ferr_ap_ukidss_k | Uncertainty on f_ap_ukidss_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_ukidss_k | m_ukidss_k | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ukidss_k | merr_ukidss_k | Uncertainty on m_ukidss_k. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_ukidss_k | m_ap_ukidss_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_ukidss_k | merr_ap_ukidss_k | Uncertainty on m_ap_ukidss_k | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_ukidss_k | flag_ukidss_k | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the ukidss_k aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_ukidss_y | f_ukidss_y | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ukidss_y | ferr_ukidss_y | Uncertainty on f_ukidss_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_ukidss_y | f_ap_ukidss_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_ukidss_y | ferr_ap_ukidss_y | Uncertainty on f_ap_ukidss_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_ukidss_y | m_ukidss_y | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ukidss_y | merr_ukidss_y | Uncertainty on m_ukidss_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_ukidss_y | m_ap_ukidss_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_ukidss_y | merr_ap_ukidss_y | Uncertainty on m_ap_ukidss_y | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_ukidss_y | flag_ukidss_y | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the ukidss_y aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_vista_h | f_vista_h | Total flux density in the H band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_vista_h | ferr_vista_h | Uncertainty on f_vista_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
f_ap_vista_h | f_ap_vista_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the H band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ap_vista_h | ferr_ap_vista_h | Uncertainty on f_ap_vista_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_vista_h | m_vista_h | Total AB magnitude in the H band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_vista_h | merr_vista_h | Uncertainty on m_vista_h. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
m_ap_vista_h | m_ap_vista_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the H band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ap_vista_h | merr_ap_vista_h | Uncertainty on m_ap_vista_h | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_vista_h | flag_vista_h | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the vista_h aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_vista_j | f_vista_j | Total flux density in the J band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_vista_j | ferr_vista_j | Uncertainty on f_vista_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_vista_j | f_ap_vista_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_vista_j | ferr_ap_vista_j | Uncertainty on f_ap_vista_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_vista_j | m_vista_j | Total AB magnitude in the J band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_vista_j | merr_vista_j | Uncertainty on m_vista_j. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_vista_j | m_ap_vista_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_vista_j | merr_ap_vista_j | Uncertainty on m_ap_vista_j | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_vista_j | flag_vista_j | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the vista_j aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_vista_ks | f_vista_ks | Total flux density in the K band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_vista_ks | ferr_vista_ks | Uncertainty on f_vista_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_vista_ks | f_ap_vista_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_vista_ks | ferr_ap_vista_ks | Uncertainty on f_ap_vista_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_vista_ks | m_vista_ks | Total AB magnitude in the K band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_vista_ks | merr_vista_ks | Uncertainty on m_vista_ks. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_vista_ks | m_ap_vista_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_vista_ks | merr_ap_vista_ks | Uncertainty on m_ap_vista_ks | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_vista_ks | flag_vista_ks | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the vista_ks aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_vista_y | f_vista_y | Total flux density in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_vista_y | ferr_vista_y | Uncertainty on f_vista_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_vista_y | f_ap_vista_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_vista_y | ferr_ap_vista_y | Uncertainty on f_ap_vista_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_vista_y | m_vista_y | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_vista_y | merr_vista_y | Uncertainty on m_vista_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_vista_y | m_ap_vista_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_vista_y | merr_ap_vista_y | Uncertainty on m_ap_vista_y | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_vista_y | flag_vista_y | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the vista_y aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_vista_z | f_vista_z | Total flux density in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_vista_z | ferr_vista_z | Uncertainty on f_vista_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_vista_z | f_ap_vista_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_vista_z | ferr_ap_vista_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_vista_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_vista_z | m_vista_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_vista_z | merr_vista_z | Uncertainty on m_vista_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_vista_z | m_ap_vista_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) on The 4.1m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_vista_z | merr_ap_vista_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_vista_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_vista_z | flag_vista_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the vista_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfc3_f098m | f_wfc3_f098m | Total flux density in the 50-100nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.50-100nm |
