Table information for 'desi_photoz.main'


This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description: DESI photometric redshifts from Legacy Survey DR8. Info at

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'DESI photometric redshifts'

Citing this table

This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference either in addition to or instead of the service reference.

Reference the Table

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={{DESI} photometric redshifts},
  author={Shirley, R.},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the The Virtual Observatory at susseX ({VOX})}


Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
field Field Name of the field in HELP survey N/A;obs.field
ID ID DESI ID = RELEASE*10^12 + BRICKID*10^6 + OBJID N/A;meta.main
RA RA Right Ascension (J2000) deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main
DEC Dec Declination (J2000) deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main
hp_idx HP_Idx HEALPix index of the source position at order 13 using the nested scheme. N/A pos.healpix
MAG_G MAG_G g-band magnitude mag N/A
MAG_R MAG_R r-band magnitude mag N/A
MAG_Z MAG_Z z-band mangitude mag N/A
MAG_W1 MAG_W1 w1-band magnitdue mag N/A
MAG_W2 MAG_W2 w2-band magnitude mag N/A
MAGERR_G MAGERR_G g-band magnitude error mag N/A
MAGERR_R MAGERR_R r-band magnitude error mag N/A
MAGERR_Z MAGERR_Z z-band magnitude error mag N/A
MAGERR_W1 MAGERR_W1 w1-band magnitude error N/A N/A
MAGERR_W2 MAGERR_W2 w2-band magnitude error mag N/A
GALDEPTH_G GALDEPTH_G galaxy depth in g band N/A N/A
GALDEPTH_R GALDEPTH_R galaxy depth in r band N/A N/A
GALDEPTH_Z GALDEPTH_Z galaxy depth in z band N/A N/A
TYPE TYPE Tractor Type N/A N/A
FRACFLUX_G FRACFLUX_G Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources in g (typically [0, 1]) N/A N/A
FRACFLUX_R FRACFLUX_R Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources in r (typically [0, 1]) N/A N/A
FRACFLUX_Z FRACFLUX_Z Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources in z (typically [0, 1]) N/A N/A
FRACFLUX_W1 FRACFLUX_W1 Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources in W1 (typically [0, 1]) N/A N/A
FRACFLUX_W2 FRACFLUX_W2 Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources in W2 (typically [0, 1]) N/A N/A
FRACMASKED_G FRACMASKED_G Profile-weighted fraction of pixels masked in g, strictly between [0,1] N/A N/A
FRACMASKED_R FRACMASKED_R Profile-weighted fraction of pixels masked in r, strictly between [0,1] N/A N/A
FRACMASKED_Z FRACMASKED_Z Profile-weighted fraction of pixels masked in z, strictly between [0,1] N/A N/A
FRACIN_G FRACIN_G Fraction of a source's flux within the blob in g, near unity for real sources N/A N/A
FRACIN_R FRACIN_R Fraction of a source's flux within the blob in r, near unity for real sources N/A N/A
FRACIN_Z FRACIN_Z Fraction of a source's flux within the blob in z, near unity for real sources N/A N/A
ANYMASK_G ANYMASK_G Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from any image satisfies each condition in g N/A N/A
ANYMASK_R ANYMASK_R Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from any image satisfies each condition in r N/A N/A
ANYMASK_Z ANYMASK_Z Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from any image satisfies each condition in z N/A N/A
n_neighbour n_neighbour number of neighbours N/A N/A
n_filter n_filter number of filters having colors in color cuts N/A N/A
photo_z photo_z estimated photo-z value N/A N/A
photo_zerr photo_zerr estimated photo-z error N/A N/A
spec_z spec_z sepctroscopic redshift if available N/A N/A
mean_z mean_z mean redshift of neigbours N/A N/A
nearest_z nearest_z nearest redshift of neighbours N/A N/A
mean_dis mean_dis mean Ecludean distance in the color space of neighbours N/A N/A
CHI_BEST CHI_BEST Chi2 of the best fitting N/A N/A
MOD_BEST MOD_BEST ID of BC03 model spectra N/A N/A
EBV_BEST EBV_BEST Best fitted intrinsic extinction in E(B-V), three values: 0, 0.5, 1.0 N/A N/A
SCALE_BEST SCALE_BEST Scale factor between observed SED and model SED N/A N/A
MAG_ABS_G MAG_ABS_G Absolute magnitude in g band mag N/A
MAG_ABS_R MAG_ABS_R Absolute magnitude in r band mag N/A
MAG_ABS_Z MAG_ABS_Z Absolute magnitude in z band mag N/A
MAG_ABS_W1 MAG_ABS_W1 Absolute magnitude in w1 band mag N/A
MAG_ABS_W2 MAG_ABS_W2 Absolute magnitude in w2 band mag N/A
AGE_BEST AGE_BEST Best fitted age in yr yr N/A
AGE_INF AGE_INF Lower 68% age uncertainty yr N/A
AGE_MED AGE_MED Median age yr N/A
AGE_SUP AGE_SUP Upper 68% age uncertainty yr N/A
MASS_BEST MASS_BEST Best estimated stellar mass in log(M_sun) N/A N/A
MASS_INF MASS_INF Lower 68% mass uncertainty N/A N/A
MASS_SUP MASS_SUP Upper 68% mass uncertainty N/A N/A
SFR_BEST SFR_BEST Best estimated SFR in M_sun/yr N/A N/A
SFR_INF SFR_INF Lower 68% SFR uncertainty N/A N/A
SFR_SUP SFR_SUP Upper 68% SFR uncertainty N/A N/A
SSFR_BEST SSFR_BEST Best estimated SSFR, in yr^-1 N/A N/A
SSFR_INF SSFR_INF Lower 68% SSFR uncertainty N/A N/A
SSFR_SUP SSFR_SUP Upper 68% SSFR uncertainty N/A N/A
LUM_NUV_BEST LUM_NUV_BEST Best fitting NUV luminosity in log(L_sun) N/A N/A
LUM_R_BEST LUM_R_BEST Best fitting R-band luminosity N/A N/A
LUM_K_BEST LUM_K_BEST Best fitting K-band luminosity N/A N/A

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


The following services may use the data contained in this table:


VO nerds may sometimes need VOResource XML for this table.

More Information on the Base Resource

This resource contains photometric redshifts from DESI Legacy survey DR8.


20191101 Update from DR6 and DR7 to DR8
20190710 First publication