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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP) A list'
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:help_a_list_main, year=2020, title={Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project ({HELP}) A list}, author={Shirley, R.; Roehlly, Y.; et al}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the The Virtual Observatory at susseX ({VOX})} }
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
field | Field | Name of the field in HELP survey | N/A |;obs.field |
help_id | HELP_Id | HELP identifier, based on J2000 position | N/A |;meta.main |
ra | RA | Right Ascension (J2000) | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
dec | Dec | Declination (J2000) | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
hp_idx | HP_Idx | HEALPix index of the source position at order 13 using the nested scheme. | N/A | pos.healpix |
ebv | EBV | Galactic extinction (Schlegel et al. 1998) at the object position | N/A | phot.color.excess |
redshift | Redshift | Photometric redshift obtained with EAZY. | N/A | src.redshift.phot |
zspec | zSpec | Spectroscopic redshift collated from the literature. | N/A | src.redsfhit |
zspec_qual | zSpec_qual | Spectroscopic redshift quality flag. FIXME code meaning. | N/A | meta.code.qual;src.redshift |
zspec_association_flag | zSpec_Association_Flag | Boolean flag set to true when the association of a source to it's redshift may be problematic (possible mis-cross-association). | N/A | meta.code;src.redshift |
stellarity | stellarity | Index evaluation is the source is point-source: for 0 (not point source) to 1 (point source). Generally name stellarity index. | N/A | src.class.starGalaxy |
stellarity_origin | stellarity_origin | Name of Survey from which stellarity is calculated. | N/A | meta.code;src.class.starGalaxy |
f_best_u | f_best_u | Total flux density in the lowest error u band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.U |
ferr_best_u | ferr_best_u | Uncertainty on f_best_u. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U |
m_best_u | m_best_u | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error u band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
merr_best_u | merr_best_u | Uncertainty on m_best_u. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
flag_best_u | flag_best_u | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.U |
f_best_g | f_best_g | Total flux density in the lowest error g band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
ferr_best_g | ferr_best_g | Uncertainty on f_best_g. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
m_best_g | m_best_g | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error g band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
merr_best_g | merr_best_g | Uncertainty on m_best_g. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
flag_best_g | flag_best_g | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
f_best_r | f_best_r | Total flux density in the lowest error r band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
ferr_best_r | ferr_best_r | Uncertainty on f_best_r. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
m_best_r | m_best_r | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error r band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
merr_best_r | merr_best_r | Uncertainty on m_best_r. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
flag_best_r | flag_best_r | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
f_best_i | f_best_i | Total flux density in the lowest error i band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_best_i | ferr_best_i | Uncertainty on f_best_i. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_best_i | m_best_i | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error i band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_best_i | merr_best_i | Uncertainty on m_best_i. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_best_i | flag_best_i | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_best_z | f_best_z | Total flux density in the lowest error z band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_best_z | ferr_best_z | Uncertainty on f_best_z. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_best_z | m_best_z | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error z band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_best_z | merr_best_z | Uncertainty on m_best_z. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_best_z | flag_best_z | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_best_y | f_best_y | Total flux density in the lowest error y band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.opt.I |
ferr_best_y | ferr_best_y | Uncertainty on f_best_y. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I |
m_best_y | m_best_y | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error y band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
merr_best_y | merr_best_y | Uncertainty on m_best_y. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
flag_best_y | flag_best_y | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
f_best_j | f_best_j | Total flux density in the lowest error j band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.J |
ferr_best_j | ferr_best_j | Uncertainty on f_best_j. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J |
m_best_j | m_best_j | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error j band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.J |
merr_best_j | merr_best_j | Uncertainty on m_best_j. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J |
flag_best_j | flag_best_j | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.J |
f_best_h | f_best_h | Total flux density in the lowest error h band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.H |
ferr_best_h | ferr_best_h | Uncertainty on f_best_h. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H |
m_best_h | m_best_h | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error h band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.H |
merr_best_h | merr_best_h | Uncertainty on m_best_h. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H |
flag_best_h | flag_best_h | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.H |
f_best_k | f_best_k | Total flux density in the lowest error k band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_best_k | ferr_best_k | Uncertainty on f_best_k. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_best_k | m_best_k | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error k band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_best_k | merr_best_k | Uncertainty on m_best_k. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_best_k | flag_best_k | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_best_ks | f_best_ks | Total flux density in the lowest error ks band measurement. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.K |
ferr_best_ks | ferr_best_ks | Uncertainty on f_best_ks. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K |
m_best_ks | m_best_ks | Total AB magnitude in the lowest error ks band measurement. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
merr_best_ks | merr_best_ks | Uncertainty on m_best_ks. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
flag_best_ks | flag_best_ks | Flag set to true for sources with spurious measurements (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.K |
f_irac_i1 | f_irac_i1 | Total flux density in the 3-4um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.3-4um |
ferr_irac_i1 | ferr_irac_i1 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i1. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.3-4um |
m_irac_i1 | m_irac_i1 | Total AB magnitude in the 3-4um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um |