ferr_wfc3_f098m | ferr_wfc3_f098m | Uncertainty on f_wfc3_f098m. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.50-100nm |
f_ap_wfc3_f098m | f_ap_wfc3_f098m | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 50-100nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.50-100nm |
ferr_ap_wfc3_f098m | ferr_ap_wfc3_f098m | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc3_f098m. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.50-100nm |
m_wfc3_f098m | m_wfc3_f098m | Total AB magnitude in the 50-100nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.50-100nm |
merr_wfc3_f098m | merr_wfc3_f098m | Uncertainty on m_wfc3_f098m. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.50-100nm |
m_ap_wfc3_f098m | m_ap_wfc3_f098m | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 50-100nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.50-100nm |
merr_ap_wfc3_f098m | merr_ap_wfc3_f098m | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc3_f098m | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.50-100nm |
flag_wfc3_f098m | flag_wfc3_f098m | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc3_f098m aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.50-100nm |
f_wfc3_f105w | f_wfc3_f105w | Total flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_wfc3_f105w | ferr_wfc3_f105w | Uncertainty on f_wfc3_f105w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_ap_wfc3_f105w | f_ap_wfc3_f105w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_ap_wfc3_f105w | ferr_ap_wfc3_f105w | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc3_f105w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_wfc3_f105w | m_wfc3_f105w | Total AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_wfc3_f105w | merr_wfc3_f105w | Uncertainty on m_wfc3_f105w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_ap_wfc3_f105w | m_ap_wfc3_f105w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_ap_wfc3_f105w | merr_ap_wfc3_f105w | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc3_f105w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
flag_wfc3_f105w | flag_wfc3_f105w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc3_f105w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_wfc3_f125w | f_wfc3_f125w | Total flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_wfc3_f125w | ferr_wfc3_f125w | Uncertainty on f_wfc3_f125w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_ap_wfc3_f125w | f_ap_wfc3_f125w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_ap_wfc3_f125w | ferr_ap_wfc3_f125w | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc3_f125w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_wfc3_f125w | m_wfc3_f125w | Total AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_wfc3_f125w | merr_wfc3_f125w | Uncertainty on m_wfc3_f125w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_ap_wfc3_f125w | m_ap_wfc3_f125w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_ap_wfc3_f125w | merr_ap_wfc3_f125w | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc3_f125w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
flag_wfc3_f125w | flag_wfc3_f125w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc3_f125w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_wfc3_f140w | f_wfc3_f140w | Total flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_wfc3_f140w | ferr_wfc3_f140w | Uncertainty on f_wfc3_f140w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_ap_wfc3_f140w | f_ap_wfc3_f140w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_ap_wfc3_f140w | ferr_ap_wfc3_f140w | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc3_f140w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_wfc3_f140w | m_wfc3_f140w | Total AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_wfc3_f140w | merr_wfc3_f140w | Uncertainty on m_wfc3_f140w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_ap_wfc3_f140w | m_ap_wfc3_f140w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_ap_wfc3_f140w | merr_ap_wfc3_f140w | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc3_f140w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
flag_wfc3_f140w | flag_wfc3_f140w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc3_f140w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_wfc3_f160w | f_wfc3_f160w | Total flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_wfc3_f160w | ferr_wfc3_f160w | Uncertainty on f_wfc3_f160w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_ap_wfc3_f160w | f_ap_wfc3_f160w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
ferr_ap_wfc3_f160w | ferr_ap_wfc3_f160w | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc3_f160w. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_wfc3_f160w | m_wfc3_f160w | Total AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_wfc3_f160w | merr_wfc3_f160w | Uncertainty on m_wfc3_f160w. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
m_ap_wfc3_f160w | m_ap_wfc3_f160w | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the 100-200nm band of The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
merr_ap_wfc3_f160w | merr_ap_wfc3_f160w | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc3_f160w | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.100-200nm |
flag_wfc3_f160w | flag_wfc3_f160w | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc3_f160w aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.100-200nm |