merr_irac_i1 | merr_irac_i1 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i1. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um |
flag_irac_i1 | flag_irac_i1 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i1 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.3-4um |
f_irac_i2 | f_irac_i2 | Total flux density in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
ferr_irac_i2 | ferr_irac_i2 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i2. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
m_irac_i2 | m_irac_i2 | Total AB magnitude in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
merr_irac_i2 | merr_irac_i2 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i2. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
flag_irac_i2 | flag_irac_i2 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i2 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.4-8um |
f_irac_i3 | f_irac_i3 | Total flux density in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
ferr_irac_i3 | ferr_irac_i3 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i3. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.4-8um |
m_irac_i3 | m_irac_i3 | Total AB magnitude in the 4-8um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
merr_irac_i3 | merr_irac_i3 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i3. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um |
flag_irac_i3 | flag_irac_i3 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i3 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.4-8um |
f_irac_i4 | f_irac_i4 | Total flux density in the 8-15um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.8-15um |
ferr_irac_i4 | ferr_irac_i4 | Uncertainty on f_irac_i4. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.8-15um |
m_irac_i4 | m_irac_i4 | Total AB magnitude in the 8-15um band of The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um |
merr_irac_i4 | merr_irac_i4 | Uncertainty on m_irac_i4. | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um |
flag_irac_i4 | flag_irac_i4 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the irac_i4 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.8-15um |
f_mips_24 | f_mips_24 | Total flux density in the 15-30um band of The Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) on The Spitzer Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.15-30um |
ferr_mips_24 | ferr_mips_24 | Uncertainty on f_mips_24. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.15-30um |
flag_mips_24 | flag_mips_24 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the mips_24 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.15-30um |
f_pacs_green | f_pacs_green | Total flux density in the 60-100um band of Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.60-100um |
ferr_pacs_green | ferr_pacs_green | Uncertainty on f_pacs_green. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.60-100um |
flag_pacs_green | flag_pacs_green | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the pacs_green aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.60-100um |
f_pacs_red | f_pacs_red | Total flux density in the 1500-3000GHz band of Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.1500-3000GHz |
ferr_pacs_red | ferr_pacs_red | Uncertainty on f_pacs_red. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.1500-3000GHz |
flag_pacs_red | flag_pacs_red | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the pacs_red aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.1500-3000GHz |
f_spire_250 | f_spire_250 | Total flux density in the 750-1500GHz band of The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Reciever (SPIRE) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
ferr_spire_250 | ferr_spire_250 | Uncertainty on f_spire_250. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
flag_spire_250 | flag_spire_250 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the spire_250 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
f_spire_350 | f_spire_350 | Total flux density in the 750-1500GHz band of The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Reciever (SPIRE) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
ferr_spire_350 | ferr_spire_350 | Uncertainty on f_spire_350. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
flag_spire_350 | flag_spire_350 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the spire_350 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.750-1500GHz |
f_spire_500 | f_spire_500 | Total flux density in the 400-750GHz band of The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Reciever (SPIRE) on The Herschel Space Telescope. | uJy | phot.flux;em.IR.400-750GHz |
ferr_spire_500 | ferr_spire_500 | Uncertainty on f_spire_500. | uJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.400-750GHz |
flag_spire_500 | flag_spire_500 | Flag set to true for sources for which niether the spire_500 aperture nor total flux should be used for SED fitting (see documentation). | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.IR.400-750GHz |
cigale_sfr | CIGALE_SFR | Star Formation Rate estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE. | Msun/yr | phys.SFR |
cigale_sfr_err | CIGALE_SFR_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_SFR. | Msun/yr | stat.error;phys.SFR |
cigale_mstar | CIGALE_Mstar | Stellar Mass estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE. | Msun | phys.mass |
cigale_mstar_err | CIGALE_Mstar_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_Mstar | Msun | stat.error;phys.mass |
cigale_dustlumin | CIGALE_DustLumin | Dust luminosity estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE using both optical and infra-red information. | W | phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_dustlumin_err | CIGALE_DustLumin_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_DustLumin. | W | stat.error;phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_dustlumin_ironly | CIGALE_DustLumin_IRonly | Dust luminosity estimated by SED fitting with CIGALE using only the infra-red information. | W | phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_dustlumin_ironly_err | CIGALE_DustLumin_IRonly_err | Uncertainty on CIGALE_DustLumin_IRonly | W | stat.error;phys.dust;phys.luminosity |
cigale_chi2_opt | cigale_chi2_opt | Reduced optical chi squared of best CIGALE fit to all data. | N/A | |
cigale_chi2_ir | cigale_chi2_ir | Reduced infrared chi squared of best CIGALE fit to all data. | N/A | |
cigale_chi2_red | cigale_chi2_red | Reduced chi squared of best CIGALE fit. | N/A | |
cigale_chi2_ironly | cigale_chi2_ironly | Reduced chi squared of best CIGALE fit to infrared data. | N/A | |
flag_gaia | Flag_Gaia | Flag indicating the increasing probability of the source being a Gaia object (see note). [Note 1] | N/A | meta.code |
flag_cleaned | Flag_Cleaned | Boolean flag denoting that the source was associated to really near object that were removed during the cleaning procedure. | N/A | meta.code |
flag_merged | Flag_Merged | Boolean flag denoting a possible mis-association during the cross-matching of the various catalogues. | N/A | meta.code |
flag_optnir_obs | Flag_OptNIR_Obs | Flag indicating in which wavelength regimes the source was observed (see note). [Note 2] | N/A | meta.code |
flag_optnir_det | Flag_OptNIR_Det | Flag indicating in which wavelength regimes the source was detected (see note). [Note 2] | N/A | meta.code |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
The following services may use the data contained in this table:
VO nerds may sometimes need VOResource XML for this table.
This resource contains the A list catalogue from the Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP). These are all objects which have an XID+ flux.
20201027 | HELP First public data release with all products on all fields (PDR1) |