f_wfc_g | f_wfc_g | Total flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_wfc_g | ferr_wfc_g | Uncertainty on f_wfc_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_wfc_g | f_ap_wfc_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_wfc_g | ferr_ap_wfc_g | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_wfc_g | m_wfc_g | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_wfc_g | merr_wfc_g | Uncertainty on m_wfc_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_wfc_g | m_ap_wfc_g | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_wfc_g | merr_ap_wfc_g | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc_g | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_wfc_g | flag_wfc_g | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc_g aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_wfc_i | f_wfc_i | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_wfc_i | ferr_wfc_i | Uncertainty on f_wfc_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_wfc_i | f_ap_wfc_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_wfc_i | ferr_ap_wfc_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_wfc_i | m_wfc_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_wfc_i | merr_wfc_i | Uncertainty on m_wfc_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_wfc_i | m_ap_wfc_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_wfc_i | merr_ap_wfc_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_wfc_i | flag_wfc_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfc_r | f_wfc_r | Total flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_wfc_r | ferr_wfc_r | Uncertainty on f_wfc_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_wfc_r | f_ap_wfc_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_wfc_r | ferr_ap_wfc_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_wfc_r | m_wfc_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_wfc_r | merr_wfc_r | Uncertainty on m_wfc_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_wfc_r | m_ap_wfc_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_wfc_r | merr_ap_wfc_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_wfc_r | flag_wfc_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_wfc_u | f_wfc_u | Total flux density in the U band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_wfc_u | ferr_wfc_u | Uncertainty on f_wfc_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_wfc_u | f_ap_wfc_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_wfc_u | ferr_ap_wfc_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_wfc_u | m_wfc_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_wfc_u | merr_wfc_u | Uncertainty on m_wfc_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_wfc_u | m_ap_wfc_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_wfc_u | merr_ap_wfc_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_wfc_u | flag_wfc_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_wfc_z | f_wfc_z | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_wfc_z | ferr_wfc_z | Uncertainty on f_wfc_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_wfc_z | f_ap_wfc_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_wfc_z | ferr_ap_wfc_z | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfc_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_wfc_z | m_wfc_z | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_wfc_z | merr_wfc_z | Uncertainty on m_wfc_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_wfc_z | m_ap_wfc_z | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Camera (WFC) on Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_wfc_z | merr_ap_wfc_z | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfc_z | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_wfc_z | flag_wfc_z | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfc_z aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfi_416nm | f_wfi_416nm | Total flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_wfi_416nm | ferr_wfi_416nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_416nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_wfi_416nm | f_ap_wfi_416nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_wfi_416nm | ferr_ap_wfi_416nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_416nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_wfi_416nm | m_wfi_416nm | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_wfi_416nm | merr_wfi_416nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_416nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_wfi_416nm | m_ap_wfi_416nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_wfi_416nm | merr_ap_wfi_416nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_416nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_wfi_416nm | flag_wfi_416nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_416nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_wfi_461nm | f_wfi_461nm | Total flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_wfi_461nm | ferr_wfi_461nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_461nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_wfi_461nm | f_ap_wfi_461nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_wfi_461nm | ferr_ap_wfi_461nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_461nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_wfi_461nm | m_wfi_461nm | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_wfi_461nm | merr_wfi_461nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_461nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_wfi_461nm | m_ap_wfi_461nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_wfi_461nm | merr_ap_wfi_461nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_461nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_wfi_461nm | flag_wfi_461nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_461nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_wfi_485nm | f_wfi_485nm | Total flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_wfi_485nm | ferr_wfi_485nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_485nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_wfi_485nm | f_ap_wfi_485nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_wfi_485nm | ferr_ap_wfi_485nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_485nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_wfi_485nm | m_wfi_485nm | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_wfi_485nm | merr_wfi_485nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_485nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_wfi_485nm | m_ap_wfi_485nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_wfi_485nm | merr_ap_wfi_485nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_485nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_wfi_485nm | flag_wfi_485nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_485nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_wfi_518nm | f_wfi_518nm | Total flux density in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_wfi_518nm | ferr_wfi_518nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_518nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_wfi_518nm | f_ap_wfi_518nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_wfi_518nm | ferr_ap_wfi_518nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_518nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_wfi_518nm | m_wfi_518nm | Total AB magnitude in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_wfi_518nm | merr_wfi_518nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_518nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_wfi_518nm | m_ap_wfi_518nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_wfi_518nm | merr_ap_wfi_518nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_518nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_wfi_518nm | flag_wfi_518nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_518nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_wfi_571nm | f_wfi_571nm | Total flux density in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_wfi_571nm | ferr_wfi_571nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_571nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_wfi_571nm | f_ap_wfi_571nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_wfi_571nm | ferr_ap_wfi_571nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_571nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_wfi_571nm | m_wfi_571nm | Total AB magnitude in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_wfi_571nm | merr_wfi_571nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_571nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_wfi_571nm | m_ap_wfi_571nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_wfi_571nm | merr_ap_wfi_571nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_571nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_wfi_571nm | flag_wfi_571nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_571nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_wfi_604nm | f_wfi_604nm | Total flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_wfi_604nm | ferr_wfi_604nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_604nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_wfi_604nm | f_ap_wfi_604nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_wfi_604nm | ferr_ap_wfi_604nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_604nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_wfi_604nm | m_wfi_604nm | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_wfi_604nm | merr_wfi_604nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_604nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_wfi_604nm | m_ap_wfi_604nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_wfi_604nm | merr_ap_wfi_604nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_604nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_wfi_604nm | flag_wfi_604nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_604nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_wfi_646nm | f_wfi_646nm | Total flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_wfi_646nm | ferr_wfi_646nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_646nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_wfi_646nm | f_ap_wfi_646nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_wfi_646nm | ferr_ap_wfi_646nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_646nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_wfi_646nm | m_wfi_646nm | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_wfi_646nm | merr_wfi_646nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_646nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_wfi_646nm | m_ap_wfi_646nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_wfi_646nm | merr_ap_wfi_646nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_646nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_wfi_646nm | flag_wfi_646nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_646nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_wfi_696nm | f_wfi_696nm | Total flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_wfi_696nm | ferr_wfi_696nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_696nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_wfi_696nm | f_ap_wfi_696nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_wfi_696nm | ferr_ap_wfi_696nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_696nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_wfi_696nm | m_wfi_696nm | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_wfi_696nm | merr_wfi_696nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_696nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_wfi_696nm | m_ap_wfi_696nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_wfi_696nm | merr_ap_wfi_696nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_696nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_wfi_696nm | flag_wfi_696nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_696nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_wfi_753nm | f_wfi_753nm | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_wfi_753nm | ferr_wfi_753nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_753nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_wfi_753nm | f_ap_wfi_753nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_wfi_753nm | ferr_ap_wfi_753nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_753nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_wfi_753nm | m_wfi_753nm | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_wfi_753nm | merr_wfi_753nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_753nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_wfi_753nm | m_ap_wfi_753nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_wfi_753nm | merr_ap_wfi_753nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_753nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_wfi_753nm | flag_wfi_753nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_753nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfi_815nm | f_wfi_815nm | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_wfi_815nm | ferr_wfi_815nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_815nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_wfi_815nm | f_ap_wfi_815nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_wfi_815nm | ferr_ap_wfi_815nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_815nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_wfi_815nm | m_wfi_815nm | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_wfi_815nm | merr_wfi_815nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_815nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_wfi_815nm | m_ap_wfi_815nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_wfi_815nm | merr_ap_wfi_815nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_815nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_wfi_815nm | flag_wfi_815nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_815nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfi_856nm | f_wfi_856nm | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_wfi_856nm | ferr_wfi_856nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_856nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_wfi_856nm | f_ap_wfi_856nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_wfi_856nm | ferr_ap_wfi_856nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_856nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_wfi_856nm | m_wfi_856nm | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_wfi_856nm | merr_wfi_856nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_856nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_wfi_856nm | m_ap_wfi_856nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_wfi_856nm | merr_ap_wfi_856nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_856nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_wfi_856nm | flag_wfi_856nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_856nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfi_914nm | f_wfi_914nm | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_wfi_914nm | ferr_wfi_914nm | Uncertainty on f_wfi_914nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_wfi_914nm | f_ap_wfi_914nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_wfi_914nm | ferr_ap_wfi_914nm | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_914nm. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_wfi_914nm | m_wfi_914nm | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_wfi_914nm | merr_wfi_914nm | Uncertainty on m_wfi_914nm. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_wfi_914nm | m_ap_wfi_914nm | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_wfi_914nm | merr_ap_wfi_914nm | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_914nm | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_wfi_914nm | flag_wfi_914nm | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_914nm aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfi_b | f_wfi_b | Total flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_wfi_b | ferr_wfi_b | Uncertainty on f_wfi_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_wfi_b | f_ap_wfi_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_wfi_b | ferr_ap_wfi_b | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_b. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_wfi_b | m_wfi_b | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_wfi_b | merr_wfi_b | Uncertainty on m_wfi_b. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_wfi_b | m_ap_wfi_b | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_wfi_b | merr_ap_wfi_b | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_b | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_wfi_b | flag_wfi_b | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_b aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_wfi_b123 | f_wfi_b123 | Total flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_wfi_b123 | ferr_wfi_b123 | Uncertainty on f_wfi_b123. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
f_ap_wfi_b123 | f_ap_wfi_b123 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_ap_wfi_b123 | ferr_ap_wfi_b123 | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_b123. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_wfi_b123 | m_wfi_b123 | Total AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_wfi_b123 | merr_wfi_b123 | Uncertainty on m_wfi_b123. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
m_ap_wfi_b123 | m_ap_wfi_b123 | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the B band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_ap_wfi_b123 | merr_ap_wfi_b123 | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_b123 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_wfi_b123 | flag_wfi_b123 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_b123 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_wfi_i | f_wfi_i | Total flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_wfi_i | ferr_wfi_i | Uncertainty on f_wfi_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
f_ap_wfi_i | f_ap_wfi_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_ap_wfi_i | ferr_ap_wfi_i | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_wfi_i | m_wfi_i | Total AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_wfi_i | merr_wfi_i | Uncertainty on m_wfi_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
m_ap_wfi_i | m_ap_wfi_i | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_ap_wfi_i | merr_ap_wfi_i | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_i | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_wfi_i | flag_wfi_i | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_i aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_wfi_r | f_wfi_r | Total flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_wfi_r | ferr_wfi_r | Uncertainty on f_wfi_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
f_ap_wfi_r | f_ap_wfi_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_ap_wfi_r | ferr_ap_wfi_r | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_wfi_r | m_wfi_r | Total AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_wfi_r | merr_wfi_r | Uncertainty on m_wfi_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
m_ap_wfi_r | m_ap_wfi_r | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the R band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_ap_wfi_r | merr_ap_wfi_r | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_r | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_wfi_r | flag_wfi_r | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_r aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_wfi_u | f_wfi_u | Total flux density in the U band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_wfi_u | ferr_wfi_u | Uncertainty on f_wfi_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
f_ap_wfi_u | f_ap_wfi_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the U band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_ap_wfi_u | ferr_ap_wfi_u | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_wfi_u | m_wfi_u | Total AB magnitude in the U band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_wfi_u | merr_wfi_u | Uncertainty on m_wfi_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
m_ap_wfi_u | m_ap_wfi_u | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the U band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_ap_wfi_u | merr_ap_wfi_u | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_u | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_wfi_u | flag_wfi_u | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_u aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_wfi_v | f_wfi_v | Total flux density in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_wfi_v | ferr_wfi_v | Uncertainty on f_wfi_v. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
f_ap_wfi_v | f_ap_wfi_v | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.V |
ferr_ap_wfi_v | ferr_ap_wfi_v | Uncertainty on f_ap_wfi_v. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V |
m_wfi_v | m_wfi_v | Total AB magnitude in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_wfi_v | merr_wfi_v | Uncertainty on m_wfi_v. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
m_ap_wfi_v | m_ap_wfi_v | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the V band of The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
merr_ap_wfi_v | merr_ap_wfi_v | Uncertainty on m_ap_wfi_v | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
flag_wfi_v | flag_wfi_v | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wfi_v aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.V |
f_wircam_h | f_wircam_h | Total flux density in the H band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_wircam_h | ferr_wircam_h | Uncertainty on f_wircam_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
f_ap_wircam_h | f_ap_wircam_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the H band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_ap_wircam_h | ferr_ap_wircam_h | Uncertainty on f_ap_wircam_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_wircam_h | m_wircam_h | Total AB magnitude in the H band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_wircam_h | merr_wircam_h | Uncertainty on m_wircam_h. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
m_ap_wircam_h | m_ap_wircam_h | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the H band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_ap_wircam_h | merr_ap_wircam_h | Uncertainty on m_ap_wircam_h | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_wircam_h | flag_wircam_h | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wircam_h aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_wircam_j | f_wircam_j | Total flux density in the J band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_wircam_j | ferr_wircam_j | Uncertainty on f_wircam_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_wircam_j | f_ap_wircam_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_wircam_j | ferr_ap_wircam_j | Uncertainty on f_ap_wircam_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_wircam_j | m_wircam_j | Total AB magnitude in the J band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_wircam_j | merr_wircam_j | Uncertainty on m_wircam_j. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_wircam_j | m_ap_wircam_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_wircam_j | merr_ap_wircam_j | Uncertainty on m_ap_wircam_j | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_wircam_j | flag_wircam_j | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wircam_j aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_wircam_ks | f_wircam_ks | Total flux density in the K band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_wircam_ks | ferr_wircam_ks | Uncertainty on f_wircam_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_wircam_ks | f_ap_wircam_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_wircam_ks | ferr_ap_wircam_ks | Uncertainty on f_ap_wircam_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_wircam_ks | m_wircam_ks | Total AB magnitude in the K band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_wircam_ks | merr_wircam_ks | Uncertainty on m_wircam_ks. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_wircam_ks | m_ap_wircam_ks | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_wircam_ks | merr_ap_wircam_ks | Uncertainty on m_ap_wircam_ks | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_wircam_ks | flag_wircam_ks | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wircam_ks aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_wircam_y | f_wircam_y | Total flux density in the I band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.I |
ferr_wircam_y | ferr_wircam_y | Uncertainty on f_wircam_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.I |
f_ap_wircam_y | f_ap_wircam_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the I band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.I |
ferr_ap_wircam_y | ferr_ap_wircam_y | Uncertainty on f_ap_wircam_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.I |
m_wircam_y | m_wircam_y | Total AB magnitude in the I band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.I |
merr_wircam_y | merr_wircam_y | Uncertainty on m_wircam_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.I |
m_ap_wircam_y | m_ap_wircam_y | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the I band of Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.I |
merr_ap_wircam_y | merr_ap_wircam_y | Uncertainty on m_ap_wircam_y | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.I |
flag_wircam_y | flag_wircam_y | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wircam_y aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.I |
f_wircs_j | f_wircs_j | Total flux density in the J band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_wircs_j | ferr_wircs_j | Uncertainty on f_wircs_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
f_ap_wircs_j | f_ap_wircs_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the J band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_ap_wircs_j | ferr_ap_wircs_j | Uncertainty on f_ap_wircs_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_wircs_j | m_wircs_j | Total AB magnitude in the J band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_wircs_j | merr_wircs_j | Uncertainty on m_wircs_j. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
m_ap_wircs_j | m_ap_wircs_j | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the J band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_ap_wircs_j | merr_ap_wircs_j | Uncertainty on m_ap_wircs_j | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_wircs_j | flag_wircs_j | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wircs_j aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_wircs_k | f_wircs_k | Total flux density in the K band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_wircs_k | ferr_wircs_k | Uncertainty on f_wircs_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
f_ap_wircs_k | f_ap_wircs_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) flux density in the K band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_ap_wircs_k | ferr_ap_wircs_k | Uncertainty on f_ap_wircs_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_wircs_k | m_wircs_k | Total AB magnitude in the K band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_wircs_k | merr_wircs_k | Uncertainty on m_wircs_k. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
m_ap_wircs_k | m_ap_wircs_k | Aperture (nearest aperture to 2 arcsec, aperture correction applied) AB magnitude in the K band of Wide Infrared Camera (WIRC) on Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope (P200). | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_ap_wircs_k | merr_ap_wircs_k | Uncertainty on m_ap_wircs_k | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_wircs_k | flag_wircs_k | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the wircs_k aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
cigale_sfr | CIGALE_SFR | Star Formation Rate estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE. | Msun/yr | phys.SFR |
cigale_sfr_err | CIGALE_SFR_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_SFR. | Msun/yr | stat.error;phys.SFR |
cigale_mstar | CIGALE_Mstar | Stellar Mass estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE. | Msun | phys.mass |
cigale_mstar_err | CIGALE_Mstar_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_Mstar | Msun | stat.error;phys.mass |
cigale_dustlumin | CIGALE_DustLumin | Dust luminosity estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE using both optical and infra-red information. | W | phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_dustlumin_err | CIGALE_DustLumin_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_DustLumin. | W | stat.error;phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_dustlumin_ironly | CIGALE_DustLumin_IRonly | Dust luminosity estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE using only the infra-red information. | W | phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_dustlumin_ironly_err | CIGALE_DustLumin_IRonly_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_DustLumin_IRonly | W | stat.error;phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_chi2_opt | cigale_chi2_opt | Reduced optical chi squared of best CIGALE fit to all data. | N/A | |
cigale_chi2_ir | cigale_chi2_ir | Reduced infrared chi squared of best CIGALE fit to all data. | N/A | |
cigale_chi2_red | cigale_chi2_red | Reduced chi squared of best CIGALE fit. | N/A | |
cigale_chi2_ironly | cigale_chi2_ironly | Reduced chi squared of best CIGALE fit to infrared data. | N/A | |
flag_gaia | Flag_Gaia | Flag indicating the increasing probability of the source being a Gaia object (see note). [Note 1] | N/A | meta.code |
flag_cleaned | Flag_Cleaned | Boolean flag denoting that the source was associated to really near object that were removed during the cleaning procedure. | N/A | meta.code |
flag_merged | Flag_Merged | Boolean flag denoting a possible mis-association during the cross-matching of the various catalogues. | N/A | meta.code |
flag_optnir_obs | Flag_OptNIR_Obs | Flag indicating in which wavelength regimes the source was observed (see note). [Note 2] | N/A | meta.code |
flag_optnir_det | Flag_OptNIR_Det | Flag indicating in which wavelength regimes the source was detected (see note). [Note 2] | N/A | meta.code |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
The following services may use the data contained in this table:
VO nerds may sometimes need VOResource XML for this table.
This resource contains the master catalogue from the Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Programme (HELP).
20201027 | HELP First public data release with all products on all fields (PDR1) |
20180530 | HELP First data release (DR1) |
20180312 | Full masterlist DR1 on all HELP fields and bands |
20171006 | Initial ingestion with ELAIS-N1 prototype. |